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'US has now an ally in India, enemy in Islamabad'

Decline it, why accept it since 5 decades? and at the same time saying its not good but some how we accept it.

We havnt got any aid for a while now as you already know that they conditioned it. Secondly Conversation is off topic not related to aid. We can only change our future policies as for past it is only there to learn some lessons rather than shedding tear on what we did wrong.
The Indian strategic planners are one clever group of people. They know that it is in there best interest to keep the US at an arms length. While India has happily expanded trade and commercial ties with the US but has refused to toe the line with the US on political issues. Despite several overtures from the US with carrots, India has refused to take the bait and has refused to join an American led alliance. In fact, India has gone one step further, it has proceeded to diversify its relations with other developed and developing countries reducing her reliance on the US much to the disappointment of Uncle Sam. I must say, the Indian strategic planners have played there cards exceptionally well.
The Indian strategic planners are one clever group of people. They know that it is in there best interest to keep the US at an arms length. While India has happily expanded trade and commercial ties with the US but has refused to toe the line with the US on political issues. Despite several overtures from the US with carrots, India has refused to take the bait and has refused to join an American led alliance. In fact, India has gone one step further, it has proceeded to diversify its relations with other developed and developing countries reducing her reliance on the US much to the disappointment of Uncle Sam. I must say, the Indian strategic planners have played there cards exceptionally well.

You praise India on this matter highly, I wish it was not just some fluke :angel:
Holding that Pakistan is the source of many of the US problems in Afghanistan, an American lawmaker has said that America has now an ally in India and an enemy in Islamabad.

"Things have changed in the last 20 years. Pakistan is no longer our ally and India is no longer an ally of the Soviet Union. What we have now an ally in India and an enemy in Pakistan," Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said.
This bugger is a poodle faker! Isn't he the one who chaired a Congressional hearing on Balochistan, and introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives calling upon Pakistan to recognize the Baloch right to self determination?

This idiot needs to STFU! Period! And we don't need the Yanks to tie us up with their apron strings. :angry:
not so easy, we are arms partner of both china and russia (not just like india of russian partner or pakistan of china's partner)

We still receive Military equipment from Russia. Our entire transport helicopter fleet is russian MI-17. Jf-thunder also uses Russian engine. It just makes more sense to collaborate with china right next to us as they are equally capable. Our relations with russia are getting better ever since Americans were shown the highway.
We havnt got any aid for a while now as you already know that they conditioned it. Secondly Conversation is off topic not related to aid. We can only change our future policies as for past it is only there to learn some lessons rather than shedding tear on what we did wrong.

Kerry opposes cutting US aid to Pakistan - thenews.com.pk

The US keeps the aid flowing, (despite Pakistani hatred) to have a leverage.
Only time will tell but as far as retail part is concerned that was a done deal wall mart got what they were looking for.Indian government recently opened up its multi-brand retail sector for foreign companies after years of political opposition and a Parliament motion against this decision was defeated last week in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.Iranians oil imports exemption were given by the Americans as Europe continues to be the biggest customer so they cant say no to India either.
May be you should look at India-US economic dynamics. Our trade is of $ 100 billion. Our defense purchases saved thousands of jobs in Boeing. Indian companies do a lot of work for US companies. Retail FDI will be allowed once we introduce protective measures. As for Iran case, you might check all the western media reports on India against US sanction.

Also Indian diaspora in US quite good ad its influence is increasing.

India-US relations in not like US-Pakistan. This is what it is.

You learned the hard way about US, we already knew how to deal with US. Kindly search few discussion on India-US relations. There are quite good commentators which explained it in detail. May be that can clear things for you.
We are at a point where our strategic interests are completely different. So aid doesn't matter anymore. Kerry has always been a bit pro pakistan but he cant fight Congress filled with hyaenas on this matter.

