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US - China Cold war begins, Will India join?

it simply won't happen

United States vs China - Consequences of a Nuclear War

Aby jan. 12, 2010

A lot of us are interested to know what are the chances of China standing against USA in the advent of a nuclear war. As both the Chinese and American administration are quite aware of the destruction such a war could cause, they are unlikely to ever consider a nuclear confrontation against each other. Hence this is a brief analytical article just to stimulate a discussion on the probable scenarios in case such a war were to happen. We will start off with a brief political background, after which we’d get on to the scenario analysis.

The Dong Feng 5A ICBM which has a range of 13000+ km and can carry up to 3 H-bomb warheads capable of killing 7.5 million people in NYC in less than 10 seconds.

The Chinese military maintains a fairly credible nuclear deterrance against its adversaries, without investing in a jumbo nuclear arsenal like Russia or the US. It all began with China’s successful transformation to a nuclear power on October 16, 1964. It was a major landmark and an achievement of the Chinese people in their struggle to defend their nation and also immune themselves from nuclear blackmail by the Americans.

Initially, the Chinese government vehemently opposed nuclear armament which fell to deaf ears of the then nuclear nations. The continued threats and reluctance of Britain and America to accommodate their legitimate interests led Mao Zedong to make China a military and nuclear might, with enough second strike capability to hit back if attacked by the United States. The United States has been traditionally a war economy, that profited from wars taking place in far away nation. Hence Mao Zedong, who was at odds with American interests in its neighbourhood, considered it a risk to the Chinese people not to develop a credible nuclear defence against the US.

A nuclear war between China and United States will likely be a US first strike on China. Due to its smaller arsenal and limited number of ICBMs, China would not risk a first strike on the US mainland. Hence, we will assume a US first strike and what follows. In the advent of a US first strike on China, the targets are more likely to be Chinese ICBM silos, as the US would first attempt to eliminate chances of retaliation as much as possible. A US attack on China’s ICBM silos would kill at least 1.5 million to 20 million civilians depending on the type and the number of warheads used. Assuming that most of its land based silos have been destroyed, China’s choice of retaliatory strike would be its submarine based SLBMs. Assuming that 12 JL-2 SLBMs with MIRV warheads are launched from two Jin class submarines, at least 20 of the largest American cities could be targeted. This would result in extermination of 25 million to 100 million civilians, which would be more devastating on the US than the first strike would be on China.

If we take more realistic standards, a nuclear war between China and USA would result in much higher casualties for both sides, due to real world lack of considerations. One would most likely obliterate the other or worse, both countries would be destroyed before a truce or victory call could be reached. It is more likely that Americans would suffer the most because of their lower population and lack of creature comforts (that they are habituated to). The Chinese on the other hand, would have more suvivours because of their much larger population, which is also much more adapted to adversity and wars than the American people.
USA is the only country after Russia that has supersonic strategic bombers.
Unfortunately China doesnt posses such sophisticated technology.
China's military is very opaque,people don't really know what China has.US always asks China for military transparency cause they are worried about things they don't know.
China's military is very opaque,people don't really know what China has.US always asks China for military transparency cause they are worried about things they don't know.

YA and even chinese don't know how capable there fighter jets are .......just xeroxing and coping and then putting up nice pic on internet it all it has done ...just coz ur j-10 looks like eurofighter doesn't make it as capable as eurofighter..... Somebody has to put it to test......
China never sends its fighter jets to any multilateral war games nor does it shows its testing parameters......just one day out of the blue........ we have Stealth fighter........And all chinese go GAGAGAGAGAGA :coffee:
unlike the old cold war between ussr and usa, it is a different ball game between China and the yanks. The world is a lot more complicated and interdependent than that cold war era. I wont say yes or no but on paper neither side will admit it because it only invites someone to step on the brakes which hurts everyone.

even if indians would like to join, I dont think it will make much of a difference.

Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force are a one third the size of India and Pakistan Navy is one sixth the size of Indian Navy.

Why does Pakistan scare you so much ?

cheapest way to ask for budget approval!
YA and even chinese don't know how capable there fighter jets are .......just xeroxing and coping and then putting up nice pic on internet it all it has done ...just coz ur j-10 looks like eurofighter doesn't make it as capable as eurofighter..... Somebody has to put it to test......
China never sends its fighter jets to any multilateral war games nor does it shows its testing parameters......just one day out of the blue........ we have Stealth fighter........And all chinese go GAGAGAGAGAGA :coffee:

you have stealth fighters?you made them?you put your fighter planes to test?I only know that India has world highest crash rate for their imported foreign planes.

Typhoon, Rafale no match for China’s MMRCA
SUMAN SHARMA New Delhi | 20th Nov
you have stealth fighters?you made them?you put your fighter planes to test?I only know that India has world highest crash rate for their imported foreign planes.
You don't know much then, do you??:lol:
Have a look at other Indian fighters, and stop rantng about a used for training only, about to be retired fighter.
You don't know much then, do you??:lol:
Have a look at other Indian fighters, and stop rantng about a used for training only, about to be retired fighter.

maybe I don't know that much,but I m pretty sure this guy knows that better than you.

India’s air power just 1/3rd of China: IAF
Thursday, September 24, 2009, 00:35

India’s air power just 1/3rd of China: IAF Zeenews Bureau

Gandhinagar: The Air Chief Marshal PV Naik on Wednesday admitted that India was no match to China when it came to air power.

"Our present aircraft strength is inadequate. Aircraft strength is one third that of China. The Government of India is doing a lot to augment Air Force capability," Naik said.

Interestingly, former Navy chief Suresh Mehta had also, last month, claimed that India is no match to China when it comes to military strength.

He, however, chose to downplay the threat from India’s eastern neighbour amid reported violations of the Indian airspace and territory by Chinese troops.

No imminent threat

Stressing that India must build up its weapons capability to thwart such attempts, Naik said, “There are two ways to look at Chinese incursions. One way is to take up weapons and go to the border. Other way is to build systematic weapons capability to tackle the threat.”

Over 100 pilots have applied for VRS: IAF Chief

The IAF chief also stressed that there was no imminent threat from the Dragon.

He also refuted reports of violation of airspace along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) by the

Who remembers these Hindustanians talking bad about Turkey on Syria conflict??

They are sh*tting their pants now or what? :D India must join and not be affraid. You always joined for the sake of imperialism, why now holding back? =DDDDD
I just don't think it's worthwhile news.

1. China will bombard Guam with ballistic missiles to attack the airbase for the B-1.

2. China can intercept the non-stealthy B-1.

3. China has cruise missile defenses.

To me, it's business as usual. The B-1 adds no real new capability and it doesn't fix Guam's vulnerability to a ballistic missile attack.

Cool story bro :lol:
USA is the only country after Russia that has supersonic strategic bombers.
Unfortunately China doesnt posses such sophisticated technology.

actually We have 1.88 mach capable strategic bomber



but. It is leased.
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