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US plans to keep nine military bases in Afghanistan: Karzai

Interesting scenario this.
@Capt.Popeye, wonder what happens to the rail and road link to Chahbahar port from Kabul that has been planned?

That is a work in progress. It will be needed by Afghanistan to start with. Then the countries operating in Afghanistan are likely to need it too. It will also be a revenue earner for Iran. Apart from earning goodwill for Iran and helping it to rehabilitate its image in the International Arena.
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..... Next thing, (post draw-down) the S-E area of Afghanistan is likely to get thrown into turmoil. With all the attendant issues for Pakistan to take care off; but that is another matter. Of course that will affect the land supply route through Torkham. ....

Torkhum is not South East Afghanistan. Please look at the map first.

You guys are thinking like "clerk" in a desi office, with no idea about larger issues and supply routes.

Afghanistani life line goes through Pakistan DUTY FREE.

Now try managing it through Chah Bhar-at :lol: DUTY FREE and I'll accept your detailed description.

Torkhum is not South East Afghanistan. Please look at the map first.

You guys are thinking like "clerk" in a desi office, with no idea about larger issues and supply routes.

Afghanistani life line goes through Pakistan DUTY FREE.

Now try managing it through Chah Bhar-at :lol: DUTY FREE and I'll accept your detailed description.


Sorry to interject, but according to Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States, Transit for a land locked country is Duty free. It is duty free irrespective of which port Afghanistan use, Karachi or Chabhar.

So yes Chabhar is also duty free for afghanistan and could act as it's lifeline if connectivity is ensured.

"l. In order to enjoy the freedom of the seas on equal terms with coastal States, States having no sea-coast should have free access to the sea.

To this end States situated between the sea and a State having no sea-coast shall by common agreement with the latter and in conformity with existing international conventions accord:

(a) To the State having no sea-coast, on a basis of reciprocity, free transit through their territory; and

(b) To ships flying the flag of that State treatment equal to that accorded to their own ships, or to the ships of any other States, as regards access to seaports and the use of such ports.

Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States - The Faculty of Law
Torkhum is not South East Afghanistan. Please look at the map first.

You guys are thinking like "clerk" in a desi office, with no idea about larger issues and supply routes.

Afghanistani life line goes through Pakistan DUTY FREE.

Now try managing it through Chah Bhar-at :lol: DUTY FREE and I'll accept your detailed description.


great point ... imagine a Bara market in iran hahah not gonna happen
Sorry to interject, but according to Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States, Transit for a land locked country is Duty free. It is duty free irrespective of which port Afghanistan use, Karachi or Chabhar.

So yes Chabhar is also duty free for afghanistan and could act as it's lifeline if connectivity is ensured.

You expect Ayatullahs to follow "Kuffar" laws.

Just repeat after me.

--- sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will, sure they will.


You expect Ayatullahs to follow "Kuffar" laws.

Just repeat after me.

--- sure they will

They do follow kuffar's law.

Even after all the bluster regarding " Death to America and Death to Jews", Ayatollahs do have not grown enough balls to pull out of NPT.

Apart from the fact that denying transit to a landlocked country is tantamount to enforcing a Naval blockade and thus open to be constructed as an act of war, ayatollah's gain nothing from denying Transit to Afghanistan.They have their own pawns in Afghan game and since they share border with Afghanistan, stakes for them in Afghan game is higher. Last thing an isolated regime facing a sectarian assault would want is Talibunnies in Kabul.

Anyway Wrath of Ayatollah's obsession is felt only by Iranians . They do not have balls to abrogate any of their international commitment (except Vienna convention of course which they did to consolidate their power). Gadaffi tried to do that with UNCLOS when he declared Gulf of Sirte as Libyan territorial water, only to find US ships taking position there after which he backed away like a wounded pussycat.
Military logistics is not a joke. please do not make fun of the most serious aspect of a military campaign, of all the places on a defense forum.

thank you.

Strange how Indians talk like ignorant Jih@dis.

why is that?

10k may be smaller than 140k (duh!)

But their supplies still go through land routes.

Do you want to burn $400 /gallon petrol forever?

Noops. No Siree. Air shipments are meant only for short term.


Afghan war (due to geography) is 60% air support and 40% ground (typical stats from Russian days)

Afghan army will do the 35% ground work manning the posts, guarding installations, 5% ground work by US/NATO advisors, 60% part of air support by USA/NATO.

Stabilizing Afghanistan is a long term task perhaps 40 more years.

The sooner Pakistanis realize (and thus support the mission) the better it is.


Disagree with your opinion. I understand laand route is cheaper than air route, but depending upon the number of troops quantity changes. Quantity for 140K will be way larger than 10K if not 10 times less.

