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US government defaults on the UN's $1.157 billion membership fee:really the world leader.


Aug 7, 2017
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US government defaults on the UN's $1.157 billion membership fee:really the “world leader”
WeChat "Daily Economic News" 2019-06-09 07:37:37

According to WeChat public account "Daily Economic News" (ID: nbdnews) news on June 9th, due to the arrears of membership due to the United States and other Member States, the UN's finances are now stretched so much that UN Secretary-General Guterres wants to sell.

A few days ago, at the Fifth Committee meeting of the UN General Assembly on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs, Guterres pointed out that the United Nations may run out of cash in August this year.

One of the main reasons for the United Nations’ lack of money is the increase in arrears of Member States. At present, the United Nations peacekeeping budget gap is $1.5 billion, and the regular budget has a gap of $492 million. Among them, the United States owed the most, up to 1.157 billion US dollars (about 8 billion yuan).

The United States owes $1.15 billion

The UN is running out of money.

According to the UN official Weibo news on June 7, UN Secretary-General Guterres pointed out that the financial situation of the United Nations has deteriorated over the past few years. One of the main reasons is the increase in the arrears of Member States. As of the end of 2018, the total amount of arrears of Member States was $529 million, equivalent to more than 20% of the United Nations regular budget share. As of this year, the arrears still reached $492 million. The United Nations either ran out of cash in August and borrowed from the Working Capital Fund.

According to information on the United Nations website, as of 6 June, only 104 of the 193 Member States of the United Nations had paid their regular budget assessments for 2019. As the largest developed country, the United States also has the highest arrears.


The United Nations budget consists of three parts: the regular budget required to maintain the normal functioning of the institution, the budget for the peacekeeping operations, and the budget of the International Criminal Tribunal’s Mechanism.

The share of each Member State’s budget is determined primarily by the ability of a country to pay, that is, the economic capacity of a country.

As the largest developed country, the United States is responsible for 22% of the recurrent budget of about $5.4 billion for the two-year recurrent budget from 2018 to 2019 and about $7 billion for the period from July 2018 to June 2019. The budget, 28.5% of the peacekeeping budget for the second half of 2018, and 27.9% of the peacekeeping budget for the first half of 2019.

According to the UN official website, because the United States has set a ceiling and only agreed to bear 25% of the UN peacekeeping fund share, resulting in a budget balance of about 3% and about 200 million U.S. dollars, which is now the United Nations in the world that has been plagued by funds. For the 14 peacekeeping operations deployed, it can be described as “adding worse”.

On January 11 this year, UN Secretary-General Guterres told 193 member states that the current arrears of UN peacekeeping funds by Member States amounted to 2 billion U.S. dollars, of which the United States owed one third of the arrears. According to estimates, as of January 1 this year, the United States has arrears to the United Nations on a recurrent budget of $381 million, and arrears of peacekeeping funds of $776 million.

The United Nations has financial difficulties, and Guttres has been eager to even consider selling houses.

According to Xinhua News Agency, at the Fifth Committee meeting of the UN General Assembly in charge of administration and budget, Guterres mentioned that after taking office in January 2017, the first thing he did was to ask whether the Secretary-General’s official residence could be sold. "I am not kidding. This is a real thing."

Located in Manhattan's lavish Sutton neighborhood, the Secretary-General's residence is a four-storey townhouse with a small garden overlooking the East River, with an estimated market value of tens of millions of dollars.

However, Guterres soon discovered that, according to the agreement signed between the United Nations and the United States where the headquarters is located, “selling houses” exceeded the Secretary-General’s terms of reference.

When "Lai Lai", the United States is used to it.

Since the Trump administration took office, it has been demanding a reduction in the US peacekeeping budget share. He has repeatedly complained that the United States has paid too much money to the United Nations.

Nikki Heili, the then permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations, said at a high-level United Nations debate on peacekeeping reform in March last year that the United States will not account for more than 25% of the United Nations-related peacekeeping costs.

The arrears of the United States have caused dissatisfaction among the international community. However, the interests of the United States in the United Nations have not been affected in the slightest.

According to Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations, any Member State that is in arrears with financial funds will lose its voting rights in the UN General Assembly if its arrears amount equals or exceeds the amount payable in the previous two years. If Member States are in arrears for uncontrollable reasons and have been verified by the United Nations, these Member States can vote.

Although the United States currently has a large amount of arrears and still does not exceed the sum of the two years of fees payable, it still has the right to vote in the United Nations.

In fact, in the history of the United States, the United Nations has repeatedly defaulted on United Nations dues. In October 1995, the United States owed the United Nations normal dues and peacekeeping funds totaling $1.43 billion, which led to a deterioration in the financial situation of the United Nations. In October 2015, the regular budgetary expenses owed by UN member states exceeded US$950 million, of which the United States defaulted on US$800 million.

Became the second congress payment country, China has fully assumed

According to the new fee scale adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 22, 2018, China surpassed Japan for the first time and was promoted to the second contributor, second only to the United States; the regular budget share increased from 7.92% to 12.01%. The peacekeeping budget share ratio increased from 10.24% to 15.22%.


