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Featured United States 2020 General Elections - November 3rd

Who will win

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They're not even on the same page lol! I bet he's screaming and yelling at these lawyers to find him something that he can hang his hat on and they're all looking at each other thinking Oh My God when is this nightmare going to be end, at the same time looking for the nearest door!

He should have clearly won most of those states like he did four years ago. Having it take days to count due to it being so close just shows it was all his fault for bungling them.
He should have clearly won most of those states like he did four years ago. Having it take days to count due to it being so close just shows it was all his fault for bungling them.

He filed lawsuits preventing early and mail votes from being counted as they came in. The slow counting is a problem of his own making.
I can see Trumps new signature line: Don’t stop count, reverse the count.

I think the real issue is when will Melania file those divorce papers.
Two textbook cases of CiA operations are:

False flag. Have the deep state (who every sane person knows wants their war with China) have limited or extensive voter fraud in favour of Democrats to blame the Democrats of vote rigging in an attempt to do a coup.

Psy-op. Have a person win the lottery and then take that away to have their hopes deflated. The deep state wants Dems demoralized because they want trump. So announce a Biden victory. Then try to take it away in courts.
During the Obama years, the deep state weaponized a bat virus into the coronavirUS in various US labs. Then shipped that virUS to Wuhan to frame the Chinese. Here is the video that covers one lab in the US that developed the coronavirUS, they had many strains that they had been testing for years for various purposes:

So Obama's deep state is in on the coronavirUS. They helped to develop what trump would release on the world. The deep states are the same they work for the same nazi goals.

And false flagging is their modus operandi.
Video of evidence that the Mossad and CiA did the 9/11 attacks.

Even the President of Italy said Mossad and the CiA were behind the 9/11 attacks. As the President of Afghanistan and Iraqi Prime Minister both asserted that the US created ISIS to continue their endless wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East. To weaken the Muslims from rising up and building a strong nation. USA is nazism, they hate freedom in the world. They want to bully and bribe and blackmail.

And the way they 'achieve' with their nazism is false flags. They feign an attack (deep state attacks through voter fraud) to get the public against those the deep state want framed - the Democrats are framed (Republicans are those who do the deep state wars and war with China is a bottom devilish priority.)
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The Celebrations in the cities are like A Dictator is removed. More people are celebrating that No more Trump then Biden be the next president.
Can China provide Trump asylum so he and his entourage can establish an oversea government and from China, to stir a color revolution on the US soil?

Today or in 2024 or as late as 2028, I think China, Russia and Iran should think about that. I believe a lot of countries (including its current allies) would be happy to see the US to become like Venezuela.
They are free to protest anytime They want. The election has been decided and no protesting will change that.
Bolivia is a highly corrupt nation, with a election system that's easy to rig. The US election system is extremely difficult to do so.
Bolivia never cheated. US was the one trying to rig Bolivia and started the right wing coup. If Maduro cheated, his party wouldn't have won the next election with bigger majority. US has bigger loopholes compare to us third world, is easy to rig. Just because the US, mainstream media says is difficult to do so doesn't prove it.
To all the hero’s that polled that Biden won you were right!:yahoo:

Donald trump is such an Indian-esq loser complete rondi:jester:

His real name is Jamshed Bashir , he is secretly a Moslem like Obama :D he will bring Shariah Law to United States of America , Allah Ho Akbar :D
Another potential convert, I think he would make a good Muslim: Johd Bin Biden . Kamala Harris is really Komal Haaniss and is going to convert her husband very soon to Islam from Juadism.
You should put your Iranian flag of origin up.
I wonder if he was an acquaintance of Epstein.
Bolivia never cheated. US was the one trying to rig Bolivia and started the right wing coup. If Maduro cheated, his party wouldn't have won the next election with bigger majority. US has bigger loopholes compare to us third world, is easy to rig. Just because the US, mainstream media says is difficult to do so doesn't prove it.
It's funny how you can't even recognize the contradiction in your statement.

The fact that you can't even do something simple that I requested, proves you're a bad actor here. You aren't interest in the truth, just pushing your own narrative.
This election not over yet. Trump just not giving up. He planning law suits in all the states where he lost or behind. He starting election rallies like he did during election in these states. Every Century God creates one person last one was Hitler and now it's Donald Trump.
Hope SCOTUS can shut down this Shit show quickly. But his 2 nominated judges might give him some life.
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