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US B-52 flying over Kandahar


Sep 26, 2018
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The US has come to salvage the crumbling Govt of Afghanistan with BRUTE force again. The recent heavy bombings in Kandahar and Helmand province has halted the Taliban blitzkrieg momentarily. In Kandahar the Taliban are virtually standing at its gates. If these bombings continue Taliban might have to rethink their strategy towards the major cities.


The nearest base these bombers operate is Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, some 3000 miles away.

Obviously the Iranians and CAS countries wont allow them, this begs the question which airspace they used.

the US strategy seems clear - the US knows IEA will overrun kabul anytime within next months and would announce their govt

the US policy is to bomb major cities ( once under taliban control ) and hit taliban command HQs .

all in all , the destabilization of the region IS IN the larger interest of US/india . (with or without troops on ground)

ill not even talk about the pakistani govt and establishment here, they are the biggest morons led by a substance abuser
The US has come to salvage the crumbling Govt of Afghanistan with BRUTE force again. The recent heavy bombings in Kandahar and Helmand province has halted the Taliban blitzkrieg momentarily. In Kandahar the Taliban are virtually standing at its gates. If these bombings continue Taliban might have to rethink their strategy towards the major cities.

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The nearest base these bombers operate is Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, some 3000 miles away.
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Obviously the Iranians and CAS countries wont allow them, this begs the question which airspace they used.

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What happened to ABSOLUTELY NOT bravado
If today it wants to - the US can blind all of Pakistani AD and leave it hapless. The USAF is a hundred years ahead of the PAF and its best to keep any protests diplomatic.

As for the BUFF, thats JDAMs that flattened the Taliban when they went against 11 horseback soldiers and its the same result here. That single B-52 is all that is keeping the Kabul army from defeat.
That was for hosting USAF with an Air Base nothing about air corridor. He plus even if we restrict it theirs noting we can do to stop them from violating it per Ret Gen Tariq Khan.
Is that really the case? I beg to differ on that. Some one must ask the government about this development? It seems contrary to international laws.
If today it wants to - the US can blind all of Pakistani AD and leave it hapless. The USAF is a hundred years ahead of the PAF and its best to keep any protests diplomatic.

As for the BUFF, thats JDAMs that flattened the Taliban when they went against 11 horseback soldiers and its the same result here. That single B-52 is all that is keeping the Kabul army from defeat.
o iran and north korea can keep the US away... but we with a much better army dont even dare to think about it? wow

o iran and north korea can keep the US away... but we with a much better army dont even dare to think about it? wow
Yup - because both Iran and North Korea too can be steamrolled but the cost/benefits of it aren’t ij US interests. Just because the US has enough nukes to make all these countries inhospitable for 10000 years doesn’t mean they will be used. There are external and internal repercussions that are weighed into making such decisions.

After all, Pakistan possessed the ability to hit the Swat militants long before they got entrenched and yet they sat there while the internal fabric debated and debated. Just because military might exists one can do something is a very naive and ignorant view.

The same way, today if the US military decides it wants to fly enmasse into Pakistani airspace - it can blind AD, paralyze key decision makers through moles and threats while it flies around with impunity. However, the US state also understands the repercussions of doing so that go from internal destabilization of the Pakistani state and military that could compromise its nuclear assets which the US military cannot secure all of with surety.
The US has come to salvage the crumbling Govt of Afghanistan with BRUTE force again. The recent heavy bombings in Kandahar and Helmand province has halted the Taliban blitzkrieg momentarily. In Kandahar the Taliban are virtually standing at its gates. If these bombings continue Taliban might have to rethink their strategy towards the major cities.

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The nearest base these bombers operate is Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, some 3000 miles away.
View attachment 764801

Obviously the Iranians and CAS countries wont allow them, this begs the question which airspace they used.

View attachment 764798
Pretty sure GCC countries like Qatar are where these bombers are housed.
Also they're using the Pakistani airspace, a strip of it to be precise, called the "Boulevard", there was a thread about it on the forum.
US-JCS mentioned assets in Qatar to provide Air support to Afghanistan govt.

B-52s are large moving targets, Iranians or Russians can potentially slip in few short to medium class SAMs to ruin the game. I don’t see Russians doing it tho. Iranians, depends, what post Ghani govt promise them in return.
So Americans played Taliban like a riddle. They wanted a secure passage to get out with all their precious equipment and cargo, they knew that if we do not make a peace with Taliban before leaving, Taliban will hit us more severely like they did to USSR when it was leaving Afghanistan back in 1989.

Trust and Pashtunwali makes Taliban so venerable to 21st Century treacherous wars, they really need People who can deal with American hypocrisy. Taliban should have known that the American will never honor their side of the bargain after what happened to Iran's Nuclear deal.

However, I'm still quite sure that after sometime Taliban will eventually take over all of the Afghanistan territory, but running the state affairs after that is going to be a huge challenge for Taliban, their is one thing though, the day when Taliban come into power I reckon Taliban will request Russia for acquiring s400 system.
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