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Unironically: Could declaring Sharia Law in Pakistan solve it's insurgency problem?

Some Brit Pakistanis pretend to be Dubai Arab expats and strictly follow Sharia and deny their culture and Pakistani identity. They look and sound ridiculous, like tryhards. Proper fanboys and look really out of place in the UK. Its like a mental disorder or those incidents when people have woken up from a coma and can only speak French or Japanese :lol: Its just odd, really strange.
I am not pakistani but muslim. The answer would be no. Talibans Al Qaeda DAESH/ISIS don't care about us, they care power and dominations. Look for example, Talibans are fighting ISIS-K when they want to be represented as "islamic" that follows Sharia and Allah teachings. They are power hungry.
There are different forms of sharia law. Taliban wants their own version of Sharia law and TTP is influenced heavily by the Taliban Sharia system. We don't want their version because, in their version, All Saudi-led institutes will be openly allowed to do whatever they want. example is Lal masjid. We must not allow the Saudi version to be implemented here. same for the Iranian version as well. Shariah law should be similar to the law that's accepted widely. an example is Indian Muslims. I haven't heard of Indian Muslims bombing Indian cafes, restaurants, etc.

Egypt before Saudi influence is a great example. Other Muslim countries do follow Shariah but the rules aren't Strict. We have to close All Saudi, Irani, madrassas in Pakistan if we want to get rid of evil. We have to bomb our own country specially border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan, to get rid of Evil terrorists.
Will girls be allowed in universities after that or not ? Instead of decimating the extremists and strengthening economy ,OP wants to take the country to Stone Age, good luck
But wouldn't you have to actually establish it instead of paying lip service (as that'll be caught and exploited easily)? It would mean appointing Islamic scholars who oppose interest lending etc instead of mainstream economists, or at least mainstream economists who knows their way around things like Islamic banking, and that might be very difficult. Many people trained under non-sharia system, such as British style lawyers and judges would be rendered useless and need to retrain in sharia; unless sharia is made optional/opt-out and many people continue to use the old system (at that point have you even actually implemented it?). Might be a net-negative in end if it angers Lahoris and they get packing quickly—brain drain!
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Please hear out my explanation below and then give your opinion.

The main insurgent groups in Pakistan are the TTP, followed by minor ethnonationalist groups like the BLA network. The TTP especially finds a lot of sympathy and support within Pakistani society, and is the most powerful destabilising element.

The reason for this can be linked back to Pakistan sitting on the fence with it's Islamic identity, it claims itself to be an Islamic state while having a practising Muslim majority population > 96%, but doesn't have have an integral governance structure of Islam. The Sharia Law.

So when a militant group comes along claiming to want to implement Sharia Law, people are subconsciously sympathetic towards them, because that's what an Islamic state inherently requires, and they don't see it present in Pakistan, no matter how much they are pro-state.

(A lot of the time this militant group has covert goals unrelated to Islam, for example the TTP is more of a Pashtun tribal insurgency hence it focuses on the FATA merger reversal, and is also labelled as a criminal organisation which extorts locals for money. The Sharia Law aspect is only used a selling point in society to gain support, but many people don't realise this)

So my question is, if Pakistan fully embraces it's Islamic identity without sitting on the fence, and makes Sharia Law official, it could fully gain back control and the state narrative would reign supreme.

Instantly any group that picks up arms against the state can confidently be labelled as Khawarijs, it will have the full support and trust of the people and their sympathies towards any militant groups will disappear immediately.

The state will have regained full control and the narrative will completely be on it's side against any group, including ethnonationalist groups.

Should Pakistan implement Sharia Law to get rid of all these destabilising elements and have the ability to crush down on them hard with a powerful narrative? Any insurgent group would become powerless in it's narrative.

If you're a Muslim, which the majority of Pakistan is, this should not be as a problem to you should it? If you believe in Islam then surely you believe in your God's governance system.

@Sayfullah @Mirzali Khan @villageidiot @Menace2Society @SaadH @kingQamaR @Areesh @Signalian @epebble @_NOBODY_ @PanzerKiel @hussain0216 @R2D2 @Al_Muhannad @akramishaqkhan @AZMwi @Great Janjua @Olympus81 @COOKie LOOkie....

What islamic duties / prayers or anything you cannot do right now in Pakistan ? Out of 50 odd muslim countries, Pakistan is already the one of the most ultra conservative society and under developed as well. It has by far the maximum number of Madrassas and Mosques. No other country even come close.

The problem is correct implementation of Sharia law according to time & age of our world. Muslims were specifically told to adapt according to the changing times while sticking to the core concepts. Unfortunately, the mullahs today have no idea of it. Seeking education for both male & females was meant compulsory. Even Kuffar prisoners were tasked to teach muslims. That shows importance of worldly knowledge. However, our mullahs and religious circles denounce science & tech. They want us to go back in medieval ages or 1400 yrs back. Even in Sunnah, we cannot follow sunnah which has expired due to time & age of the world. For-example, riding on donkey or camel for transportation is a sunnah. But we ultimately learned its not feasible anymore. There are many other such things which mullah resists now. Ultra religiousness always lead to suppression & discouraging of other sciences and is proved by history.

BTW short answer to your question: By bringing the sharia law, it will be devastating for our society and terrorism will even go further as extremists will never settle on state's sharia law they will always have their own interpretations.

