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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

So cancelation of 100 billion dollar debt against recognizing Israel? Not a bad idea
This is nothing for USA. The federal reserve is creating dollars in insane amounts. USA co-signed Israels deals with Egypt and even this deal with UAE. Its worth asking.
With Arabs, Jews and Pakistanis on one side, Iran would be completely contained
Why would I side with israel against iran?
I am not Shia and dont agree with much of what shias do. However they are not Zionist jews who kill prophets and abuse muslims daily. You want to side with them for money good luck. Money comes and goes
Because Kashmir is a disputed region involving us and India you moron. We have no link with Palestine other than religion and well guess what? Religion can take a hike in geopolitics. If we can ignore Uighyr issue (Great decision in my opinion) then should ignore Palestine one as well.
Palestinians never sided with Pakistan on any international issue of our interest. So go for peace with Israel
This is nothing for USA. The federal reserve is creating dollars in insane amounts. USA co-signed Israels deals with Egypt and even this deal with UAE. Its worth asking.
I second that. Pakistanis and Jews are brothers
Israel never sticks to its words

A matter of fact is that nothing is stopping Israel from annexing large parts of the western bank, especially when it has the US backing. What is stopping the Israeli Army to move into those parts right now?

Their biggest concern is their survival in the Middle East which won't be possible as long as there exists enmity between them and the 6 Arab states they're surrounded by. In the long term, it will materialize into long problems and fights.
So they're addressing that concern, if that concern can be traded for pre-67 borders, then you can't get anything better than that. If the agreement is broken, the enmity returns. But essentially, absolutely nothing is in their way of annexing the large parts of the west bank right now.
Read Quaid-e-Azam with attention and understand that we never followed anyone in regard to our fundamental stand by not recognizing Israel due to Palestine issue. Also, remember the Quaid that our policies are not influenced by any nation out there but free and independent. Don't distort the facts as such. Pakistan didn't recognize Israel since our independence... please.
Quaid had to appease to mullah factions back then too, he was a secular but at several speeches he had to say that the country is being made for Islam to appease mullahs so it doesn't fractures the country. Basically used religion to unite masses.
Why would I side with israel against iran?
I am not Shia and dont agree with much of what shias do. However they are not Zionist jews who kill prophets and abuse muslims daily. You want to side with them for money good luck. Money comes and goes
Who was harboring Uzair Baloch terrorist and Kalboshan Indian spy? Was it Israel or Iran?
Now Pakistan should recognize Israel too as it follows Arabs
Yet we refused to join them in Yemen and have maintained our relatively balanced position with respect to Iran and certainly haven't capitulated when it comes to Pakistan's relationship with Turkey.

This argument, of Pakistan 'following the Arabs', is outdated, when it comes to State policy at least.

Even our historic support, militarily, to the Arab nations against Israel, was rooted in Pakistan's own opposition to Israel, and not done at the behest of the Arabs.
A matter of fact is that nothing is stopping Israel from annexing large parts of the western bank, especially when it has the US backing. What is stopping the Israeli Army to move into those parts right now?

Their biggest concern is their survival in the Middle East which won't be possible as long as there exists enmity between them and the 6 Arab states they're surrounded by. In the long term, it will materialize into long problems and fights.
So they're addressing that concern, if that concern can be traded for pre-67 borders, then you can't get anything better than that. If the agreement is broken, the enmity returns.
Well no matter what....one day they will pay. 2006 war in Lebanon showed they are vulnerable and that's why they wont engage Hezbullah now

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