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US Baluch leaders seek Indian intervention

U Indians are very cunning, when something is against u, u claim ignorance, when it is in your favor u use silly topics and ask silly questions to us PAKISTANIS.


Let me ask u some question.

What is the purpose behind all your preachers in mandirs preach topless.

what is the purpose of worshiping an animal look alike statue.

I have plenty more, but let us see what u have to say in comparison to your question about praying in the space.

Indians disregard accusations by Pakistanis of interference in Balochistan and elsewhere, as we have been facing the brunt of terrorist attacks in the last 30 years. Most of it started in 1989 in Kashmir and spread.(Ofcourse Khalistan was the proof-of-concept before the 89 events in Kashmir)...

Pakistan supported Kashmiri militancy for obvious reasons, now for rolling it back wants something to show for the long, bloodied effort...

While, there might actually be some sort of activities that RAW has done...but in comparison..ISI is better led, fed, trained, funded and experienced...Its incomprehensible that RAW could get '1' ..one Pakistani national to hold the gun against its own people for whatever reasons....Further, an action like this would weaken India's case against Pakistan vis-a-vis LET...why would India take the risk? (Unless you want to argue that the proof was collected by Pakistan unexpectedly....by now everyone knows there is nothing like a fool proof operation...overtime all are exposed)

The attack on Lankan cricketers helped Britain...not India...infact, we could hold the Indian premier league in India...anyhow cricket matters little in geo-politics...England continued their tour to India despite 26/11...to 'show' sympathy...26/11 was controlled by British agencies...as was reported immediately after 26/11...

There is only one reason why India could sponsor Baloch movement and that is to forestall AFPAK policy of Obama admin...Obama is beating India with as many as 5 sticks (Climate, Kashmir, Outsourcing, NPT, Nuke Deal)...why would we give him a 6th stick...

The above reasons make Pakistani allegations.....reactionary.
As usual,for Pakistan if they equal every action India makes....they win...and its pschologically important for Pakistan to allege this to retain equal 'moral' footing and is also a nice strategic tool to use with US and India on the negotiating table.

Boloch allegations justify Pakistani forces deployment away from the Eastern border as they are then perceived as neutralising Indian 'aggression' on the western front....

Im not saying that India has no blame...but the above..wont cut much ice with anyone forget Indians..(except chinese)...

Forgot to respond to the temple question...

- Topless Priests...I have no clue. Im no fan of their pot bellies and havent met too many Hindu folks who are..Im Hindu by the way....by birth...

- Idol worship and statues..Different religions, different practices...Honestly, how does it matter? Why should I judge? Who am I to judge? Im fine anyone worshipping anyone/thing..I only ask for my freedom to do the same...

- If someone asked an offensive question and was an Indian, try not to generalise the impression. I wont judge all Pakistani's to think of Hinduism what you seem to think of it...why should I generalise? Im hopeful they dont 'look down upon' other faiths.

Any which way, if you were offended please accept my apologies on a fellow Indians behalf....and end the matter.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

From ASQ

I have been patient reading all sorts of innuendos and blames by Indians, they have not and do not stop acting like a brat who has rich parents.

If u do not condone what some Indians are saying, than you should not stay quite but vehemently refute the silly and stupid questions put up by those Indians.

This board is to discuss all Matters rational and in a civilized manners, and i hope that you will refute and tell those who say the silly and stupid stuff that the stuff they write is not acceptable and they should refrain from doing it next time.

It will be better coming from an Indian as all Pakistanis have been doing it for a long time.

By all means you and all others on this board have the right to discuss matters pertaining to the issue being discussed, but it is not a right to ask questions that are derogatory and insulting to ones intelligence and are not based on truth.

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WASHINGTON DC: July 22, 2009: A DC-based organization that advocates Baluchistan's independence has called upon India to help end Pakistan's state.....

The joint statement released following a meeting between prime ministers Manmohan Singh and Yusuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the 118-member Non Aligned Meeting summit in Egypt reads,"Prime Minister Gilani mentioned that Pakistan has some information on threats in Baluchistan and other areas."