Btw, who told you TTP wants sharia law. Its purely a mercernary group, they are child rapists and they are nowhere even near islam. Blowing mosques and killing or raping childrens is the ugliest crimes. A state can never subdue against such criminals and must never accept any of their demands.
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Secularism has no value in a country that is 96%+ religious Muslims.
A closet radical like you wouldnt understand, all the minorities of Pakistan have been driven out as a result of radicalism and intolerance in society caused by making it a religious state.
Solution to defeat Communism is by bringing Communism

To defeat fascism is by bringing more facism

To defeat India is by becoming India

To defeat Taliban is by becoming taliban

A closet radical like you wouldnt understand, all the minorities of Pakistan have been driven out as a result of radicalism and intolerance in society caused by making it a religious state.
F minorities - even majority can't live like that LMAO
Solution to defeat Communism is by bringing Communism

To defeat fascism is by bringing more facism

To defeat India is by becoming India

To defeat Taliban is by becoming taliban
Okay, see you have a fair point but there is one big flaw in this logic

Is Pakistan not an Islamic state, does it not have majority practicing Muslims? If they believe in Allah, are you telling me they can't agree or accept his rules of governance?

Especially if it would get rid of all insurgent groups quite easily.

Will girls be allowed in universities after that or not ? Instead of decimating the extremists and strengthening economy ,OP wants to take the country to Stone Age, good luck
You're confusing Taliban rules with Sharia.

It won't be going to the stone ages.

As someone said before, ideally it would be like this:
It should be an internalised version, that also incorporates and respects local cultures.

It should allow arts, local traditional architecture, scientific and technological advancements to flourish.

Islam with a meritocratic structure is the only viable one.
Solution to defeat Communism is by bringing Communism

To defeat fascism is by bringing more facism

To defeat India is by becoming India

To defeat Taliban is by becoming taliban

F minorities - even majority can't live like that LMAO

No doubt we will become Afghanistan & Taliban and we are going towards it talking about sharia laws and other non sense. Its ridiculous. Aur kitna islamic kerna hai bhai. Every law is already derived from it, every street has mosque. Bas kr du bhai.. All we need is education and awareness.
This is fucking stupid on so many levels. If anyone in support of this takes a couple of minutes to think over it they’d change their opinion as well.
Btw, who told you TTP wants sharia law. Its purely a mercernary group, they are child rapists and they are nowhere even near islam. Blowing mosques and killing or raping childrens is the ugliest crimes. A state can never subdue against such criminals and must never accept any of their demands.
I went over this in my original post, I know TTP is not sincere in this message but the point is that this is it's selling point in society which allows it to have pockets of support and sympathy.

And I am also strictly against accepting such demands, this was more of an independent idea to tackle all insurgent groups as quick as possible as they are very successful so far in their job. Keeping us bogged down and preoccupied.

I agree with your other concerns though, they are fair.
I commend OP for this. One of the primary issues behind Pakistans dysfunction is the gap between what is in paper and what is in practice.

Technically, the founders of Pakistan already passed the Objectives Resolution. Which highlights exactly this point that Pakistan will be an Islamic democracy- ie will have Islamic law but democracy and rights for minorities. The objectives resolution- literally- Pakistans raison detre is one of the things I am most proud of as a Pakistani.

But in reality, our law is British common wealth. Not even reasonably new British law that would make sense. But literally what the colonial enterprise left. Look at inheritance law for example. Islamic law actually gave women more rights for inheritance before the British in Mughal period. The British took it away. And the current state has not given it back.

So yes, it would not finish of all militancy in a day. But it would significantly de-tooth militants. And frankly, we ought to have done this from the second year after we came into existence.

The other root causes of militancy can also be removed if we remove the rest of the gaps between paper and practice. Meritocracy- no ethnic bias- no establishment meddling- competent civilian institutions that are not corrupt.
TTP will get even more fierce and strong by sharia law. They will reject it showing it flaws and will show their own interpretation that has no place for education especially women education. They will call every Pakistani to support them as they will consider themselves as worthy to rule in a sharia driven country. Its like handing the country over to TTP. The next step would be just to give the government to TTP. The implementation of Sharia will be called as success of TTP, after all it was their one of demands from the day one. But their next demand will be to implement it correctly and who better can implement it then TTP themselves. It will be moral victory for TTP and people will start following it blindly. The already vulnerable group who listens to TTP will start listening to them even more and obviously will think that TTP can better rule a sharia-run country. How come Bilawal, Maryam or Imran can run that country. Just think over before you post such ideas. please.

THEY are mercenary group. Anyone who thinks TTP fighters are fighting for sharia is a FOOL!

These child rapists have nothing to do with Islam. They fight for money & power.
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And frankly those that think that firqah and fiqh issues are the blockers don’t understand the reality of what has already been built. We already have an Islamic advisory council that has the buy off from all the fiqhs we recognize.

The point is not about TTP per se but about the gap between what Pakistan ought to be and what it is. Closing this gap makes us less of a joke of a country and strengthens our national narrative. That goes a long way in winning peoples minds.

The reason that KPK has sympathy for Taliban is because Taliban represent the conservative Pashtun faction. The state made numerous errors in the war on terror. Allowing drone strikes that killed mainly Pashtuns- the Sharifs telling the Taliban that literally do what you want but don’t do it in Punjab- the lack of law and order in KPK- add to this the general dysfunction of the state.
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