So far he is unopposed on this issue, to say fairly.
May be you should look at India-US economic dynamics. Our trade is of $ 100 billion. Our defense purchases saved thousands of jobs in Boeing. Indian companies do a lot of work for US companies. Retail FDI will be allowed once we introduce protective measures. As for Iran case, you might check all the western media reports on India against US sanction.

Also Indian diaspora in US quite good ad its influence is increasing.

India-US relations in not like US-Pakistan. This is what it is.

You learned the hard way about US, we already knew how to deal with US. Kindly search few discussion on India-US relations. There are quite good commentators which explained it in detail. May be that can clear things for you.

USA, Pakistan relations were simply one way they wanted they got in return they paid of few elites no one in pakistan is delusional about that.

Our defense purchases saved thousands of jobs in Boeing.

Advantage USA sales taken away from Russia.

Indian companies do a lot of work for US companies.

exactly and as along as you will do what they want this will continue other wise:butcher:

Retail FDI will be allowed once we introduce protective measures.

I don't wanna repeat myself Krait that ship has already sailed.

You learned the hard way about US, we already knew how to deal with US

This is where i disagree with you pakistani greedy politicians and learn are 2 different things these guys will sell you their mother for few bucks.
We are at a point where our strategic interests are completely different. So aid doesn't matter anymore. Kerry has always been a bit pro pakistan but he cant fight Congress filled with hyaenas on this matter.

Aid Purpose is Drone Strike , slowly when American interests will be negligible in pak they will stop Aid .....
This is where i disagree with you pakistani greedy politicians and learn are 2 different things these guys will sell you their mother for few bucks.

thats Right , i think Pakistani learn that they need "Original Politicians" not these "Dhandhali ki paidaiesh People" ( chaos Birthed Politicians ) ......in language of Hasan Nissar
@Cheetah786 The major difference between India and Pakistan regarding anything internal or external issues, is the democracy. There is always a chance politicians can be made to pay for their failures via ballot.

Of course we have corrupt politicians but the dynamics of Indian politics is taking a gradual turn. If you look at Sri Lanka case, at one place there is domestic pressure from South, there is equally huge pressure from others who don't want India to compromise its national interest over Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Still, India has lot to learn in Foreign Policy, actually it needs strong Government with Political will, the strategists are good but they can't do anything if GOI is weak.

And if you look at Italy case, one single person Subrahmanium Swamy caused trouble for GOI by one petition when Supreme Court passed the orders for Italian Ambassador to not leave the country.

So whether it is relations with US, China, Russia, or EU, GOI has to take public in confidence else they might have to pay in next elections.
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WASHINGTON: Washington and Islamabad should give up the fiction of being allies and acknowledge that their interests simply do not converge enough to make them strong partners, Pakistan's recent envoy to the US, who is now a hunted man in his home country, has advised both sides in a searing examination of tortured relationship between the two countries.

Instead, says HussainHaqqani, till recently Pakistan's ambassador to the US, Washington should leave Pakistan to its own devices so that it can discover for itself how weak it is without American aid and support, eventually enabling it to return to the mainstream suitably chastened about its limitations.

"By coming to terms with this reality, Washington would be freer to explore new ways of pressuring Pakistan and achieving its own goals in the region. Islamabad, meanwhile, could finally pursue its regional ambitions, which would either succeed once and for all or, more likely, teach Pakistani officials the limitations of their country's power," Haqqani writes about the broken relationship in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs journal.

"Once Pakistan's national security elites recognize the limits of their power, the country might eventually seek a renewed partnership with the United States -- but this time with greater humility and an awareness of what it can and cannot get," says Haqqani who was ousted by Pakistan's security establishment because he was seen to be working with Washington to contain the overarching influence of the military on Pakistan.

US should dump Islamabad, Pakistan diplomat says - The Times of India

This guys is at the brink of getting his passport revoked. Supreme court ordered him to show himself and he refused so probably he is never coming back. He has a deadline after that he can make himself comfortable in US. Depends if he gets asylum.
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