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Featured UN slams Donald Trump for killing Iranian General Soleimani because there was 'insufficient evidence

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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UN slams Donald Trump for killing Iranian General Soleimani because there was 'insufficient evidence he was behind an ongoing or imminent attack'

  • A U.N. human rights investigator issued the report on Monday noting that the January 3 attack which killed Iranian General Soleimani violated the U.N. charter
  • She said that the US had failed to provide sufficient evidence to justify the strike
  • She is calling for accountability for targeted killings by armed drones, like those used in the US strike
  • President Trump had authorized the strike against Soleimani months beforehand
  • Soleimani was said to have been behind numerous attacks against Americans
  • On December 27, 2019, one attack killed a US contractor and left four servicemen dead at an Iraqi military base
The January U.S. drone strike in Iraq that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and nine other people represented a violation of international law, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Monday.


Tears of a Crocodile .UN sanctions are only enforced to pave way for future western invasions led by the US. America sponsors more terrorist groups than any other country from Northern Alliance in Afghanistan to YPG in Syria/Turkey. It has committed more war crimes than any other country from bombing citizens in Vietnam,Afghanistan,Iraq,Yemen,Libya,Pakistan and the list goes on. Why havent any sanctions been enforced or strict measures taken against india by UN even though there are numerous evidences(even video) present of the atrocities committed there. UN hasnt done anything about the recent constructions and bombings in palestine.
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