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US cypher: Cabinet okays legal action against Imran Khan over audio leaks

Looks like you've been living under a rock Mr VC!

Anyways, in this country, if the estab wants a government change, then even a murder accused can come back from a 2 month sabbatical abroad and be given state protocol to get him to vote.

If the estab wants, then the courts can give an acquittal or cancel arrest warrants of all and sundry.

If the estab wants, I can throw red paint on a white wall but the media would still say it ain't red, it's yellow.

Anything is possible in this Khudadad-e-Pakistan!

While much of what you say here can be correct, the fact remains that the VoNC process was entirely due process by consitutional means.
I am not sure any sophisticated analysis is required to see that this childish prank was baseless. U.S. has tried to ignore Pakistan and not be involved in any way with its internal politics for a while. The only goal of all administrations being preventing a return of Al Queda/ISIS in the region. They lost what little trust they had after the assault on Osama's hideout in Abbottabad. That Biden administration, in spite of all things happening in the world, would sit and conjure a regime change scheme in Pakistan is laughable. They gave up on the whole region in August 2021 as anyone can see.
No absolutely couldnt agree more.....the US doesnt engage in childish tittle tattle. Its far busier scheming, distorting, manipulating, arm twisting, blackmailing, corrupting, cajoling and threatening every nation on earth since its god forsaken birth.

The nutty Ayatollahs dont a lot wrong but one thing they got absolutely right is labelling US as the 'Great Satan'
Topi Drama continues.

They (Nani and Bajwa) are trying to copy US establishment game of grilling Donald Trump for taking classified documents to mar-a-lago. US deep state don’t want Trump to run again for President cuz he most likely will win if election (EVM’s) aren’t rigged by deep state.

Bajwa most probably getting dictation from US establishment is plying same game.
While much of what you say here can be correct, the fact remains that the VoNC process was entirely due process by consitutional means.

Does all the horse trading count as part of the process, or is that like a seperate pre-amble to the main event?
It was obvious to outsiders, but Imran played the flute like pied piper. His followers were caught in a trance and the common public (who are anti American because of America's geo politics in South Asia) were taken along for the ride.

One question though is why was this transcript not released sooner? It should have been used to expose the plotters as soon as possible to break the spell immediately :undecided:
Does all the horse trading count as part of the process, or is that like a seperate pre-amble to the main event?

There were many such claims made. but none were pursued or proven, were they?

Untruths and politics

Editorial Published October 1, 2022 Updated a day ago
TIME has made it clear that ‘Cablegate’ was little more than a cunning ploy. With calculated shrewdness, former prime minister Imran Khan seized on a diplomatic cable and managed to turn it into a potent weapon. Using it, he discredited his otherwise lawful ouster as a foreign-funded conspiracy.
This ‘strategic’ fabrication revived the PTI’s fortunes overnight and made Mr Khan relevant at a time he had seemed doomed to an ignominious exit. When he was questioned recently about the implications of the PM Office audio leak featuring him and his principal secretary, his bold, self-assured response showed just how far he feels he succeeded in his plan.
Consider the calculation as Mr Khan decided to capitalise on a communication received from the Pakistani ambassador in Washington: “We only have to play with this, that this date [of the no-trust vote] was [decided] before,” he told his principal secretary.
Compare that to what he said in his speech at the grand ‘Amar Bil Maroof’ rally in Islamabad days before his eventual ouster: “We have been aware of this conspiracy for months [...] Attempts are being made through foreign money to change the government in Pakistan. Our people are being used […] I am placing the case of Pakistan’s independence before you. The letter I have is proof, and I want to dare anyone who is doubting this letter.”
Editorial: Cable confusion
In a country so used to eschewing the obvious for conspiracy theories, the people were always going to fall for it.
His supporters’ indignation over the PTI’s forced ouster swelled in the following months to rage against ‘foreign intervention’. The anger was channelled towards any individual or institution who dared defy Mr Khan.
The former prime minister put the country’s relations with a global superpower and major trading partner at stake with his manoeuvre. He also turned his followers against the state with the ‘local facilitators’ mantra — a calculated move to pressure powerful quarters to reconsider their policy to stay ‘neutral’. The scorched earth policy may have yielded personal dividends for Mr Khan, but the nation paid a price for it.
The former prime minister may be many things, but a fool he is not. He carefully constructed a public persona of an honest man out to single-handedly fix the country’s wrongs, even as he used Machiavellian wiliness to catch his opponents unawares.
Perhaps it is now time to call his bluff. It would arguably be in the national interest for the Supreme Court to take up the cipher, as has been demanded by the PTI itself, and settle the matter. Any lingering doubts regarding the nature and contents of the communication between Pakistani officials and their American counterparts should be cleared so that we can move forward from this episode.
There is little point in allowing this mystery to dominate our politics any longer.
Published in Dawn, October 1st, 2022

I didn’t hear anything of the sort- never heard “play around the time”- I did hear IK telling his people to play around which country it is.

Dawn is a veritable media arm of the PDM. Their editorials are utter garbage. The only thing they have going for them is they can write English half well. It doesn’t impress me though. Not like they are at the level of Nabikov or Shakespeare. And otherwise for logic and information, it is just propaganda.
As if anything legal does happen.

Quite often, it is a mix, and one has to work to differentiate between the two. Actually, that is true in most countries around the world, some more so than others.

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