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U.S Presidential Elections

It's time to bring your riches back to China :azn:

I'm not from China. And I'm or a big fan of China. China needs to reform it's political system eventually.

I wonder what will be the future of Israel as they lost huge monetary because of Romney campaign and even when Netanyahu deliberately showed his stance against Obama with the Bibi placard of "Save the Jew,WAr on Iran".

Israel is finished with 4 more years. 4 more years without accountability.

I wonder what will be the future of Israel as they lost huge monetary because of Romney campaign and even when Netanyahu deliberately showed his stance against Obama with the Bibi placard of "Save the Jew,WAr on Iran".

Israel is finished with 4 more years. 4 more years without accountability.
Oh oh, the Dow plunges more than 170 points at the first opening session after Obama's win. Guess what the big moneys are thinking.
Good to see Obama Once Again.. Hope he will work on Humanity...Like his vision of FORWARD..:tup:

Now the world need more attraction on Humanity, Understanding between the Cultures & Religion with Respect which led toward progress.. War is not the solution of any problem when every thing solve by peace..

Best of Luck...
Interesting results
92% of the black Americans vote for.
70% of Hispanic and Latino Americans vote for obama
68% of jews vote for obama.
The United States Congress still control by republicans
Interesting results
92% of the black Americans vote for.
70% of Hispanic and Latino Americans vote for obama
68% of jews vote for obama.
The United States Congress still control republicans

I told you that Jews were going to vote for Obama. :azn:
You talking economics is like taking dancing lessons from Charles Krauthammer!

Just stick to airforce tech son, you have a hard time with that as it is.
Just leave economics alone mate.
This is a military oriented forum. I am veteran of the world's most powerful military of the world's most powerful country. You are a conscript reject of a military struggling to reform itself while awash with corruption.

I have a real job in a field -- semiconductor manufacturing -- that your China is still behind in technology, innovation, and expertise. My house is large enough that 2 or even 3 of your family's generations can live in.

So who is really the cripple trying to walk, let alone dance, now? :lol:
I read your earlier post, but it is factually wrong as I already showed, because it's not an economical problem but caused because of overspending! So you have to find ways to reduce spending in first place and that was not the way Romney wanted to take.
You have not showed anything. If raising taxes on the rich will not pay off the debt, then what did you mean by saying Obama understood how to resolve the debt? By raising taxes on everyone?

...for example modernising the infrastructure that is in a bad condition in the US as well, or to improve certain reforms to push the economy again.
What good is this if policies are filled regulations that hindered businesses?

...but reduction of spending is the most important step!
Then why did Obama focused on health care which while does need reform, spending cuts and economic recovery are the more immediate needs? How does this make sense, increase spending then cry about not having enough money?

The greed of the 1% btw caused all these problems and I am happy to see that the majority of Americans were smart enough to not trust on of these 1% again. With less risks and more regulations in the bank fields, we wouldn't face a global financial and economic crisis today, while your economy would also not be in such a mess.
You mean the other %99 do not have their own greed and %99 of them do not work and hope that he/she is going to be a member of that %1 strata?

One issue is not regulations but TARGETED regulations or a scalpel, not a hammer. Mortgages are reasonable assets for the country to base its financial strength. Mortgages are not restricted to single family homes but includes apartments for young adults starting out in life, small businesses to operate, or factories to produce. But if we are to focus on single family homes, it was the Democrats' idea to force lenders to lower the standards of mortgage qualifications.

I lived without a credit card for years before I bought my house. My credit scores were so low (not bad) that no lender would touch me. Not because I have a bad credit history, but because I have none. There is a difference having no credit history versus having a bad credit history. I lived under my means and that is what responsible people should do. And yet people with high credit scores but low cash reserves were able to purchase homes, pay only interests, then re-sold them for quick profit. And these are members of the %99. I had to get a credit card and use it for one year before I could use it along with my veteran status to qualify for a mortgage. To this day, I have no debts other than a mortgage and a few hundreds dollars in the sole VISA credit card just so I can have some credit history. I have no car payments and no personal loans of any kind. And I am a member of the %99 as well.

Blaming the %1 is a convenient distraction because it presumes that all members of the wealthy are crooks while all members of the rest are honorable victims with the wealthy's millions and billions as ready attractants and false evidence for that categorization.
John Huntsman probably had a better chance of winning the primaries, too bad the republicans couldn't pick someone so moderate.
Gambit this apply to you and your generation but the younger generation would be on a spend spree and hence going under debt you just cant squash that because that is what apparently drives you economy in overdrive better to tax the people who are overcharging in the first place. Health care is quite a touchy issue Micheal Moore did put up a grim picture (it was a little one sided though) but think about this most of the health care that people in Pakistan receive are both charity (given freely) and zakat compulsory) this is intended for the people of Pakistan but is shared by the Afghan both refugees and the relative of those Afghan/Pathans who have being living and earning livelihood here. One would not even object/refuse them because they are so helpless.....
Investors' sentiment: Dow plunges more than 300

Obummer got elected.

