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Ukraine says Malaysian airliner shot down, 295 dead: agency

Well with Putin's pets having access to the S-200 system this was bound to happen. The Ukrainian military has said they had nothing to do with it. As for the Russians there is silence....Which I might add speaks volumes.
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Looks like russian terrorists shot it down. According to "Der Spiegel", the airplane was shot down at cruising altitude.

Yes a result of Putin's little project. This is going to damage Russia's reputation beyond any hope of repair. There are reports saying "many" nationalities were on board. Oh dear....
Probably Russian thought it was Ukrainian military plane approaching Russia and shot it down.
Yes a result of Putin's little project. This is going to damage Russia's reputation beyond any hope of repair. There are reports saying "many" nationalities were on board. Oh dear....

He's likely gonna skin someone alive for this
Putin could had easily avoid that all. His lust for power will be his downfall.
Probably Russian through it was Ukrainian military plane approaching Russia and shot it down.
im sure in today's age of advanced tech, you can tell the difference between a passenger plane and a civilian plane
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — A Ukrainian official said a passenger plane carrying 295 people was shot down Thursday over a town in the east of the country, and Malaysian Airlines tweeted that it lost contact with one of its flights over Ukrainian airspace.

Ukraine’s president said the “Armed Forces of Ukraine did not take action against any airborne targets.”

Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, said on his Facebook page the plane was flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters (33,000 feet) when it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher. A similar launcher was seen by Associated Press journalists near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne earlier Thursday. The Buk missile system can fire missiles up to an altitude of 22,000 meters (72,000 feet).

Malaysia Airlines said on its Twitter feed that it ‘‘has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow.’’

The region has seen severe fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia separatist rebels in recent days.

Passenger plane carrying 295 shot down, adviser to Ukrainian official says - World - The Boston Globe
Probably Russian thought it was Ukrainian military plane approaching Russia and shot it down.

You don't make a mistake like that dude. This is a well known flight path. Some airlines avoid, some don't.

This is horrible beyond words.
Gaza was getting to much attention-
That will again put Ukraine issue top in the press-
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