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Unfair Warning Complaint Against Arsalan the mod

Was the post warned on topic and the warning was unjustified?Edit

  • Yes, It was on topic - No warning was required

  • No, It was troll and should have be penalized

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I think he simply used a metaphor to say that The arrested two MNAs gave their votes to Imran Khan during PM elections....
And as of today situation.... Imran Khan has to totally cut off his relationships with them....
Would it have been more appropriate to say THIS, that you said or was the post a better way to make this point? Is it appropriate to do it like this 8 out of 10 times? Or is it better to explain it the way you did?
I like your on liners because bai app koozay may darya band kar daitay ho ....... aur yeh maharat her aik k bus ki bat nai. Kamal hy yeh.

I do it intentionally otherwise everyone knows its next to impossible to take a clear stand on this because political ''messiahs'' of every kind are too afraid to take a stand and have to wait for the Umpire to bring in some clarity.

If the Parliament can ban the use of the word ''selected'', the forum should simply declare the GoP as untouchable Brahmins.
There are posts out there with the most vile racial and religious insults but those fall under freedom of expression and thought yet little small talk is considered blasphemous to the sanctity of the forum.

The forum itself is marginally flirting with practicing British protectionism under the guise of freedom and liberty.
Sir, please,,,, REPORT THEM!!
It was made in GHQ. I was not aware that you didnt had access to it but no else did either apart from MODs team. Sorry about this mistake.

When a warning is issued you get a message for that to which you can respond.

Dear, the post that was warned read

It was not criticizing the state. It was actually doing NOTHING. Only you knew the meaning/value or lack of it for this comment! Also, it was not the first one. It the same with 7 out of 10 of your posts.

EDIT: @Retired Troll
Criticize them all you want, back up your posts with solid arguments and evidence, make you case, build your argument. Have i ever reported such a post? Have i never thanked you on such a post?

I will like to add that the thread is ONLY to explain that the moderators team is not conspiring to ban certain people only. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS, there are thousands of members and only 6-7 active moderators. No single member is important enough for all the available moderators to gang up on him alone. This assumptions that certain members are targeted is false. We continuously request you for your help to make the forum better and improve the experience for you and every other member. Reporting any posts that should not be here is the easiest way for all of you to help. If required I can share screen shots, 100s of reports are cleared on daily basis. All moderators have a job, a family and a life outside the forum. The action on the reports cannot be instantaneous as we are all not online all the time. However the response do come for sure. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Yes sometimes there can be a mistake made on part of a moderator when it comes to his/her judgement but that is it, it is not like anyone of us is doing it repeatedly and doing it on purpose. There is just no reason for any of us to do that.

As for @Retired Troll , bro no one is chasing you or targeting you. I asked you to share a post which you think was wrongly warned/rated. You shared this post. Everyone here can see it and decide accordingly. But the thing that only YOU know is, was it a one-off post or was it a sequence of similar posts on almost all the threads you participated in recently? Do you think all those comments are adding value to the discussion or do you KNOW that they don’t! Yes I understand the urge to post smart looking one liners but do you understand how little value the will add to any particular discussion? Please do not say that this guy do that as well or that guy did that! REPORT them if you think they did something inappropriate.
I understand your problem.
It's a fine line. Are u employed by this site or is it voluntary.
Yes.. small talk keeps the forum light hearted . I support small talk.
Insults and abuse should not be tolerated. I can lot of good posters are no longer active.

Its free will. One can choose to abuse and insult or indulge in small talk which could lower the tension on sensitive threads.

Otherwise just let people like PAKISTANFOREVER and his INDIAN counterpart exchange most filthy insults and let AZADPAKISTAN2009 tax them for it.
Its free will. One can choose to abuse and insult or indulge in small talk which could lower the tension on sensitive threads.
Its good to do it where appropiate, its not to do it EVERY TIME EVERY WHERE!!

As i said, yes i understand the urge to post such one liners to look smart and very deep thinker but if you do it all the time, it results in troll replies, to do it continuously kills the debate/discussion on the thread.

Otherwise just let people like PAKISTANFOREVER and his INDIAN counterpart exchange most filthy insults and let AZADPAKISTAN2009 tax them for it.
Its free will. One can choose to abuse and insult or indulge in small talk which could lower the tension on sensitive threads.

Otherwise just let people like PAKISTANFOREVER and his INDIAN counterpart exchange most filthy insults and let AZADPAKISTAN2009 tax them for it.
Indeed I am also sick of seeing Pakistan Muslim this this and indiot hindu piss piss . I mean its time to get past it. Ok fine the point has been made but ad nauseam, same thing again and again.
This is still ok... but when shit throwers like hanpatriot, sinait and begging Walker post its even more bile on the floor. I am not here to see the same thing again and again. My son watches cars 3 times a day for the last 2 months and I don't even.get the tv .
When a warning is issued you get a message for that to which you can respond.
I only get to see the message after ban period is over. So try and understand the other side of the green here.
As for @Retired Troll , bro no one is chasing you or targeting you. I asked you to share a post which you think was wrongly warned/rated. You shared this post. Everyone here can see it and decide accordingly. But the thing that only YOU know is, was it a one-off post or was it a sequence of similar posts on almost all the threads you participated in recently? Do you think all those comments are adding value to the discussion or do you KNOW that they don’t! Yes I understand the urge to post smart looking one liners but do you understand how little value the will add to any particular discussion? Please do not say that this guy do that as well or that guy did that! REPORT them if you think they did something inappropriate.

