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US Politics

"We're not so innocent.. made a lot of mistakes, a lot of people were killed"

He's talking about the countless innocents killed in the US' senseless wars, not just their soldiers. Honest and straightforward, admitting mistakes, expressing sorrow, and this was his rhetoric all through the campaign. Real liberals should love this, real liberals should have been going wild when he said he doesn't want a 4 billion air force one program, imagine if crazy Bernie had pulled that move after being elected, they'd have gone nuts. lol

Real liberals would have been elated when he, as the leader of the right wing party in the US, waved the LGBT flag at the republican convention.

Donald Trump wants (to try for) peace with Russia and to stop supporting jihadist groups against them in proxy wars overseas.. in normal circumstances that sounds like something that might give the hippie peaceniks a boner.. but no, because Donald Trump is Hitler. :cuckoo:

There's a lot to like about Donald Trump, spl on the really big issues. He'll also need a minimum of 8 years to push and implement his agenda, I don't think we're going to see him rush into any big wars with Iran or China etc in his first term, unless they (or anyone else) give him good reason to.

Personally, I'd take an honest brash potty-mouth over a slimy charmer like Obama eleven times out of ten.


@LA se Karachi @RabzonKhan
Fol is an excellent documentary which would help in understanding the Trump enigma. No one has any real idea where Trump is coming from, though he is certain to impact all of our lives. We only have a very speculative image of him. After watching this, you will have a very good idea of who he is, and how he is likely to act in various situations. And being able to predict how he will act may not make you feel very comfortable, but at least you will not feel like a boxer with a blind-fold in the ring with Donald Trump.

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Preview YouTube video FRONTLINE - President Trump (PBS) (2017)

FRONTLINE - President Trump (PBS) (2017)
February 7, 2017 - American Voters Oppose Trump Immigration Ban, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Big Gender Gap As Voters Disapprove Of Trump

American voters oppose 51 - 46 percent President Donald Trump's order suspending for 90 days all travel to the U.S. from seven nations
, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

Voters oppose 60 - 37 percent President Trump's order suspending immigration of all refugees from any nation to the U.S. for 120 days, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.

Voters also oppose 70 - 26 percent Trump's order suspending indefinitely all immigration of Syrian refugees to the U.S.

Trump's executive order on immigration will make the nation more safe, 38 percent of voters say, while 39 percent say it will make the U.S. less safe and 21 percent say the order won't affect safety.

The executive order on immigration is intended to be a ban on Muslims, voters say 51 - 45 percent. Mainstream Islam is a peaceful religion, 58 percent of American voters say, while 26 percent say Islam encourages violence.

"Homegrown jihadists" pose the greater terrorist threat to the U.S., 56 percent of voters say, while 17 percent say "radicalized foreign visitors" are a greater threat and 14 percent say "terrorists hiding among Syrian refugees" are a greater threat.

"Message to President Donald Trump: 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free' still has profound resonance with Americans," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"Significant pushback on immigration tells the president that many voters are not on board with a ban on refugees and that voters are strongly opposed to holding back those most threatened, Syrian refugees."

American voters oppose 50 - 44 percent "suspending immigration from 'terror prone' regions, even if it means turning away refugees..." This reverses the findings of a Quinnipiac University poll conducted January 5 - 9, before President Trump was inaugurated, showing voters supported this measure 48 - 42 percent.

A total of 70 percent of American voters say it is "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that there will be a terrorist attack in the U.S. with a large loss of life.

President Trump's Approval Rating

American voters give President Trump a slightly negative 42 - 51 percent job approval rating, compared to his negative 36 - 44 percent job approval in a January 26 survey by the independent Quinnipiac University. Today, men approve 50 - 43 percent, while women disapprove 58 - 35 percent.

Trump gets a negative 43 - 52 percent favorability rating, while Vice President Mike Pence gets a positive 43 - 39 percent favorability.

