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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

USA: China, why do you want an aircraft carrier?

China: Coz I want to, you have a problem?

USA: Yes, even though I have 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers, it makes me feel uncomfortable that you have just one aircraft carrier. And for some strange reason, I don't like you. Oh well, being a Communist is enough for me not liking you. Dirty Commie!

China: Well, our country is pretty big. We have a lot of territory to defend. What do you expect us to fight with? Sticks and stones? Whatever problems you have with our aircraft carrier, its your problem :D Let me ask you something, why do you have such a big and powerful military? Given that you fought with the Russians against the Nazis back in WWII? ;)

USA: Oh, **** you China!
As Imran Khan rightly pointed it out, this thread has its righful place in fun and offtopic forum. If it is continued to thrive here, I am sure every pak/Ind/Cn member will give some mouthful to US.
You have 12 such toys. We only have one. So you should be the one to play the role.

As the beneficiary of the slave trade, you should meet your responsibility compensating for your past evil.

The current mess in Somalia is an excellent opportunity for the PLAN to demonstrate how capable is China with her new toy. China can take the lead where the UN failed. Let US known how is that going.
CHINA'S answer....


I mean really how on god's earth that floats in space, in 365 days a year plus the quarter day factor.

How could you explain the Aircraft carrier other then what it is , a national asset for Navy ?

I mean if it looks like Aircraft carrier , it feels like a aircraft carrier and it has J11 flying from it then I must say it must be an aircraft carrier
obviously it's to strengthen a country's military.

the only purpose of publicly asking this is to further obscure china's "transparency" image over it's military as if the US was ever transparent when they were building the f-22, b-2 and all that other hi-tech equipment.

why not ask thailand why they even need a carrier? or india? simple. because they are not seen as threatening to the us's hold on power like china is.

china is united states biggest enemy (despite close economic ties) after the soviet union (the policy of the US is to always have an enemy to keep their population in fear and to keep funding the world's most threatening war machine).

in short: why does china need an aircraft carrier? to defend against the US (primarily).

also, this won't be the only one. there are 2 other indigenous ones being built with more coming after. laser and nano and space-based weapons are also under development so we will see more of "why does china need this and that" in the near future. in the mean time, hostile countries to china can only watch with a clenched fist because they can do nothing.
The issue that the US has is not the Varyag per se.

It is the almpost certain first shot in the Chinese goal to build up a powerful Navy that will far surpass any other Navy bar the US.
AFP: US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

Beijing only recently confirmed it was revamping an old Soviet ship to be its first carrier and has sought to play down the vessel's capability, saying it will mainly be used for training and "research."

Give me a break! :lol: If a China's words can be trusted when



除非太陽從西邊出來 [除非太阳从西边出来

Americans never get bored being the Uncle Sam. Has America ever explained, why does it need to have forces everywhere on the planet & go hunting at whims...

Because we are the Super Power nation and that we could never get bored being the Uncle Sam. Hope you understand that!
Why should a country exlpains to another country about it's defence matters? I' am sure China is not going to provide any explonation and I think it need not provide any such thing.

What if countries in the Southeast Asia Sea want to question China's needs of an aircraft carrier for? We just speak up for them, can we not? :azn:
Do you know why? :azn:

Because she doesn't have good enough reasons to demand for an explanation. If transparency was really an issue then America should open up Area 51 and let China greet the Aliens and take a look at those reversed Alien technologies :lol:
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