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US can count on Turkey on Afghanistan troop pullout: Erdogan

Taliban oppose Turkey's offer to guard Kabul airport

best policy is to let the situation slightly defused, Taliban also want good relations with turkey but this is not the right time as afghan internal power struggle is at full swing let them decide who would be the leading political power in Afghanistan
I dont understand this line of Turkey's policy. Why they want to stay in Afghanistan when they know the sentiment of the Taliban? Why do they want to fall out with them?
I dont understand this line of Turkey's policy. Why they want to stay in Afghanistan when they know the sentiment of the Taliban? Why do they want to fall out with them?

Could be a renewed push within Turkish society to protect ethnic Turks wherever they are militarily capable of doing so. Domestic Turkish politics. If the Turks could broker some kind of peace deal between the Turkmen/Uzbeks and the Taliban, it would save a lot of fighting and would allow the Turks to leave and come back as unarmed aid workers, to support not only ethnic Turks but all afghans and build their influence within Afghanistan. They may even be allowed to run Kabul airport on a commercial basis. In the mean time, they would be better off moving their troops to Uzbekistan as a contingency in the event the SHTF for their co-ethnics.
ISTANBUL: Recep Tayyip Erdogan indicated on Sunday that the Joe Biden administration could rely on its NATO ally after the Turkish president said Turkey would be the "only reliable" country left to stabilise Afghanistan after withdrawal of US troops.

Erdogan also said he would discuss the issue in his first face-to-face meeting with US President Joe Biden on the margins of a NATO summit in Brussels on Monday, after strained relations between their two countries.

"America is preparing to leave Afghanistan soon and from the moment they leave, the only reliable country to maintain the process over there is obviously Turkey," Erdogan told reporters at an Istanbul airport on Sunday before leaving for Brussels.

The United States is in the final stages of completing a military drawdown, alongside NATO forces, by September 11 — 20 years after they invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban.

Turkey has reportedly said it is prepared to keep troops in Afghanistan to protect Kabul airport, the main exit route for western diplomats and humanitarian workers.

Erdogan said on Sunday that Turkish officials had informed their American counterparts about Ankara's plans in Afghanistan after the US troop pullout, without providing details.

They are "pleased and happy. We will be able to discuss the Afghanistan process with them," he said.

Turkey has made clear its intentions to stay in the war-torn country, but the details remain unclear.

A Turkish official said Turkish troops could remain "as long as certain conditions including legal and financial are met."

"If Turkey is to stay it will do so under which frame: under NATO umbrella or bilateral terms? And if it will be under NATO auspices, under which authorization?" asked the official, who wished to remain anonymous.

The official also confirmed that Western powers were willing to let Turkey stay and protect the Kabul airport.

But, the official added, "why should Turkey try hard if nobody is going to give support? These issues need to be clarified."

On Saturday the Taliban said that foreign forces should hold "no hope" of keeping a military presence in Afghanistan after the US and NATO withdraw troops, warning the security of embassies and airports would be the responsibility of Afghans.

'Without ifs and buts'
Relations between the US and Turkey have been tense in recent years, and Erdogan said he wanted to turn a new page with the Biden administration.

"There were rumours here and there. We need to leave them behind and discuss what we can do," he said.

"We expect to see an approach from the US without ifs and buts."

Relations have sharply deteriorated since Biden replaced Erdogan's ally Donald Trump in January.

Biden most notably recognised the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman empire during World War I, a move that outraged Turkey which rejects that term.

"This has seriously saddened us... Turkey is not an ordinary country. It's an ally of America," Erdogan said.

this guy should be given a chance in Afghanistan , let him try his hand where others failed .
Its for managing the airport security, so that embassies can continue to function and aid can be delivered, its in pakistan's interests that Afghanistan doesn't have a repeat of the 90s, with a complete failed state, b/c all that will lead to is more pashtun refugees in Pakistan, which is more strain for Pakistan and more instability. It is in Pakistan's interests for Afghanistan to have embassies and a mechanism for the delivering of Aid and materials for infrastructure, b/c those things will make Afghanistan inhabitable and livable, which is provide the steps for refugees to go back.

