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United we stand!


Jan 19, 2009
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Pakistanis are united more than ever. I see a revolution amongst young generation. People from every class i.e. businessmen, some politicians, Pakistan Army, students, singers etc…are UNITED. We may have different thoughts but the “Cause” is the same i.e. to save Pakistan. This is the time for people who can afford to go to different parts of Pakistan such as Balochistan, FATA, and NWFP etc to share their sympathies. We should stand beside less fortunate people to share hardships one suffered. If there are elections my support goes to Zaid Hamid, Imran Khan and other patriotic Pakistanis. Some people do not like the above mentioned individuals but again we may belong to different school of thought but the cause is the same.

Support your troops who are protecting you….
Salute to police, FC, PA, Pakistan Air force and other national assets who are giving their lives to save our future……

Take me as any other person you meet but believe me I see a change in Pakistani people…change which will give us a bright future…

Remember my words… We “Do” have a bright future….
My words will never die….You will remember what I said

I have no words for people who are running this website..
Guys you have done a lot..
Thank you for giving us such a precious resource

Pakistan Zindabad

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Yeah right .united we stand..we have always proved as a nation in 65,71,earthquake and currently the operation going on in waziristan,that when ever we have become united,we have became evil for our enemy..and now taliban is our next victim..

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If you support patriotic Zaid Hamid , change will occur but not to a bright future rather to a violent bloodbath.
1. he talks of zionists trying to take over islamic nations and at the same time recommends the formation of caliphate and then taking over the entire world.
2.He advocates wars against and occupation of non-muslim states but at the same time finds it impermissible for muslims to be under non-muslim rule.
3.He talks of fighting against india to fulfill the gazwatu-hind.India is a nuclear state with more than 3 times more resources available to them compared to pakistan.And this gap contnues to grow.
4.He talks of destroying israel and claiming back jerusalem. When not even a single western nation would refrain themselves from jumping into action against the muslims if such a thing is even attempted.
5.He supports afghan taliban while opposing ttp. Basically both their ideologies are the same.pakistan had helped AT in all possible ways to overthrow the govt there and establish rule of shariah over there(which doesn't bother ZH).But when same things are done in pakistan he comes out calling them traitors.This to me looks like not knowning what hes doing for what it is.
To reply in ZH's own language the western powers,israel and india don't have any bangles on their hands.If he thinks that by having 60+ odd nukes pakistan can do anything it wants and educated ppl like you are supporting his plans then none can save pakistan.

Pakistan amar rahe:angel:
thts wonderful tht u ve mentioned.m taking abt imran khan.really.v r united in the sense atleast now v r nt taking abt i m sindhi,im punjabi,i m pathan..........all of us r nw praying for pakistan and our support will always be with pakistan army.....the way they are taking steps to save our nation......well i say sorry abt politicians jinhon ne koi kasar nai chori hmen bikaari bnanay mai....salute to pakistan army and pakistani people........
i salute the security man who is standing at the gate of any building for saving us for saving our nation........really he is doing da job nd wht v r doing........watching news jst saying ooooonnooooooo kahan hua blasts?hw many died and how many injured?thn again bzi in our lives..............sad
Zaid hamid is crazy,i dont know why you ppl like him.ust now saw on TV,all CMs of 4 provincess sat together and said they are united yeah,that shows our first step toward being united.

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