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US can count on Turkey on Afghanistan troop pullout: Erdogan

look man yankees dont need to tell us what is in our interest and what is not!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pointing out a Basic analysis isn't telling you to do anything. good thing the Pakistani Foreign Ministry is not stupid like the posters here who was a war to break out, and has said it supports a stable Afghanistan and wants a negotiated settlement.

One exclamation mark suffices!
A Dual mechanism is envisaged under the leadership of Turkey and Pakistan, (and as a third party, Hungary, which is one of the NATO countries that will give the most political trust).

Proposal offers the opportunity for a complete military withdrawal for the US

Kabul Airport is one of the priority places in terms of ensuring security after the withdrawal. Some countries cite airport and air transport security as a prerequisite for holding their diplomatic missions in Afghanistan. Moreover, international aid organizations deliver the necessary humanitarian aid to this country using this airport.

Turkey offered to continue to secure the airport in Kabul by keeping its forces in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of the US and NATO. Currently Turkey is still responsible for the operation of the military part of the airport.

However, the Turkish president frankly says that the existence of the Taliban cannot be denied, which is seen as the main source of some western countries' reservations about the proposal.

Although Turkey presented the proposal to the NATO wing, in general, it actually means a Turkey-Pakistan joint peace plan. At present, it is not clear how the western world will respond to this.
I have been to Istanbul and it is more Rome, London then Riyad, Islamabad. You can go drink, get drunk, walk semi-naked in streets of Istanbul in month of Ramadan and no one will bat a eyelid.

Yes; and to acheive that they have done extremist level backward bending during ataturk time and later; which Erdogan has been trying to reverse. There was a point that AZAN was not permitted to be given in arabic. Till very recently women with hijjab were not given admission in universities. From writing script to changing the essence of Turkism from Islamic to secular (read extremist) was done by brute force. Had there been push back from society that's another topic.

Yes; lifestyle (western turkey) is european. But saying they are "europeans" is a gross simplification of ground realities. They are a mixture of people like Pakistan. However, they have successfully erased that part to make it look more homogenous to "Turkic". Till very recently the genealogical background and ancestry register wasn't accessible to public. They literally were not allowed to look where their ancestors originated from. And this was just to create this nationalist ideology and to gather the people around the idea of Turkic nation and they have done that successfully. Modern day turks are ethnically eastern european, arabs, iranian, north african, central asian decent people.
young are changing
Yes, the young are changing. They are becoming even more westernized then their parents. It is only matter of time Turks will legalize gays etc. If miniskirts are frowned why have they banned them? Erdogan has been in power for nearly 20 years. How about restricting alcohol and banning miniskirts?

Clear the mist from your eyes and see the world as it is ...

Ps. When Pakistan raised a ruckus over the French blasphey issue Turkish soldiers were primed to fight for France. You think Turkish Army is ready to fight for Pakistan? Wake up realpolitiks.
Yes; and to acheive that they have done extremist level backward bending during ataturk time and later; which Erdogan has been trying to reverse. There was a point that AZAN was not permitted to be given in arabic. Till very recently women with hijjab were not given admission in universities. From writing script to changing the essence of Turkism from Islamic to secular (read extremist) was done by brute force. Had there been push back from society that's another topic.

Yes; lifestyle (western turkey) is european. But saying they are "europeans" is a gross simplification of ground realities. They are a mixture of people like Pakistan. However, they have successfully erased that part to make it look more homogenous to "Turkic". Till very recently the genealogical background and ancestry register wasn't accessible to public. They literally were not allowed to look where their ancestors originated from. And this was just to create this nationalist ideology and to gather the people around the idea of Turkic nation and they have done that successfully. Modern day turks are ethnically eastern european, arabs, iranian, north african, central asian decent people.
Great post. Clearly you know your stuff. Before Erdogan Turkey resembled a authoritarian East European state as example women could not wear hijab. Since AKP took over they have made the Turkish state more similar to UK. So like in Londo you got hijabis walking next to drunk miniskirts. Note in 20 years Erdogan has not moved Turkey in the direction of Pakistan or Saudia Arabi. Turks regard us and Arabs as tribal and backward. I think you should know I have regular contact with Turks, in real life and internet as I am member of a Turkish forum.
A Dual mechanism is envisaged under the leadership of Turkey and Pakistan, (and as a third party, Hungary, which is one of the NATO countries that will give the most political trust).

Proposal offers the opportunity for a complete military withdrawal for the US

Kabul Airport is one of the priority places in terms of ensuring security after the withdrawal. Some countries cite airport and air transport security as a prerequisite for holding their diplomatic missions in Afghanistan. Moreover, international aid organizations deliver the necessary humanitarian aid to this country using this airport.

Turkey offered to continue to secure the airport in Kabul by keeping its forces in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of the US and NATO. Currently Turkey is still responsible for the operation of the military part of the airport.