1) Post is still on topic and is more on the mark than any of the posts that could have followed.

2) Can you tell me if that post was reported or you simply happen to stumble upon it while you were roaming around the forum? I do not report posts, its immature to have posts reported when they stem from natural instincts of the members.

3) Religious discussions are not allowed on the forum but nobody points that out to Slav Defence who posts simply religious stuff.

4) You are a moderator. Moderate the content and not judge what brings value and what not. People discussing random things here would not stop GoP offering production orders to PTM MNAs nor it will stop IMF controlling Pakistan through selected puppets.

Let the people be !!
I see this as light hearted humor that lightens up the mood. The strick rules regarding his comments are unjust and simpls over the top. I've reported far worse comments but they never get resolved yet harmless comments like these gets everyone's attention?

May I also remind everyone that this is a fourm to get your opinion across. Maybe he posts his comments in a philosophical sense which he does most of the times. Thus the lack of understanding for his comments is no valid reason to scold him.

I only get to see the message after ban period is over. So try and understand the other side of the green here.

1) Post is still on topic and is more on the mark than any of the posts that could have followed.

2) Can you tell me if that post was reported or you simply happen to stumble upon it while you were roaming around the forum? I do not report posts, its immature to have posts reported when they stem from natural instincts of the members.

3) Religious discussions are not allowed on the forum but nobody points that out to Slav Defence who posts simply religious stuff.

4) You are a moderator. Moderate the content and not judge what brings value and what not. People discussing random things here would not stop GoP offering production orders to PTM MNAs nor it will stop IMF controlling Pakistan through selected puppets.

Let the people be !!
Exactly my point.
As i said, yes i understand the urge to post such one liners to look smart and very deep thinker but if you do it all the time, it results in troll replies, to do it continuously kills the debate/discussion on the thread.

Why dont you give me examples for this phenomenon? Average shelf life of a thread is 1 week here and if you activate older threads which still are relevant to the scenario you get a warning about not opening previous threads.

Why dont you guys first chart down a code of conduct?

I have been banned more than a dozen time and apart from 3 bans where 1) Slav Defence banned me for Pakistani stance against Bangladeshis 2) I showed mirror to UK user who said PK is terrorist hub 3) Iranian moderator banned me for saying Iran almost won the FIFA world cup.

Apart from that its the same routine. Accuse people for trolling, off topic or derailment and ban them and let them discover it when they return. This is the reason why i published my ban material so people would know.

Lastly reporting does not work. People do not give away their concepts and beliefs if some random moderator banned them for it on the internet forum. I have 37000 posts here and none of them could be deemed anti state, racist or inciting violence.

The forum should simply permanent ban me because i stumbled upon this forum while waiting for a plane at some small airport and did not know the amount of paranoia that flows in here.
Yes retired troll writes too many puzzling lines, , some irrelevant some to the point.
But do they deserve warning/ban, , absolutely not.
If that was the case thn most of the members wud be banned.
Atleast he is not abusive n has knowledge n an opinion about things.

But I guess if u don't use mc bc,,or tow the majority,, u get banned...
@Retiredtroll,,, mujhe lagta hai, , aapko abse posts me maa behen ki galiyan,,gande lavj, istemaal karne chahiye,, they r the qualifiers of 'good' post here. N it's manly u know.
Last but not the least hinduo ko gali dena na bhulna,,, bas ekdum sett. Uske baad sab chalta hai,, bus IK par hath hola rakhe.
Is it possible to get banned because of trolling in this thread
The thread is to resolve a recent complaint in sequence of many by our member @Retired Troll . He claims that his posts are wrongly deleted or rated by moderators and that the MOD team, specially me seem to be biased against him.

Here is the recent most post he shared on this when i asked to share with me a single post that he thinks have been rated or warned wrongly. Since it was on a discussion thread and we should not derail that thread, i am taking this discussion here.

Please note the post that was warned read:

The topic of the thread was:
KP Chief Minister announces compensation for PTM
I do sense bias, especially when so much goes unnoticed yet a comment like that gets all the mods attention.

But irrelevant one-liners should not be allowed to derail discussions, right ??
I can write a whole story in one line, does that make me a one liner? This logic is flawed

except when them lovely bangladeshis make posts like this one below:

beautiful post! ain't it?
Selective attention
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