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US can count on Turkey on Afghanistan troop pullout: Erdogan

Talibam won't attack the Turks and Turks won't engage the taliban. They haven't so far and they will continue. However ISIS an American arm will look tk attack the Turks and blame taliban
If ISIS attacks the Turkish forces all sorts of drones will be employed....
Erdogan is not understanding for few f 35 usa wants both muslims fight each other for their greater good

Erdogan after all these years is going to make worst blunder talibans never want foreign people forces

Neitger turks can win nor taliban stop a chaos
This actually shows you few things -

  • how close Turkey is at geo-strategic level with the west including America
  • that it is now actually a western power tied into the broader west
  • Erdogan is a smart cookie. His ability to flex everywhere has seen Turkey rise like a eagle in last 18 years
  • there is nothing remotely Islamic about Turkey but is guided by self interest
  • you could easily see Erdogan offering military help to Israel if it suits Turkey
  • Erodogan is doing this simply to buy influence with his "NATO allies".
  • when Erdogan said to Biden "Turkey is the ONLY reliable ally you do know that was a slap on Pakistan's face".
  • given the Afghan context his statement was hardly using Iran as referance
  • at least this should debunk the ummah lovers
  • Turkey is offering to be American and Western contractor in Afghanistan - a position that will place it directly in opposition to Taliban
  • why would Taliban fight and die for 20 years against Americans in Afghanistan only for them to leave behind their stooges in form of NATO Turkish Army?
This is not good and I just hope Erdogan is using this as a negotiating chip with Biden just before the meeting.

@Yankee-stani Ertugrul Ghazi to the rescue of Americans!

Historically vis a vis Afghanistan; Pakistan and Turkey had been on the opposite side of the rope. And that's gonna be the case again. Central asia is the key element and eventually, if turkey won't let go of her lucid dream of reviving ottoman empire. Pakistan and turkey won't be having a very good relations in Afghanistan. So the ball is in the court of Turkey. Taliban telling that Turkey is not welcomed in Afghanistan post withdrawal can't be taken as a stand alone statement which is given without necessary consultation from important entities. There is more to it.
Access towards China, more influence in Afghanistan means more influence in Xin Jiang area, which have already very strong Turkish affiliation and heritage. And yes, US might assist Turkey more, if it is able to tap that turkish link in Uighur region and try to exploit some of that situation. Don't know if in the long run, it would be wise for America to give Turkey more role in central asia. It's like creating a beast to counter some other beast. Turkey already has quite an influence around it's neighboring countries. The Americans gave Indians a chance in Afghanistan, but they don't seem to show any competence, as their focus has always been Pakistan.
thats a natural thing to come to mind but its not about that. Airports are the most strategically important place in afghanistan more than presidential palace. If someone important needs to land there he is at the mercy of the airport staff and security.
therefore Turkey tried to give US a favor by securing something for them as well other foreign missions there.
If Talis control the airport then it gives a vibe of them being the ruling party and in-charge of things.
Australians have already packed and left after a threat. Interestingly Australia is also in a major rift with China nowadays. So is there any China-Tali connection in the back ground?
If you are not able to join the dots and see the obvious then i will suggest you should go to the spec savers.

Please explain what are the dots here that your imagination is trying to connect?
lucid dream of reviving ottoman empire.
This has nothing to do with Ottoman Empire as that never at it's maximum ever extended into Central Asia. Ottoman Empire was more Europe-West Asia centric. This has nothing to do with Ottoman Empire or Islam but everything to do with Turkey playing the role as a bastion of the Western order headed by USA. Turkey is one of America's ost loyal foot soldiers. And before anybody even croaks "oh yeh Erdogan has been annoying America" well even lovers can have fallouts, spouses can argue and so can brothers but non of that takes away that they are ONE family. Turkey is the easternmost extension of Europe and a bulwark of the West that separates it from the Islamic/tribal/backward chaos to south and east of it.
thats a natural thing to come to mind but its not about that. Airports are the most strategically important place in afghanistan more than presidential palace. If someone important needs to land there he is at the mercy of the airport staff and security.
therefore Turkey tried to give US a favor by securing something for them as well other foreign missions there.
If Talis control the airport then it gives a vibe of them being the ruling party and in-charge of things.

Sure, for the time being it might be seen as a favor but it may also become their gateway. Turkey main goals are like of any other nation, expansion and control.

Australians have already packed and left after a threat. Interestingly Australia is also in a major rift with China nowadays. So is there any China-Tali connection in the back ground?

Talibans have links with every neighboring country. That's why Afghanistan is so messy, no one country can control it for long. Russia, China and Iran operate silently, they might be providing them money and ammunition's, but they don't provide them logistics and training. We provided them training in Soviet era and it was all in open. So now we get blamed for every single US failure in Afghanistan. We might have strong links with Talibs, but they aren't dependent on us, for survival.
This has nothing to do with Ottoman Empire as that never at it's maximum ever extended into Central Asia. Ottoman Empire was more Europe-West Asia centric. This has nothing to do with Ottoman Empire or Islam but everything to do with Turkey playing the role as a bastion of the Western order headed by USA. Turkey is one of America's ost loyal foot soldiers. And before anybody even croaks "oh yeh Erdogan has been annoying America" well even lovers can have fallouts, spouses can argue and so can brothers but non of that takes away that they are ONE family. Turkey is the easternmost extension of Europe and a bulwark of the West that separates it from the Islamic/tribal/backward chaos to south and east of it.

To an extent may be; but turks are one of the most ethnic/racially centric nationalists; to the point of extremism. Historically what you are saying isn't true and in wider context they have always been in tussle for power with neighbors; be it russia, Iran, Balkans. Turkish dream is eventually to rival between european powers, russia, china, middle east as a block, Iran. Afghanistan is where Pakistan would expand her power to central asia. IMO that's where the interests will collide. Can be mutually beneficial if they come at terms with china's influence which is inevitable and to counter that Turkey would love to toe the line of US but not for the love of US but to counter chinese influence. It's important to make the distinction.
There's no way they'd be able to stay without the approval of IEA.
Turkish dream is eventually to rival between european power
Turkey is a European power. Actually it is one of the top European powers. In Europe Turkish military capability is at least 3rd if not 2nd.

Turkey today is not a Middle Eastern country like many Pakistani's think. Anybody bringing "Muslim" into should know they are very relaxed about that. Bosnia, Kosavars etc are also Muslims.
Turkey is a European power. Actually it is one of the top European powers. In Europe Turkish military capability is at least 3rd if not 2nd.

Turkey today is not a Middle Eastern country like many Pakistani's think. Anybody bringing "Muslim" into should know they are very relaxed about that. Bosnia, Kosavars etc are also Muslims.

Since 1987 Turkey is an applicant for EU. Please tag me when that happens. Yeah they are European-Turkic-Iranian-Middle eastern ethnically with west turkey closer to european heritage but this gross oversimplification of saying that they are european power is way much simplification of facts. Regardless; it's for time to tell. However, IMO turkey for now is playing her cards to stay relevant by portraying herself as a security guarantor to EU; migrant inflow; buffering war torn countries and EU and from Russia from north. I see it more of milking the situation. Turkey knows that they aren't getting in to EU; EU knows they aren't gonna accept turkey as part of EU. Rest is just geo-politics and power game.
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