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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

Strategic Command of Pakistan will not be facing a bunch of 30 SEALS in four stealth helos. They'd be facing an all out US invasion, if such a thing were to ever happen.
and we will not wait for that we will use all our missiles before and many of them will be reach Indian cities so India should pray that this thing never happens
Strategic Command of Pakistan will not be facing a bunch of 30 SEALS in four stealth helos. They'd be facing an all out US invasion, if such a thing were to ever happen.

And they'll snatch with all out Invasion......You really need to look into military operations and how they work.
even though many people around the world call 9/11 all lies & bullsh*t
as far as OBL operation goes more than half of the people of the world know with evidence that OBL operation was & is a total lie.

fake Bombay hotel attack which was carried out by Indian WWE RAW agency to stage Pakistan.


9/11 was faked.
26/11 was faked
OBL killing was faked.

The whole world is out to get the Muslims and Pakistani's with their faked up terrorism incidents, btw all terrorist bomb blasts and killings of Pakistani's in Pakistan is also faked. There are no terrorists, Al Qaeda, Taliban in the world, all are an illusion. Pakistan was involved in the fake War on Terror for the last 12 years just to hoodwink the US and the world when they actually knew everything was fake. :lol::lol:
Oh Mr. Common sense.
What will your nuclear know-how do when all your nuclear weapons are taken away and all your nuclear facilities are turned into ash, along with your nuclear scientists.

Obviously rebuild.

You are not taking reality into factor.

How would US forces be able to neutralize nukes when they don't know the launch codes, let alone the access codes?

Please stop embarrassing yourself.
Oh Mr. Common sense.
What will your nuclear know-how do when all your nuclear weapons are taken away and all your nuclear facilities are turned into ash, along with your nuclear scientists.

Yes US will destroy our nukes ....... And everything we have....... Keep fantasizing ...we wont disturb you.
First of all tell me one thing how many countries saved Iraq from USA's wrath ?
Pakistan right now is one of the three most hated countries in the world so stop living in delusion no one will save you guys from nato(well even if they want to they cant)world will be glad to close the terrorist factory of the world.
99% of terrorist are found in Afghanistan and pakistan.

Iraq was broken long before 2003 iraqi war thier army didnt even fight , thier economy in ruins and their image was battered to the point that they had no allies. Pakistan is still very much relevant Putin is coming to pakistan in september if we are so hated why would he bother Chinese are still our closest allies and we got plenty more 2 as for the 99% how about you present some proof to that statement or did you just pull that outa your ***?
Obviously rebuild.

You are not taking reality into factor.

How would US forces be able to neutralize nukes when they don't know the launch codes, let alone the access codes?

Please stop embarrassing yourself.
And why do you think that they'll attack and destroy your nukes to only let you rebuild. Iran today is only accused of developing technologies that can be used for nuclear weapons and you think that they'll let Pakistan go of that easy. They won't need access codes to disassemble the nukes, now would they.
Why what's wrong with it.

US will snatch with all out invasion. Means they'll start sending troops Inside Pakistan and start pushing Pakistani forces back until they reach the point where they can access Pakistani nukes.... Which all will be laying in one place ready to be dismantled.
Yes US will destroy our nukes ....... And everything we have....... Keep fantasizing ...we wont disturb you.
I'm not fantasizing. I'm just trying to present a possible plausible scenario which can become tomorrow's reality.
Doesn't mean that I support it or want it.
US will snatch will all out invasion. Means they'll start sending troops Inside Pakistan and start pushing Pakistani forces back until they reach the point where they can access Pakistani nukes.... Which all will be laying in one place ready to be dismantled.
Your knowledge on such matters seem poorer than mine and your imagination even worse.
By invasion, they'll destroy Pakistani aerial assets and ingress it's SF's to quickly neutralize or grab Pakistan's nukes while destroying the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants through things like this

GBU-57 'Bunker Buster'
Why what's wrong with it.

They dont even have enough troops in afghanistan for an all out invasion. They would need to call in atleast 300,000 additional troops for it to be possible currently they have 130,000 pakistan armed forced 700,000 active 500,000 reserve like ISI wouldnt notice a troop buildup in western border besides most countries have an army pakistans army has a country behind it all they would have to do is go to any city or tribe and they would easily recruit millions to fight.
they'll destroy Pakistani aerial assets and ingress it's SF's to quickly neutralize or grab Pakistan's nukes while destroying the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants through things like this

Maybe they can just huff and puff and .....American friends or "super friends", oh wait, both are fantasy
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