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US has secret drone base in Saudi Arabia



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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WASHINGTON: President Obama’s plan to install his counterterrorism adviser as director of the CIA has opened the administration to new scrutiny over the targeted-killing policies it has fought to keep hidden from the public, as well as the existence of a previously secret drone base in Saudi Arabia, said a report published in Washington Post.

The administration’s refusal to provide details about one of the most controversial aspects of its drone campaign — strikes on U.S. citizens abroad — has emerged as a potential source of opposition to CIA nominee John O. Brennan, who faces a Senate confirmation hearing scheduled for Thursday.

The secrecy surrounding that policy was punctured Monday with the disclosure of a Justice Department “white paper” that spells out the administration’s case for killing Americans accused of being al-Qaeda operatives.

The timing of the leak appeared aimed at intensifying pressure on the White House to disclose more-detailed legal memos that the paper summarizes — and at putting Brennan, Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, on the defensive for his appearance on Capitol Hill.

Administration officials on Tuesday sought to play down the significance of the disclosure, saying that they have already described the principles outlined in the document in a series of speeches.

“One of the things I want to make sure that everybody understands is that our primary concern is to keep the American people safe, but to do so in a way that’s consistent with our laws and consistent with our values,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in response to questions about the document.

Nevertheless, the leak and signals from senior lawmakers that they may seek to delay, if not derail, Brennan’s confirmation made it clear that Obama’s decision to nominate him has drawn the White House into a fight it had sought to avoid.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the intelligence committee, said Brennan’s level of influence and the timing of his nomination have given lawmakers leverage that they lacked in previous efforts to seek details from the White House.

Brennan “is the architect of [the administration’s] counterterrorism policy,” Wyden said. “If the Congress doesn’t get answers to these questions now, it’s going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get them in the future.”

The Obama administration’s targeted-killing program has relied on a growing constellation of drone bases operated by the CIA and the U.S. military’s Joint Special Operations Command. The only strike intentionally targeting a U.S. citizen, a 2011 attack that killed al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, was carried out in part by CIA drones flown from a secret base in Saudi Arabia.

The base was established two years ago to intensify the hunt against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, as the affiliate in Yemen is known. Brennan, who previously served as the CIA’s station chief in Saudi Arabia, played a key role in negotiations with Riyadh over locating an agency drone base inside the kingdom.

US has secret drone base in Saudi Arabia - thenews.com.pk
This drone base is not a secret, while photography is not allowed everyone knows about it and have seen it.
Considering the reason it was established is due to a US cruise missile going horribly wrong and killing many innocent people, I find it a good thing. Plus they are taking out Al-Qaeda en mass in Yemen which is a win-win situation.

This also explains why the US have been so generous with us regarding military tech recently. So I see NO way for this to be a bad thing.
On this forum people unnecessarily blame Saudi Arabia for running al-qaeeda.
Only blind cannot see that reality is exact opposite.
This drone base is not a secret, while photography is not allowed everyone knows about it and have seen it.

This may be it. All drone bases are known and photographed, but the one in Saudi Arabia.


A Global Hawk spy drone is prepared for a night mission at an 'undisclosed location' in the Middle East.
(Photo supplied by: US Air Force)

This one I believe is the one in Saudi Arabia, though the USAF had not admitted to when this photograph was taken, in Sep 2012. They just mentioned 'undisclosed location'.
Considering the reason it was established is due to a US cruise missile going horribly wrong and killing many innocent people

What a cruise missile has to do with a drone base. Cruise missiles are GPS guided...You would have been more credible, if you said that Saoudi Arabia has no choice in the matter since we owe them for our protection..
I find it a good thing. Plus they are taking out Al-Qaeda en mass in Yemen which is a win-win situation
you mean that are putting your genie back in the bottle

This also explains why the US have been so generous with us regarding military tech recently. So I see NO way for this to be a bad thing.

So generous! Its more the other way around, you pay for protection and that is the only thing Saoudi Arabia gets...everything else is just BS.

Fake news!

And what is the real? Give us the beef!
What a cruise missile has to do with a drone base. Cruise missiles are GPS guided...You would have been more credible, if you said that Saoudi Arabia has no choice in the matter since we owe them for our protection..

you mean that are putting your genie back in the bottle

So generous! Its more the other way around, you pay for protection and that is the only thing Saoudi Arabia gets...everything else is just BS.

And what is the real? Give us the beef!

"The first strike in Yemen ordered by the Obama administration, in December 2009, was by all accounts a disaster. American cruise missiles carrying cluster munitions killed dozens of civilians, including many women and children. Another strike, six months later, killed a popular deputy governor, inciting angry demonstrations and an attack that shut down a critical oil pipeline."


Learn to look up the facts before talking out of your azz next time will you?
The najdis in KSA are doing what they are best at. Serving their masters!

shove it what it fits and tell Mr, Reporter from washington post to back up his allegation next time.:wave:. Not stupid I live in the country.
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