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Thank you Iceland for this epic match !! :-)

French team look like african team with plenty of black guys with long legs

They are French citizens of a mainly West African origin (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Cameroon etc.). Likewise there have been many French footballers of Arab descent or of non-French European descent which the likes of Raymond Kopa, Michel Platini and many others are examples of.

The current star (Griezmann) for instance is of Alsace German origin. Yet as French as anybody else.

France is a ethnically diverse country and has been that for a long time. Even historically the different regions of France have been inhabited by Celtic, Germanic and Romance-speaking peoples etc. The size of France, its geographic location and more modern history (colonialism) has a lot to do with all of that.

For instance the national football team of KSA is mostly made up by Afro-Arabs and I can assure you that we do not look at them differently than any other ethnicity in KSA.

The English national football team has many players of Caribbean, West African (Nigeria, Ghana etc.) origin as well. Germany as well has players of non-native origins. (Poles, Turks, Arabs, Africans etc.).

This is how most of the world looks like today, especially in Western Europe. You can like it or not but its a fact and as always its about being the best at what you do and not about your origins.

In the US 95% of the national basketball team is made up of African-Americans who otherwise only form 13-15% of the American population. I am sure that non-African-Americans cheer just as much for the national team as any other American.

Anyway the origin of the players is irrelevant as they represent the country France and all its citizens. It is actually very simple. Mixing sports and politics is pointless and a recipe for disaster.

Thank you Iceland for this epic match !! :-)

This song is fitting for the show that we watched tonight.


Poor Belgium.:omghaha:
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Well played to France. They learnt from the mistakes other teams made when facing Iceland. Will miss team Iceland though, they made their country proud.
They are French citizens of a mainly West African origin (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Cameroon etc.). Likewise there have been many French footballers of Arab descent or of non-French European descent which the likes of Raymond Kopa, Michel Platini and many others are examples of.

The current star (Griezmann) for instance is of Alsace German origin. Yet as French as anybody else.

France is a ethnically diverse country and has been that for a long time. Even historically the different regions of France have been inhabited by Celtic, Germanic and Romance-speaking peoples etc. The size of France, its geographic location and more modern history (colonialism) has a lot to do with all of that.

For instance the national football team of KSA is mostly made up by Afro-Arabs and I can assure you that we do not look at them differently than any other ethnicity in KSA.

The English national football team has many players of Caribbean, West African (Nigeria, Ghana etc.) origin as well. Germany as well has players of non-native origins. (Poles, Turks, Arabs, Africans etc.).

This is how most of the world looks like today, especially in Western Europe. You can like it or not but its a fact and as always its about being the best at what you do and not about your origins.

In the US 95% of the national basketball team is made up of African-Americans who otherwise only form 13-15% of the American population. I am sure that non-African-Americans cheer just as much for the national team as any other American.

Anyway the origin of the players is irrelevant as they represent the country France and all its citizens. It is actually very simple. Mixing sports and politics is pointless and a recipe for disaster.

This song is fitting for the show that we watched tonight.


Poor Belgium.:omghaha:
Dude i have nothing against black, white or arab french. I just mentioned something which i observed while wtaching the game. I also remember this popular french footballer Zidane who had algerian background

You said that you guys dont treat Afro-Arabs differently but why many non Arab Muslims complain about racism within KSA? They think that Arabs even fight over who is real/pure Arabs as some Arabic people from egypt and others middle eastern countries are being treated as inferior
French team look like african team with plenty of black guys with long legs
That's because France has lots of colonies in south america/ africa etc and they gave rights to their subjects in colonies to represent the parent country.
Good luck to France vs the old rival :D

According to sources,german army is on the move and is being deployed to the border,ready to invade France in case of defeat to restore Germany's honor and dignity.
Merkel denied these claims calling them 'ridiculous and unrealistics' but pictures emerging on twitter show an army on the move and scriptures on the tanks wich say 'Von münchen nach Paris,Deutschland über alles'.
@SMS Derfflinger @bobo6661
Portugal were the better team no doubt. Clash of the titans tomorrow. Somehow I think the Germans will win. They always play so strong as a unit.
Preparations are underway in case Germany loses, this photo was leaked online couple of hours ago, supposedly it was taken in the depths of Reichstag bulding.


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