Image source: UN official Weibo


Image source: UN official Weibo

At present, China has fully taken up 12.01% of the UN's regular budget allocation. According to the official WeChat news of the United Nations, Secretary-General Stefan Dugarik expressed his gratitude to China for paying the 2019 dues in full at the press conference held in May, and said in Chinese: "Thank you."

微信公众号“每日经济新闻” 2019-06-09 07:37:37

























成为第二大会费缴纳国 中国已足额承担






So what does this mean: The United States hopes to maintain world leadership forever by force threats and economic sanctions, without contributing to the world?

Haha without contributing to the world?

the us is the most generous donor in the world. the question is where does China stand?
Myth: 25-30 percent of the U.S. budget goes to foreign aid.

The entire international affairs budget – which includes diplomacy and aid – is less than 2 percent of the federal budget. Poverty-focused development assistance is about half of that – for a grand total of 0.7 percent of the U.S. federal budget in Fiscal Year 2014. Americans vastly overestimate how much the U.S. spends on aid. Surveys report that, on average, Americans believe the U.S. spends as much as 30 percent of the federal budget on foreign aid, more than Social Security or Medicare.

But wait, there's more...

The "aid" is merely an indirect subsidy to us corporations to colonize and plunder foreign nations.

USAID is more about imposing around the world a US philosophy, and in this case the US agricultural model and its genetically modified (GM) crops, that blatantly benefits US corporations.


The white race is the most blatant group of liars, thieves, and criminals in history. Bar none. Everything is inverted. Plunder is called aid. Mass murder is called humanitarian intervention. A competent Chinese government eradicating poverty is called a "totalitarian regime".

So what does this mean: The United States hopes to maintain world leadership forever by force threats and economic sanctions, without contributing to the world?

They contribute plenty in mass rapes, genocide, economic slavery, ecocide, toppling democratically elected governments.


Haha without contributing to the world?

the us is the most generous donor in the world. the question is where does China stand?
Generous is a strong word. The US, and indeed all world powers including China, give aid to buy influence, it has nothing to do with generosity.
Generous is a strong word. The US, and indeed all world powers including China, give aid to buy influence, it has nothing to do with generosity.
True! However, due to the US electoral system, both the president and the Congress must be strictly responsible to the voters. Therefore, the US overseas aid must be conditional.

Since China is a communist country, whether China’s overseas aid is conditional depends on Xi Jinping’s wishes. Less influenced by the Chinese people or members of the Chinese People's Congress.
u.s end is near.They not have enough money available to contribute to u.n.They will ultimately lose trade war and china will surpass them in future as true economic power
More ironic is: US government defaults on the UN's $1.157 billion membership fee.

The United States contributes most not because Americans are kind, but because the US government wants to control the United Nations since its creation, and considering the level of development of countries, China’s per capita GDP is only one-sixth of that of the United States.
Now, because the United States has taken measures against international law, most countries in the United Nations (including many American allies) are dissatisfied with the behavior of the United States. The US government feels that the United Nations cannot be under its own control. Therefore, the US government has begun to default on UN membership fees.

If US can't take responsibility, please withdraw from world leadership, thank you!

u.s end is near.They not have enough money available to contribute to u.n.They will ultimately lose trade war and china will surpass them in future as true economic power
The United States will remain a strong country, but it will not be able to fully control the countries of the world.
More ironic is: US government defaults on the UN's $1.157 billion membership fee.

The United States contributes most not because Americans are kind, but because the US government wants to control the United Nations since its creation, and considering the level of development of countries, China’s per capita GDP is only one-sixth of that of the United States.
Now, because the United States has taken measures against international law, most countries in the United Nations (including many American allies) are dissatisfied with the behavior of the United States. The US government feels that the United Nations cannot be under its own control. Therefore, the US government has begun to default on UN membership fees.

If US can't take responsibility, please withdraw from world leadership, thank you!

The United States will remain a strong country, but it will not be able to fully control the countries of the world.

LOL! Our share has been going up.
In 2001 it was $3B now it is $10B. Why should we be liable for all this?
u.s end is near.They not have enough money available to contribute to u.n.They will ultimately lose trade war and china will surpass them in future as true economic power

you know what's funny? in the 60s people said the Soviet union will beat the us in technology and space, the opposite happened. in the 90s they said Japan's economy will surpass the us and look what happened. Today the us is still #1 and yet stronger.
Why should we withdraw? We didn't join the UN for $10B a year. Maybe others shouldn't be cheapskates.
At present, the amount of contributions paid by the United States accounts for 22% of the United Nations (there are still many arrears), and the amount of contributions paid by China accounts for 12% of the United Nations (China has paid off all).
So, if China is willing to pay a 24% share of the membership fee, is the US willing to give up the dominance of the UN?

The actual situation is: the United States is a slutty and shameless prostitute, but still wants to receive the Nightingale Award.
At present, the amount of contributions paid by the United States accounts for 22% of the United Nations (there are still many arrears), and the amount of contributions paid by China accounts for 12% of the United Nations (China has paid off all).
So, if China is willing to pay a 24% share of the membership fee, is the US willing to give up the dominance of the UN?

The actual situation is: the United States is a slutty and shameless prostitute, but still wants to receive the Nightingale Award.

LOL! Since when does the US get votes passed on all the things we want???
Where is this privilege we supposedly have?

Sounds more like we are subsidizing freeloaders who show empty pockets.
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