Hopefully he runs up the deficits and cuts the military.

America is finished, it will be further weakened after 4 more years.

Obama reelection confirms America is on a terminal decline.

It's over, say goodbye Jimbo!
Means that the world economy is fvcked too.
Well, not gonna the read the above comments before I register my my voice here--to be recorded for eternity, without being influenced: This Pakistani-American is over-joyous for the Obama win!
Obama is not perfect. And Romney impressed me more than Bush Sr, Bob Dole, GWB, and McCain did. These are the people I actually watched during elections campaigns. Too bad for Romney he had to pander to the extreme right-- the 'moralists', the prophets of 'Manifest Destiny', the old-mindset which is stuck in racial thinking. Romney is one Republican I thought of supporting had he been a true fiscal conservative instead of what he came out to be: A mouthpiece of the far-right.
America is changing. Republicans need to change too if they want to stay relevant. Or they could negotiate a peaceful 'secession' and move to the so-called 'Red States'.
Pop your bottles of champagne, guys!
John Huntsman probably had a better chance of winning the primaries, too bad the republicans couldn't pick someone so moderate.
NPR have a good summation of how Obama won -- twice.

Obama's Win Powered By Organization, If Not Ideas : It's All Politics : NPR
"The Obama campaign realized better than any other campaign that elections aren't about one big thing anymore," says Sasha Issenberg, author of The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns. "Part of that is we have much better tools now to isolate the impact of individual interactions between a campaign and voters, and lots of data that allows us to segment the voters themselves."

Issenberg argues that the Obama campaign took those tools, including the application of social science insights and experiments, and, with the gift of four years to perfect its operation, "used them better than any other political enterprise in history."
The economy affects everyone of every demographic at the most personal level. But the summation pretty much confirms what I have always suspected -- but unsure -- when Obama came into prominence: That the key to winning each demographic is isolate out the single dominant issues BESIDES ECONOMICS per demographic group and custom tailor your message accordingly.

For the working class, it is the perception that 'the rich' are crooks, exploitative, and uncaring.

For the Latinos, it is about immigration.

For the blacks, this is a 'gimme'. The Obama political machine can have a relatively hands-off tactic and let the group's internal racial police enforce racial solidarity, thereby assured a high degree of political conformity.

For the homosexuals, it is about legal equality with heterosexuals in terms of everything under the country's laws.

For women, given the Republicans' historical views on conservative Christianity regarding women, it was easy to fabricate a false 'war on women' attitude from the conservatives, from abortion to birth control, then a couple of over 50 white Republican males made a couple of insensitive remarks about rape and that sealed the Democrats' hold on this group. Many will dispute Akin's and Mourdock's comments effects on the Presidential election when they were running for their own offices -- and failed -- but I believe the effects were much more subtle and distasteful to women, in general, and to even conservative ones who voted for Romney. Republicans have got to realize that the over 50 white Republican males demographic group among them should STFU about sex in general, let alone rape.

The economy is like the weather -- it falls upon everybody. But immigration does not EMOTIONALLY affect US borne citizens the way it does the Latinos. Same for gay marriages. And so on...The same way that snow removal machines are irrelevant in Texas and Nevada even in the midst of winter for New York. This precision focus is what pulled un-polled and unexpected voters into the Democrats' side and threw conventional wisdom way off. Even Gingrich admitted today.

Newt Gingrich:
“I think the country was looking at a different set of things than we were looking at,” he said. “Republicans are going to have to take a very serious look at what happened and why it did happen and why we were not more competitive at the presidential level.
He mean the country to be the people of these diverse demographics. Each group was looking at something else besides what the Republicans and Romney did successfully prodded them to look at, and the fact that Romney won %49 of the popular vote meant that they did successfully prodded the general population to look at the economy as standalone issue. But it was not enough for each group. Each needed more and the Obama political machine was insightful enough to exploit that need.
Blaming the %1 is a convenient distraction because it presumes that all members of the wealthy are crooks while all members of the rest are honorable victims with the wealthy's millions and billions as ready attractants and false evidence for that categorization.

This is perhaps getting off topic but...may be relevant.
I respect your POV. There is most probably a lot of truth in what you say. And I am as 'liberal' as you can get. Some of friends have even called me a 'socialist'. One jokingly called me a 'commie ba$tard!'.
We, the have-nots, demonize the ultra rich while playing lottery all our lives to join the rich. How would we behave if had $100 million in assets? Probably do what most of the rich people do: Move to more posh neighborhoods, live in 'gated communities', and vacation along 'exclusive beaches'.
you're not reading ppl's responses

Republicans would have continued the strikes. Romney already stated that he would continue them. If anything, he would have expanded it.

And Obama has been worse for Iran than Bush so you're wrong on that front as well.

Exactly. All of Romney's Foreign Policy Advisors are those Neo-Cons who tricked Bush into starting a war with Iraq and now want a war with Iran.

Obama is still refusing to go along with despite all the pressure from the Republican Congress and Netanyahu.
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