Now lets assume Pakistan has closed its routes.

If 40% of supplies for 140K troops can come from Northen routes than 80% for 10K routes should be possible. 20% for 10K troops via air will not be that big a deal.

Cost is higher agreed, but given that dependency is not that strong. US will not go same length to please Pakistan.

All I am saying that Bargain for Pakistan is reduced.
Karzai hasn't stated that he has negotiated them down to two. In fact in the article he says , he is ready for 9 bases if some conditions are fulfilled.

It's like this: I am sure there is some study somewhere by the US which claims that, in an extreme worst case scenario, it would be advisable to have nine bases around the country. That is not the US bargaining position or their likely demand -- only an extreme worst case scenario.

However, Karzai is projecting that as the US starting point so that any actual agreement, which is likely to be less than the extreme worst case scenario, will be paraded by him as his personal victory. The US probably doesn't care what he says as long as they get their bases, and whatever makes it easy for Karzai to sell it to his people, so much the better.

It's called 'managing expectations' and is classic bazaar haggling tactic, as most people from developing countries would know.
It's like this: I am sure there is some study somewhere by the US which claims that, in an extreme worst case scenario, it would be advisable to have nine bases around the country. That is not the US bargaining position or their likely demand -- only an extreme worst case scenario.

However, Karzai is projecting that as the US starting point so that any actual agreement, which is likely to be less than the extreme worst case scenario, will be paraded by him as his personal victory. The US probably doesn't care what he says as long as they get their bases, and whatever makes it easy for Karzai to sell it to his people, so much the better.

It's called 'managing expectations' and is classic bazaar haggling tactic, as most people from developing countries would know.

I get your point. Well explained. But, i do believe the Americans will have more than just 2 bases.
US seeks permanent occupation of Afghanistan: Taliban

The Taliban militant group has said that the United States seeks permanent occupation of Afghanistan following its announcement to keep nine military bases in the war-torn country.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahed said in an e-mailed statement that the group would not allow the US and its allies to have a permanent presence in Afghanistan, despite an announcement by Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday that Washington had demanded to keep nine military bases across the country.

Karzai’s remarks showed that both Kabul and Washington are trying to deprive the Afghan nation of political independence, the spokesman said, adding, “Afghans want an independent Afghanistan. We will never make any deal on our independence.”

The Taliban spokesman said that the presence of foreign troops had sustained the ongoing war in Afghanistan and the “longer the occupiers are here, the longer it will take to find peace.”

Karzai’s stated in his announcement that Washington planned to keep the nine bases in the main cities of Afghanistan including the capital, Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif in the north, Jalalabad and Gardez near the eastern border with Pakistan.

In 2011, Karzai confirmed for the first time that the administration of US President Barack Obama had demanded the establishment of a system of permanent US military bases across Afghanistan.

The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity remains across the country despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops.

PressTV - US seeks permanent occupation of Afghanistan: Taliban
I think Karzai is being a somewhat undiplomatic. He should not burn his bridges with anybody unless he has firm arrangements in place for future Afghan defense requirements.
I get your point. Well explained. But, i do believe the Americans will have more than just 2 bases.

In one aspect it is great to see USA is committed to the stability of Afghanistan. Who in the right mind could oppose it.

But on a different aspect, it is said to see otherwise sane Indians jumping up and down, going paagal, going mad with happiness, going hoarse in spiting few Pakistanis that goras are coming, goras are coming, and goras are going to make bases.

I mean what is this?

Slave-to-gora mentality at its worst.

Same Slavish mentality, same leg-pulling that let 3500 Britishers to occupy and control millions of people in such a vast area as the subcontinent.

200 years later, the same old mentality shines through your post bro.

The same old mentality.

As if we have learned nothing, zero, zilch, nada, shunni, fing infinitesimally small.

Afghanistan is our backyard.

Indians and Pakistanis make it damn sure that they create stability and harmony.

Instead we were doing all we can to lower our shalwars and pants in front of soldiers who have to come from 10000s of miles away to do what?

That we the fing Asians do not cut each others throats.

what is this.

what type of fing madness is this?

Don't we have any sense that this is our backyard and India and Pakistan being the biggest players, must sit together and manage this tiny place, a smaller population like that of Lahore (not even Karachi), make them live better, give them education, food and water.

But No.

This Durand line issue must be brought up, these fing talb-b@stards must be supported or killed,

With no inclination whatsoever to sit together like humans and resolve our differences and help each other.

Fing no. some Indians of all people who are now settled in far off places must fan the fires of hatred to the point that goras have to come rule our @rses (even when they are begging us to be human with each other), but we remain taunting each other like fing chimps,beating their chests, and growling. Yeah chimps.

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