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Unity For Survival


Aug 15, 2009
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6th September - T-Shirt Order Form

An effort is being undertaken to create unity and harmony between the different ethnic groups/cultures that exist in Pakistan. The initiative is being carried out by ordinary citizens of the country with no political or business motive in mind. Please show your support and help us in binding all the beautiful people which live in this great land called Pakistan. Check out the links above to find out more details. Thanks

Pakistan Zindabad
think this would be better posted in the members section.
350rupee for a t-shirt to support unity?

Sounds more like a profit making organisation instead to me.
think this would be better posted in the members section.

Unity is the need of the hour for Pakistan right now and one of the severest problems that we are facing today , that's why I put it here.
350rupee for a t-shirt to support unity?

Sounds more like a profit making organisation instead to me.

When was the last time you were in Pakistan, do you even know what the production cost is nowadays for a decent T-Shirt in Pakistan ? You really think we are intending on making money by selling T-Shirts for 350 a piece ?

It is a gesture which shows that you care for the country and want to turn it around for the better. It is a way for the people to say that for us Pakistan comes first and everything else second. Most importantly it grabs attention and creates awareness which is the sole purpose of this whole exercise. Look at the pictures on the FB link, it will give you a better idea about the initiative.
Real Unity can be brought easily, if Muslims are taught their history! InshAllah!

"And Help one another in Righteousness and Piety, and Help not one another in Sin and Transgression"

"O you who believe, Hold fast all together, the Rope which Allah stretches out for you, and be not divided amongst yourselves"

Last Sermon excerpt of The Holy Prophet: "No Arab has any superiority over a Non Arab, no Non Arab has any superiority over an Arab, no White has any superiority over a black, no Black has any superiority over a White, except by Piety "

"Muslims are Like a body, when one part ails, all the body feels the pain."

And Numerous more!

Pakistan shall Inshallah be the Unified centre for the Islamic World!

InshAllah InshAllah! Bi Iznillah!

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