Two members of the presiding council of the American Friends of Baluchistan said at first reading of the joint statement they were shocked that Mr. Singh was equating the secular struggle of the Baluch people to end the foreign military occupation of their homeland with terrorism, but upon close scrutiny the case seems to be otherwise.

“This text gives a rare opportunity to New Delhi to fulfill its international obligations towards the long suffering people of Baluchistan,”......

"Another" DC-based org that advocates XXX Independence..... mmmm????? Highly suspicious, therefore I must side with Pakistan on this (until further independent & credible evidence arrives). :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

I highly caution Delhi against playing this game, as Khalistan is next to Balochistan. Difficult to admit fault for both sides (as both interferes in each other's affairs), so I suggest just call a 'truce'.... best solution I believe as this will diffuse separatist activities in both nations. I also caution other foreign (US, Europe, Aussies, Canada) regimes not to play the 'Separatist Card' either......

......since all have separatist movements: Quebec independence, Lakota nation, Mexico's stolen land, Texas indep, IRA, London minorities, Basque, Scottish Indep, breakup of German states, Spanish/Italian tribalism, Aboriginal movement in Oz, etc, etc, etc.
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An interesting twist to all the drama going on around the joint statment

Baluch leaders seek Indian intervention to end Pakistan’s state terrorism in Baluchistan

Pakistan Christian Post

WASHINGTON DC: July 22, 2009: A DC-based organization that advocates Baluchistan's independence has called upon India to help end Pakistan's state terrorism in Baluchistan and ethnic genocide of the Baluch people as it said a window of opportunity has now opened after the joint statement in Sharm- el-Sheikh in Egypt last week.

The joint statement released following a meeting between prime ministers Manmohan Singh and Yusuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the 118-member Non Aligned Meeting summit in Egypt reads,"Prime Minister Gilani mentioned that Pakistan has some information on threats in Baluchistan and other areas."

Two members of the presiding council of the American Friends of Baluchistan said at first reading of the joint statement they were shocked that Mr. Singh was equating the secular struggle of the Baluch people to end the foreign military occupation of their homeland with terrorism, but upon close scrutiny the case seems to be otherwise.

“This text gives a rare opportunity to New Delhi to fulfill its international obligations towards the long suffering people of Baluchistan,” Rasheed Baluch of Texas and Mohammed Ali Baluch of Philadelphia said in a joint statement Wednesday.

The AFB leaders said now is the chance for India to put Pakistan on the mat as the threat in Baluchistan comes from Pakistan's illegal occupation of their homeland since March 27, 1948 – seven afters the British left the subcontinent divided.

“Baluch have historically revered Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru as two of the greatest freedom fighters of the last century, while they have looked upon Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League as British stooges and MI6 agents,” they said.

They asked New Delhi not to tie down Baluchistan with Pakistan support of jihadi terror in Kashmir. "Kashmir is an integral part of India and one of India's main founding fathers, Jawaharlal Nehru, was a blue-blooded Kashmiri,” the two AFB leaders.

In contrast, Baluchistan was never a part of Pakistan but forcibly occupied by Pakistan, they said, adding that is the reason it is bleeding to this day.

“The Baluch are secular people who are fighting for their national survival and regaining their statehood. It is India's duty to openly support the Baluch liberation movement and prevail upon Islamabad to end its state terrorism in occupied Baluchistan,” the two AFB leaders said.

“In contrast, Pakistan has illegally occupied a part of Kashmir and had been supporting jihad in Kashmir, sometimes slowly other times full-throttle, to destabilize India. These jihadists dream of hoisting the green crescent flag on New Delhi one day,” they cautioned. “Pacifism does not work when it comes to dealing with these die-hard jihadis as the Mumbai attacks last year showed.”

The two leaders said as the world's largest democracy India can not and should not remain oblivious to the happenings in Baluchistan. “The Congress leaders played a humanist role in Bangladesh in 1971. We ask Mr. Manmohan Singh to live up to that standard and end the long suffering of the nearly 20 million Baluch people.”

