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US has secret drone base in Saudi Arabia

shove it what it fits and tell Mr, Reporter from washington post to back up his allegation next time.:wave:. Not stupid I live in the country.
you live in the country... but that doesn't mean you know the government and secret military sites.....
you always love those website when they talk bad about Syria... but when it comes to exposing Saudi "Arabia" you call them liars...
you live in the country... but that doesn't mean you know the government and secret military sites.....
you always love those website when they talk bad about Syria... but when it comes to exposing Saudi "Arabia" you call them liars...

when you have a proof in your hand get back to me. Mr. Reporter is big mouthing just like you do now.
when you have a proof in your hand get back to me. Mr. Reporter is big mouthing just like you do now.

and when you have proof in your hand regarding Syria and stuff... come back to me....

and when you have proof that the base doesn't exist then come back to us and lets us know
If this is correct then is does open a can of worms.

It also throws to the winds things like solidarity and Ummah amongst the believers. If correct, then KSA is allowing its territory to be used to ' run with the hare & hunt with the hounds'.

Posters here have always lamented on the support the Wahabis have provided to the hardliners in Pak, now the same region also provides a base for hitting those being supported.
If this is correct then is does open a can of worms.

It also throws to the winds things like solidarity and Ummah amongst the believers. If correct, then KSA is allowing its territory to be used to ' run with the hare & hunt with the hounds'.

Posters here have always lamented on the support the Wahabis have provided to the hardliners in Pak, now the same region also provides a base for hitting those being supported.
Even if there is no drone base... the USAF has a base in Saudi "Arabia" in the Eskan Village...
64th Air Expeditionary Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only Iranians, Iranian inclined people and Jihadis would see this as a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

As moderator, shouldn't you be neutral?

The role of Saoudi Arabia as well, as of Iran is very well known. And each is contributing on the mayhem of the Moslem world. If you want me to get you a copy of substential Saoudi check given to algerian islamic front, AKA by the locals Fatma Interdit de Sortir[ FIS], I can...And If you want me to provide sources of the delivery of Uzis by Iranians, under Rafsandjani regime, I can Also...

Posters here have always lamented on the support the Wahabis have provided to the hardliners in Pak, now the same region also provides a base for hitting those being supported.

Mu3awiya's rule...
Only Iranians, Iranian inclined people and Jihadis would see this as a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

As moderator, shouldn't you be neutral?

The role of Saoudi Arabia as well, as of Iran is very well known. And each is contributing on the mayhem of the Moslem world. If you want me to get you a copy of substential Saoudi check given to algerian islamic front, AKA by the locals Fatma Interdit de Sortir[ FIS], I can...And If you want me to provide sources of the delivery of Uzis by Iranians, under Rafsandjani regime, I can Also...

This doesn't prove state support. Rogue elements exist everywhere. Some contribute with cash, others with weapons, but you can not ignore the person who is using the cash and weakn as well. All are bad apples and part of a single rogue entity that is shunned by anyone with a functioning brain cell.

Thus I restate my word again "Only Iranians, Iranian inclined people and Jihadis would see this as a bad thing". We as both state and people have been one of the most active and stalwart fronts in fighting terrorism, also one of the least people to get acknowledged for their actions. You do realize Al-Qaeda's number 1 objective is the fall of the Saudi state right? Or are you part of the conspiracy theory brigade.
, also one of the least people to get acknowledged for their actions. You do realize Al-Qaeda's number 1 objective is the fall of the Saudi state right? Or are you part of the conspiracy theory brigade.

We, all, aknowledge that Al qaida hasn't managed KSA with kids glove and innocent Saoudis have died, but that is the "scorpion effect" it stings because that is the only things it knows to do and your country is paying for the monster he has nurtured, fed, armed and sheltered. And what we, as Algerian in their great majority, point our finger to KSA is their flegmatic attitude of buying peace and serenity instead of fighting it...Because of that kind of behavior as it was prevalent in Algeria, we are paying too, with the aftermath of Bouteflika's reconciliation plan. I am not here to disculp Iran either. Iran actions are inderstandable due to the fact that she is completely surrounded and needs a breathing room.

because that is the only things it knows to do and your country is paying for the monster he has nurtured, fed, armed and sheltered. And what we, as Algerian in their great majority, point our finger to KSA...

It's false.

All Algerians do not think that.

Which has occurred in your country during the 90 years is the direct cause total collapse prices of oil revenues from the years 1981...1988 (Total inexistence of productive economy, up to now).

Of massive corruption widespread, very high misery of the majority of the population, total lack of any future prospects for all Algerian youth (75% of the population), as up to now, have the sole responsibility false army generals - clowns - that have full control of Algeria since its independence in 1962.

The Algeria goes directly into the abyss.

... is their flegmatic attitude of buying peace and serenity instead of fighting it... Because of that kind of behavior as it was prevalent in Algeria, we are paying too, with the aftermath of Bouteflika's reconciliation plan.