Looking at Trump's personal qualities, American voters say:
  • 54 - 42 percent that he is not honest;
  • 50 - 47 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
  • 52 - 45 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
  • 60 - 35 percent that he is not level-headed;
  • 70 - 26 percent that he is a strong person;
  • 65 - 31 percent that he is intelligent;
  • 58 - 38 percent that he does not share their values.
Donald Trump will do more to divide the country, rather than unite the nation, voters say 58 - 37 percent. He will mostly bring the right kind of change, 41 percent of voters say, while 44 percent say he will bring the wrong kind of change.

Voters approve 44 - 41 percent of the way Trump is handling the economy. Looking at his handling of other issues, voters:
  • Disapprove 56 - 38 percent of the way he is handling foreign policy;
  • 44 percent approve of his handling of terrorism, as 49 percent disapprove;
  • Disapprove 56 - 41 percent of the way he is handling immigration issues.

From February 2 - 6, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,155 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research.

Visit poll.qu.edu or www.facebook.com/quinnipiacpoll

Call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter @QuinnipiacPoll.


"You've got to give the guy credit. He gets a lot of stuff undone." - Stephen Colbert, The Late Show. :D
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Yeah like liberal tear glands :D


Perhaps the best part of Trump's win is that the complacency of the American people in taking their freedoms for granted has been shaken a little bit. Their increasing involvement in the political processes to ensure that their liberties and protections remain sacrosanct will be good for the country in the long run.
Perhaps the best part of Trump's win is that the complacency of the American people in taking their freedoms for granted has been shaken a little bit. Their increasing involvement in the political processes to ensure that their liberties and protections remain sacrosanct will be good for the country in the long run.
The "waking up" that's taking place appears to be pushing people to become Trump supporters. The "temporary suspension" of Trump's travel ban was issued without an expiration date and without citing supporting law, procedure, or the Constitution. Then on appeal the famously left-leaning Ninth Circuit judges repeatedly grilled the gov't lawyer not about the order, but about straw man issues that aren't part of it. All these reinforce Trump's contention that the courts have been out-of-control, making laws and policy that are properly in the scope of the legislature and executive branch.
The "waking up" that's taking place appears to be pushing people to become Trump supporters. The "temporary suspension" of Trump's travel ban was issued without an expiration date and without citing supporting law, procedure, or the Constitution. Then on appeal the famously left-leaning Ninth Circuit judges repeatedly grilled the gov't lawyer not about the order, but about straw man issues that aren't part of it. All these reinforce Trump's contention that the courts have been out-of-control, making laws and policy that are properly in the scope of the legislature and executive branch.

Let us see what the Circuit Court decides by tomorrow, and where the case goes next. It is a long process to follow, still.
Perhaps the best part of Trump's win is that the complacency of the American people in taking their freedoms for granted has been shaken a little bit. Their increasing involvement in the political processes to ensure that their liberties and protections remain sacrosanct will be good for the country in the long run.

Yeah enough people are realising a lot now through what was fed to them in the media about trump and what would happen in the unthinkable situation should he win in the impossible world.

When a much larger critical mass truly realise this dissonance (and it is inevitable given Trump has 4 years with what looks like a democrat party gettysburg in just 2 years time), there will actually be genuine dialogue about Trump....rather than catchword reactionary behaviour that is going to be dominant in the short term.

It will also be accelerated by the actions (not just theory) of antifa and the other extreme SJW groups (who have overtly become the very things they claim to be against)...and the best part is they dont seem to realise that at all.

Let us see what the Circuit Court decides by tomorrow, and where the case goes next. It is a long process to follow, still.

It will be SCOTUS 99%....and the ban will be upheld there. The USC 1182 is very crystal clear on it:

(f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.


Either antony kennedy will quash the stay himself or the whole board will do so (probably unanimously).
Yeah enough people are realising a lot now through what was fed to them in the media about trump and what would happen in the unthinkable situation should he win in the impossible world.