In 1971, India dispatched its troops in support of the Bengali freedom fighters that led to the creation of Bangladesh.

Alternative source: Baluchs in US seek Indian help to end Pak?s "state terror"- Hindustan Times


Holy crap! This reeks of a Rebiya Kadeer/Munich-DC-TelAviv-London propaganda piece. Omar1984 was right. :agree:

I stand by our Pakistan brothers and sisters. These traitors/stooges do NOT represent Baloch nor Pak. What did I tell you guys, they'll do the same to Pak (as they just did to Iran & China), and then they'll do it to India as well.

If we don't learn from their under-handed sleazy back-stabbing ways -- If we don't unite against common foreign aggression -- Then not only is Asian Century a far away dream, but Asia is doomed! THIS IS NOT ABOUT INDIA vs. PAK vs. CHINA vs. IRAN vs. BD vs. MALAYSIA vs. JAPAN vs. KOREA vs RUSSIA.....


We need to unite against this common foreign threat! :guns::sniper::guns:
great so now i am supposed to reply with a thread on ASSAM....

how dare did the indians even think they can start a thread on such a subject that they have no idea about.........some luxurious BALOCHS who have money coming to them from INDIAN GOVERNMENT spread such stupid statements....balochis are PAKISTANIS....before anything else!!!


Our wise brother Omar1984 was right all along -- how foolish of some of us to ignore his pleas. There was a saying that goes:

"First they came for but I did nothing
Then they came for but I did nothing
Then they came for but I did nothing
Then they came for but I did nothing
Then they came for but I did nothing
Then they came for but I did nothing
Finally they came for me, but there was no one left to stand up for me!"

We Asians must stay united. Furthermore we must unite with Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans, Mexicans, and freedom-loving-culture-respecting Europeans! :cheers::cheers::cheers:
This is without doubt propaganda of a particularly vulgar and baseless nature. It is, however, eye opening. Baloch exiles calling themselves ‘Friends of America’, apparently based in DC, are openly calling for Indian military intervention in sovereign Pakistani territory. Is it so hard to believe that India would be tempted, or that these terrorists will be unwilling to play into Indian hands should they ever exploit the situation? Things to think about.

I would be disinclined to close this thread, despite there being a good justification for it, because this sort of thing should help Pakistanis realize the danger these insurrectionists present, physical and ideological, to our homeland. Their's is not rhetoric that can't be confronted easily by Pakistanis, who would know our country better than these foreign mischief makers.

We saw this occur in Ukraine, South Ossetia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, China, and now Pakistan. These "color revolutions" are obviously FOREIGN in nature. AN ATTACK ON ONE OF US IS AN ATTACK ON ALL OF US!!! :guns::guns::guns::guns: Does everyone understand now???
Well all of this nonsense is heard because of the coward nature being shown by the GOP. An exiled terrorist organization is operating on the US soil, calling openly for an Indian intervention in a soverign country and yet we hear all the time the banning of JUD. Hypocrisy at best but i wont cry or whine about it infact i will encourage that GOP rejects the UN resolution over JUD and the ban imposed over it and call it as being even.

Now where (or more precisely WHEN) have we heard this before: "....An exciled terrorist organization is operating on the US soil, calling openly for XXXX intervention in a sovereign country....."

Brothers & sisters (Indians definitely included), this is the work of a 3rd HAND. Let Asia UNITE AS ONE! Remember, an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us!
The Us however does not appear to have listed any of the Baluch groups as terrorist groups, though it does have the HuM Kashmiri group listed as such.

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

The EU does not list any Baluch groups either, though it also has the HuM and a bunch of Sikh groups.

Again ANZUS + Western Europe + Israel dirty hands. What did I tell everyone, it is the White Supremacists who are pulling the strings. Not all whites, only the 'elite'. :guns:

:sniper: ANZUS = Australia + New Zealand + US
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