This is not the plan of your fake president (Bouteflika) - a simple ‘puppet laid’ -. It does absolutely nothing control. It’s only that your fake army generals. Buy ‘their peace’ with oil revenues. To continue ‘quietly’ to fill their pockets, them, and all friends.
It's false.

All Algerians do not think that.

Wrong, Algerian do think exactly that you are behind and always behind the collapse of the oil prices and you had a big hand in the rise of Islamism in Algeria. Saoudi's financed them, Iran and Soudan armed and Kaddafy and H2 of Morroco trained them..

Which has occurred in your country during the 90's is the direct cause total collapse prices of oil revenues from the years 1981...1988

What happens in the 90's has a something to do with the collapse of the oil prices that Saoudi Arabia engineered under the order of Reagan to weaken Iran , to get back at them for the american hostages saga..It has also to do with a political openning because the populace grew tired of a stiffling homogeneous FLN power. The economy played a little role since the whole was in recession.
Of massive corruption widespread, very high misery of the majority of the population, total lack of any future prospects for all Algerian youth (75% of the population

You talk about corruption just as, if Algerian invented it! You forgot, the Saudis Eurofighter contrat? anyway, in the period we were talking about corruption was a non event and only one that was accused falsely of that and his case was rejected in a court of appeal and fully exonorated...Today, the curruption is rampant as it is in Saoudi arabia and the rest o the worlds..

have the sole responsibility]false army generals - clowns

Our Generals clowns! Let compare them and see...

they fought the french for 132 years but one year, to gain independance...Your kingdom was created for you without firing a bullet, thanks to Lawrence..

In 67,After few years of independance, we helped Egypt to keep IDF forces at bay to te loss of 3000 of ours...Yours were there, but drinking tea..

In 73, even they got in the game late, our general [one of them became the chief of staff of the ANP] managed to keep the sky of Cairo safe from the IDF incursions and our troops cornered Sharon tank column in the deversoir...Saoudi troops were no where to be seen, even KSA was part of the oil embargo, she kept the 6th and the 5th fleet fuled..

Still in the 70's , in the prelude of what know is called el qaida, when they took over a mosque, Saoudi generals incapability led to call the French SIGN for help to dislodge the terrorists a cost of over 180 Saoudi victims...

In the bombing of Al kobar, it was the American who were called for..

In the Saddam adventure...it was Also the American that were called

In the battle of Kafdji...At the first Iraqui Shot, the Saoudi unit tail gatedif it wasn't for the american gi's saved the day..

And recently, in the yemeni border against the houri tribe, you were clabbered as usual and you had to resort to buy peace

Unlike yours, our generals broke the backbone of the Muslim terrorists and did it in steady fast manner. Lately, in In amenas,

they managed to kill all but three and managed to save the lifes of over 600 hostages between algerians and expatriates, sadly with a loss of 38 victims shot by the terrorists before the Algerian SF got to them. They managed also to save site spraid over 15 hectares. That's what our generals can do...If a clown is a medal of galantry and sissyness, we know who deserve it the most..

This is not the plan of your fake president (Bouteflika) - a simple ‘puppet laid’ -. It does absolutely nothing control.
We may have some semantic with Bouteflika, but he is far from being a puppet to anyone. To accuse of such, you, all don't him that well to make a demeaning judgement, for a guy who's tireless work brought the Palestinian question to the flour of the united nation, open the door for Yassir Arafat to address the UN assembly, Engineered the expulsion of Taiwan and give the seat to China, the rightful owner, was instrumental to the ending of Apartheid...This man is a giant by any means...Although critcized, as a man and as a president, Algerians loves him..

First picture of the assumed drone base in Saoudi arabia

Considering the reason it was established is due to a US cruise missile going horribly wrong and killing many innocent people, I find it a good thing. Plus they are taking out Al-Qaeda en mass in Yemen which is a win-win situation.

This also explains why the US have been so generous with us regarding military tech recently. So I see NO way for this to be a bad thing.

Why wouldn't you see it as a bad thing? Great way to have a presences in your country to directly strike you.
I see nothing wrong, but maybe it should be a heads up call for SOME of the Saudi members to stop calling everyone else "puppets" and "traitors".

It's halal for the Saudis and haram for everyone else, that's how some members make it sound like.
Actually Iraq just requested US drones to operate in Iraq since Iraqs air force is not ready. If they do agree, we might see airstrikes against targets in Syria and Iraq against alqaeda and the nusrah front.
I see nothing wrong, but maybe it should be a heads up call for SOME of the Saudi members to stop calling everyone else "puppets" and "traitors".

It's halal for the Saudis and haram for everyone else, that's how some members make it sound like.
Actually Iraq just requested US drones to operate in Iraq since Iraqs air force is not ready. If they do agree, we might see airstrikes against targets in Syria and Iraq against alqaeda and the nusrah front.

The airstrikes should be limited to Iraq-Syria border environment and some unihabited places in Anbar.
Still its much better for Iraq to buy drones and operate them themselves, the americans cant distinguise between civillian and terrorist..
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