When a much larger critical mass truly realise this dissonance (and it is inevitable given Trump has 4 years with what looks like a democrat party gettysburg in just 2 years time), there will actually be genuine dialogue about Trump....rather than catchword reactionary behaviour that is going to be dominant in the short term.

It will also be accelerated by the actions (not just theory) of antifa and the other extreme SJW groups (who have overtly become the very things they claim to be against)...and the best part is they dont seem to realise that at all.

It will be SCOTUS 99%....and the ban will be upheld there. The USC 1182 is very crystal clear on it:

(f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.


Either antony kennedy will quash the stay himself or the whole board will do so (probably unanimously).

Let the case get up to SCOTUS first, and then let's see what is decided there.
Let the case get up to SCOTUS first, and then let's see what is decided there.

Given this was pretty much a stunt for judge shopping, like I said, its going to go to SCOTUS 99% of the time (1% it gets overturned in the 9th given I dont believe in absolutes) where it is resolved....and there can be only one ruling there because not every liberal judge there can ignore USC 1182 which has tons of precedent in action (incl obama) and decide to legislate from the bench...and all it takes is one (given the current 50 50 split) and thats only if Kennedy lets it get to that.

9th circuit is easily the most pro-legislation from bench, anti-actual merit based judging court out there....one only needs to look at their overturn rate....and also listen in to what was actually deliberated over the phone in the ongoing hearing (quite ridiculous waffle external to the defined purview of a judge in so many parts). The DOJ lawyer did not do a good job either (though probably wouldn't have mattered given its the 9th circuit).

Democrats knew what they are doing (as desperate and ultimately counter-productive that it will be given Trump only gets aggravated more in response e.g. Mexico wall 10 feet higher attitude). Its the same policy they are employing in the senate to slow down confirmations and such. It seems this is the policy they have chosen instead of actually concisely targetting Trump's economic and security agenda specifics in genuine factual debate (but that would mean admitting they were wrong about the degree of the overall negative aura they have projected around Trump..and retreating in a big way from that....which I guess is sadly anathema to political parties in general). They are betting on the long term polarisation on aiding them and hoping that Trump trips on something in some significant way. Its pretty poor planning to be honest (relying on the opposition rather than yourself), its hard to believe they feel they have run out of all other options....unless we soon see a resistance from enough quarters of the democrat party against their elite running them into the gutter like this.
Given this was pretty much a stunt for judge shopping, like I said, its going to go to SCOTUS 99% of the time (1% it gets overturned in the 9th given I dont believe in absolutes) where it is resolved....and there can be only one ruling there because not every liberal judge there can ignore USC 1182 which has tons of precedent in action (incl obama) and decide to legislate from the bench...and all it takes is one (given the current 50 50 split) and thats only if Kennedy lets it get to that.

9th circuit is easily the most pro-legislation from bench, anti-actual merit based judging court out there....one only needs to look at their overturn rate....and also listen in to what was actually deliberated over the phone in the ongoing hearing (quite ridiculous waffle external to the defined purview of a judge in so many parts). The DOJ lawyer did not do a good job either (though probably wouldn't have mattered given its the 9th circuit).

Democrats knew what they are doing (as desperate and ultimately counter-productive that it will be given Trump only gets aggravated more in response e.g. Mexico wall 10 feet higher attitude). Its the same policy they are employing in the senate to slow down confirmations and such. It seems this is the policy they have chosen instead of actually concisely targetting Trump's economic and security agenda specifics in genuine factual debate (but that would mean admitting they were wrong about the degree of the overall negative aura they have projected around Trump..and retreating in a big way from that....which I guess is sadly anathema to political parties in general). They are betting on the long term polarisation on aiding them and hoping that Trump trips on something in some significant way. Its pretty poor planning to be honest (relying on the opposition rather than yourself), its hard to believe they feel they have run out of all other options....unless we soon see a resistance from enough quarters of the democrat party against their elite running them into the gutter like this.

So a unanimous per curiam rejection of Trump's order in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and now we go on to the next step in due process. :D
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