However, the Turkish president frankly says that the existence of the Taliban cannot be denied, which is seen as the main source of some western countries' reservations about the proposal.

Although Turkey presented the proposal to the NATO wing, in general, it actually means a Turkey-Pakistan joint peace plan. At present, it is not clear how the western world will respond to this.
Turkey would be wise to get some taliban and train them to assist with the security of the airport. That way everyone wins.
This is taliban victory and as Victor's they will want control of their country. Its only logical to get them onbord.

America out 100 percent.
Turkey will assist in taliban training for airport defence. They will work closely to help with security and safety of air and diplomats.
Everyone wins except America
Yes, the young are changing. They are becoming even more westernized then their parents. It is only matter of time Turks will legalize gays etc. If miniskirts are frowned why have they banned them? Erdogan has been in power for nearly 20 years. How about restricting alcohol and banning miniskirts?

Clear the mist from your eyes and see the world as it is ...

Ps. When Pakistan raised a ruckus over the French blasphey issue Turkish soldiers were primed to fight for France. You think Turkish Army is ready to fight for Pakistan? Wake up realpolitiks.
Great post. Clearly you know your stuff. Before Erdogan Turkey resembled a authoritarian East European state as example women could not wear hijab. Since AKP took over they have made the Turkish state more similar to UK. So like in Londo you got hijabis walking next to drunk miniskirts. Note in 20 years Erdogan has not moved Turkey in the direction of Pakistan or Saudia Arabi. Turks regard us and Arabs as tribal and backward. I think you should know I have regular contact with Turks, in real life and internet as I am member of a Turkish forum.
Looool now you have lost the argument when you go on a personal attack.
The fact Turks haven't banned mini skirt or alcohol shows that things are not that bad. Remember not long ago women had to remove hijabs to enter universities....no more.
If Turkish youth are even worse then why are musjids full.

So please spare me. I think you must refrain from making this personal. I also think maybe when you visited Turkey you sought such stuff nd hence found it. My experience was opposite to yours
What a loss for India! Even the Kabul airport will be now gone!!!! Looks like Afganistan is being made Haram for the Indians.....
Taliban will seriously attack Turkish soldiers in Afghanistan if they don't leave. Afghanistan is Indo European. They view Turks as occupiers.
Yes; and to acheive that they have done extremist level backward bending during ataturk time and later; which Erdogan has been trying to reverse. There was a point that AZAN was not permitted to be given in arabic. Till very recently women with hijjab were not given admission in universities. From writing script to changing the essence of Turkism from Islamic to secular (read extremist) was done by brute force. Had there been push back from society that's another topic.

Yes; lifestyle (western turkey) is european. But saying they are "europeans" is a gross simplification of ground realities. They are a mixture of people like Pakistan. However, they have successfully erased that part to make it look more homogenous to "Turkic". Till very recently the genealogical background and ancestry register wasn't accessible to public. They literally were not allowed to look where their ancestors originated from. And this was just to create this nationalist ideology and to gather the people around the idea of Turkic nation and they have done that successfully. Modern day turks are ethnically eastern european, arabs, iranian, north african, central asian decent people.
Agree, i have been to Turkey a few times with friends and familly for vacation. Western Turkey in particular feels like any other European city . Didn't feel for one second that i was in an islamic country, even easy to forget that sometimes when you are there. Seems Atartuk did a great job in moderating the country to such an extent. Moreover they are the only major Muslim majority country in NATO(which is a western oriented organization). Reason i often found it weird that some people here have been claiming Turkey is/should be the leader of the Islamic world/torch bearer or whatever that even means.
Turkey is by all means a western oriented country and it's normal, since it's serves its interests better that way and economically as well. It's for this reason Turkey can often be considered a western country by many. In fact almost all my circles of friends/colleagues have been to Turkey for holidays/vacation(most times even more than once), Turkey is a normal western tourist destination country for most westerners and is viewed almost as a semi western country. Same can't be said for other Islamic countries in the middle east/South Asia, who are viewed in a much more different light by the average person in the West.
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That is okay. However, It remains to be seen how Turkey deals with the Indo-Iranian axis following the US pullout.
When the fuk did Erdogan get slapped by tiny Israel? you must be on LSD or something strong... He invaded these mentioned 4 countries Syria, Libya, Nagorno, and Iraq

When tell me? People in this place they just post for the sake of posting? It is like saying president Xi was slapped by Australia's ex-President... These two ppl don't even have a land-connection or border...

Are you hallucinating or something? This is beneath austin powers level....
You have a pious name, you shouldn't use vulgar language, assuming you are a Muslim and not a Troll.

I was referring to the Mavi Marmara incident in which 10 Turkish Nationals were murdered in cold blood by the Israelis and the the Turks did nothing militarily.
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