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US Military technology 1000s of years ahead of civilian technology

is that avatar of yours a panda? you might want to change that because you still have a long way to go (if you give a damn that is) to be a friend of china. whereas Pakistan will never get pandas because no panda is higher than mountains and deeper than oceans.

so i've heard. you are not panda-class friends of china yet.

In english ,would ya?
LOL haha^ man i love this forum. Go pakistan regulations! or lack of it :) yayay
you f*cking kidding me?

you know, a "comet" crashed in Russia in 1911 when it was a backwards feudal monarchy, then 20 years later Russia became a leading industrial power. Must have been aliens right?! it was a "comet" right?!

an "earthquake" occured in china in 1976, but was it really an "earthquake" or aliens that crashed into Tangshan? much coincidentally China began its meteoric rise at this exact moment! ALIENS right?!

aliens exist statistically, but they will likely never be able to visit earth.
And also don't forget about HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. That is such cool technology that the Yanks have to cause earthquakes and hurricanes. It must have been given to them (errr, us) by those aliens we have at Area 51.
And also don't forget about HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. That is such cool technology that the Yanks have to cause earthquakes and hurricanes. It must have been given to them (errr, us) by those aliens we have at Area 51.

Nothing is ever given, it must be extracted.
And also don't forget about HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. That is such cool technology that the Yanks have to cause earthquakes and hurricanes. It must have been given to them (errr, us) by those aliens we have at Area 51.

Don't you have something better to "cause"? Look at you, earthquakes and hurricanes. Cause something sweet, will you?
The opposite would happened, the dollar would surge, as demand for it increases when people hardily trying to cash in their investment. Like we saw in the GFC, you don't know much do you? lol

I highly doubt anyone in the world would be cheering if the dollar surges through the roof, and American economy starts to decline. Who would buy thier goods? what about all those billions invested in your country? Also the U.S will start withdrawing all its capital from around the world, with the strong dollar the price of crude would plummet through the ground.

The U.S economy itself makes up for more than 1/3 the world economy, that's not even considering the worth of US dollar as the international currency. And the other 1/3 comes from Europe.

You are right i dont know much.I am a 9 th grader i am not supposed to know much or else the CIA would capture me for knowing too much.I just come here to enjoy the show:pop::pop:
you f*cking kidding me?

you know, a "comet" crashed in Russia in 1911 when it was a backwards feudal monarchy, then 20 years later Russia became a leading industrial power. Must have been aliens right?! it was a "comet" right?!

an "earthquake" occured in china in 1976, but was it really an "earthquake" or aliens that crashed into Tangshan? much coincidentally China began its meteoric rise at this exact moment! ALIENS right?!

aliens exist statistically, but they will likely never be able to visit earth.

:eek: i KNEW IT it wasnt an earth quake in china, it was aliens!!!!! all those people died FIGHTING the aliens(there was probably only one crashed ship) after 250,000 people died the dozen or so aliens were finally defeated however mao also died from a stray shot from the aliens leading directly to the rise of deng several years later, even today its providing the basis for j-20 and LM-5 and all those quantum experiments going on in china.
I have privileged information from a source inside NASA, that nasa used alien technology.

I have attached the video to this thread, watch all 10 parts, It covers are detailed assessment of a person with highly privileged information who worked on a secret NASA project to reverse engineer alien technology. Its been put on youtube or google video as "NASA case study on UFO"

You have no idea how advanced U.S military technology is, it is atleast 1000 years ahead of civilian technology. The United States govt was testing nuclear powered vechical all the way back in 1960, declassified documents revealed that the tests were all successful then the program suddenly went off radar. That was in 1960, can you imagine the technology the US govt would have now?

In the case study video, it shows an aircraft with diameter of at least 200km, making a near right hand turn and speeds close to light.

What do you think happened with the 'weather' satellite that apparently crashed in rose well July 2nd 1941? And the creation of the largest underground military complex the size of Belgium, commonly known as area 51.

U.S govt has unimaginable power, They are watching the world with a hawks eye. They will remain the most dominate undisputed country for next 10,000 years at least! Europe don't stand a chance excluding UK :usflag:

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 1)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 2)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 3)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 4)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 5)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 6)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 7)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 8)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 9)

YouTube - The Secret NASA Evidence on UFO Technology #2 (Part 10)

You think the raptor is the greatest aircraft on the planet? think again its part of the U.S cover up to fool their citizen and keep them happy to hide their real military technology. :usflag:

Note: mods please delete my other topic, I accidentally posted in the wrong segment

Interesting but it never gets out in public.

What point to have it secret when no one gets to know.

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