the people in this forum are idiots for wanting some sort of chaos in Afghanistan, thinking it will benefit Pakistan somehow. not even including the refugee burden and the blowback from that, a power vacuum will only be worse for you, b/c having warlords control the country in their own divided fiefdoms instead of a central govt you can negotiate with, will result in Tajik northern Alliance warlords financed by India who will control the Wakhan Corridor, which borders Pakistan and Azad Kahsmir, something that would be quite useful for India to use as leverage against Pakistan.
I dont understand this line of Turkey's policy. Why they want to stay in Afghanistan when they know the sentiment of the Taliban? Why do they want to fall out with them?
Nobody is staying.
Biden ergodic meeting is due at NATO. This is just a carrot
Since 1987 Turkey is an applicant for EU
When did being part of EU became measure of being a European power? UK, Swissland, Norway as European but NOT part of EU. Most Turks and most of Turkey's power base is in European Turkey and not the backward [by Turkish standards] Kurdish east. But from all other measure Turks are European. Their dress code, their political system, their femal emancipation, their yearning to be part of the West, their military brotherhood is in NATO. Turkish military is sworn in oath to die fighting for her brother European and Americans for which they train with them regularly. They are part of the "White Tribe".

Yeh they are secular Muslims but so are Bosnian, Kosovar, Tatars, Albanians in Europe. I have been to Istanbul and it is more Rome, London then Riyad, Islamabad. You can go drink, get drunk, walk semi-naked in streets of Istanbul in month of Ramadan and no one will bat a eyelid. In Pakistan or Saudia Arabia you would get lynched.
When did being part of EU became measure of being a European power? UK, Swissland, Norway as European but NOT part of EU. Most Turks and most of Turkey's power base is in European Turkey and not the backward [by Turkish standards] Kurdish east. But from all other measure Turks are European. Their dress code, their political system, their femal emancipation, their yearning to be part of the West, their military brotherhood is in NATO. Turkish military is sworn in oath to die fighting for her brother European and Americans for which they train with them regularly. They are part of the "White Tribe".

Yeh they are secular Muslims but so are Bosnian, Kosovar, Tatars, Albanians in Europe. I have been to Istanbul and it is more Rome, London then Riyad, Islamabad. You can go drink, get drunk, walk semi-naked in streets of Istanbul in month of Ramadan and no one will bat a eyelid. In Pakistan or Saudia Arabia you would get lynched.
Sorry bro I beg to differ.
I have visited Istanbul as well and I have seen the mini skirted women. Sure no one says anything to them but look around you at the dirty looks they get. Look at the amount of women in hijabs. Musjid are full.
Yes many Turks drink but the young are changing
The old guard is still there and they think their future is with the west the young are not thinking entirely like this although still many influenced by their parents.
Turkey and Turks know the west don't like them simply because they are Muslims. They are very clear on this. Being Pakistani no nation ever gets the respect and love in Turkey that we Pakistanis do. Alhumdulillah
Funny to watch some PFDers bending backwards trying to justify what Erdogan is suggesting here which is basically this:

I actually support this . Western powers should support and finance Turkey's role in remaining in Afghanistan to maintain peace and stability there. I think our leaders would support this idea, so Tuekey can help the afghan government strengthen its hold and rule over the country..
Its for managing the airport security, so that embassies can continue to function and aid can be delivered, its in pakistan's interests that Afghanistan doesn't have a repeat of the 90s, with a complete failed state, b/c all that will lead to is more pashtun refugees in Pakistan, which is more strain for Pakistan and more instability. It is in Pakistan's interests for Afghanistan to have embassies and a mechanism for the delivering of Aid and materials for infrastructure, b/c those things will make Afghanistan inhabitable and livable, which is provide the steps for refugees to go back.

the people in this forum are idiots for wanting some sort of chaos in Afghanistan, thinking it will benefit Pakistan somehow. not even including the refugee burden and the blowback from that, a power vacuum will only be worse for you, b/c having warlords control the country in their own divided fiefdoms instead of a central govt you can negotiate with, will result in Tajik northern Alliance warlords financed by India who will control the Wakhan Corridor, which borders Pakistan and Azad Kahsmir, something that would be quite useful for India to use as leverage against Pakistan.
look man yankees dont need to tell us what is in our interest and what is not!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny to watch some PFDers bending backwards trying to justify what Erdogan is suggesting here which is basically this:

Nobby. He was seated and Biden came to him so he started to get up. Fools are easily lead arnt they my Indian dalat untouchable. Indians and tamasha...
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