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US launch attack on Libya


What sort of air force can take on 130 F18 Super hornets, Rafael, Typhoons, MIRAGE2000 & Tornado.

Very few.

What sort of air force can take on 130 F18 Super hornets, Rafael, Typhoons, MIRAGE2000 & Tornado.

Very few.

There is no hope then? they can destroy country after country at will?
There is no hope then? they can destroy country after country at will?

That's the exact message they are sending to the world, esp. their allies in the Middle-East. If they step out of line... BOOM !!!

Egypt has already seen changes in the leadership otherwise it too would have had the same fate as Libya. There is also trouble brewing in Iran. The signal is that the current regimes/governments need to understand that the US can destabilize any country at will.

The reason France was so eager was their long colonial history with Libya and ofcourse; oil.

Many people may have been right... the Crusades may have begun once again. For those of you who might say that Pakistan will do this or that, think again. We are already being pounded by drones. Our F-16s are American made alongwith many other equipment. If we do not currently have Friend-or-Foe transponder codes, it will be a lot more difficult defending against USAF.

The US may not send ground troops in this battlefield, but then it does not need to do so. Its air and missile strikes will be sufficient for the job.
It was rebel own airplane shoot down by them by mistake.

Once again west show there hunger for OIL. Bahrain can keep on killing civilians who are not armed but USA dont want goverment change there they let them do what ever they like.

Dont need to go far away. ISreal killing civilian every day and ppl are living in jail. And west ask us why we hate u ? Its ur dirty minds and politic.

Don't be so quick to condemn Bahrain brother. I have a friend there (who's a Pakistani-Swedish student on exchange there) and he told me it's crazy over there, the protesters or mobs are attacking anyone with dark/brown skin. A lot of Pakistanis and Indians are being beaten and many went into hiding. I just wanted to tell you that. I call my friend every day to make sure he's ok.
Btw, Bahrain have an usually high unemployment rate and the mobs are angry that people from South Asia "are taking" their jobs. Just wanted to clarify that (My buddy there did the research while in hiding. Sad.)
That's the exact message they are sending to the world, esp. their allies in the Middle-East. If they step out of line... BOOM !!!

Egypt has already seen changes in the leadership otherwise it too would have had the same fate as Libya. There is also trouble brewing in Iran. The signal is that the current regimes/governments need to understand that the US can destabilize any country at will.

The reason France was so eager was their long colonial history with Libya and ofcourse; oil.

Many people may have been right... the Crusades may have begun once again. For those of you who might say that Pakistan will do this or that, think again. We are already being pounded by drones. Our F-16s are American made alongwith many other equipment. If we do not currently have Friend-or-Foe transponder codes, it will be a lot more difficult defending against USAF.

The US may not send ground troops in this battlefield, but then it does not need to do so. Its air and missile strikes will be sufficient for the job.

The fact is, despots like Gaddafi are paving the way for western intervention. Secondly, the message the west is giving out at the moment is that they are the champions in the art of hypocrisy. Everyone is watching not only what is happening in Libya but also the mayhem that is going on in Bahrain and Yemen.
It is unfortunate that some would reach for conspiracy theories about oil when the US is participating in an action that has been supported by the Arab League, and the United Nations, with the sole purpose of protecting innocents from a bombing campaign by their own government. As our president has made clear, we have no ambitions for the country’s territory or resources. Qadhafi wages war against Libyans just so he can cling onto power by mercilessly killing, using even air power, to silence the voice of the masses through indiscriminate murder. Could it be that the state run Libyan media left out of their propaganda, the number of Libyans Al Qaddafi’s mercenaries from Mali, Kenya, Algeria, Guinea…have killed over the years and in this “bread and freedom” rebellion fought by those who at first tried to legitimately protest against a murderous dictator? Even as the crisis escalated, the Libyan government was taking out advertisements in newspapers in other African countries, looking for more muscle with which to suppress his own people. We would hope that unverified claims of civilian casualties made by this same government in that context, and with the appropriate skepticism.

Article: More than 8000 Libyans killed by Qaddafi’s regime.

Qaddafi’s are the brutal hands of a dictator who suppresses voice through violence. Instead of listening to his people Qadhafi orders them silenced from his Bedouin tent. Violence and fighting started back in February when Qaddafi, like all dictators, accused Libyans who did not agree with him of being traitors and rebels. The Libyan ambassador and deputy ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Ibrahim Dabbashi, and Abdurrahman shalgham condemmed Qadhafi’s crackdown and gruesome murders saying no legitimate government kills its own people, and asking Qadhafi to resign.

United Nations Webcast - Ibrahim O. A. Dabbashi (Libya) on the situation in Libya - Security Council Media Stakeout

United Nations Webcast - Ibrahim O. A. Dabbashi (Libya) on the situation in Libya - Security Council Media Stakeout

France, Britain, the United States and Arab League warned Qadhafi to stop the war against his own people immediately. Finally, on humanitarian grounds and not for oil, the international community was forced to intervene.

In fact it was Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa who put forward the request for a no-fly zone that would protect Libyan civilians. This request was honored by the unanimous vote of the UN Security Council. Do not conspiracy theories dishonor the Libyans who sacrifice themselves for bread and freedom? These allegations, that we are invading Muslim countries, that we are only out for oil, that we are occupiers, are discounted as rubbish by Libyans trying to over- throw a brutal dictator. Do you not remember we conducted similar military actions in the Balkans during the 1990s, protecting civilians in Bosnia/Herzegovina and later in Kosovo against Serbia’s campaign of ethnic cleansing? Was there a secret motive behind those actions as well?

International coalition forces are targeting weapons that threaten innocent civilians; Including military bases, armored vehicles, and air defense systems. The goal of these operations is to reduce the capability of the dictatorship to fight international forces, including Qatar, who are enforcing the no fly zone that minimizes civilian casualties.

Ask yourself, would the international community alongside the Arab league support and request our help if we had ulterior motives? When the UN declared a no fly zone would Libyans celebrate in the streets if we had ulterior motives? It appears that an author who lives in a world of conspiracy theories stands aside and does nothing while launching accusations on those who have been both asked and stepped forward to help?

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET- U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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