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U.S President Trump will speak to Turkish President by phone today

Nothing breaking about it. Was obviously going to happen. "World leader" Tayyip is getting his first call from Trump after a month or so.
Is it his turn already?
Lets hope its after dinner,Trump will be in a better mood.
Topics could be discussed by the leaders (by priorty highest at left to lowest at right):

Trump: Syrian policy, Incirlik, NATO, Business (particularly Trump's own investments),

Tayyip: FETÖ, Syrian Policy, PKK, NATO, Buisness, Trump's Muslim Ban.

Trump's will propose a Syrian policy and try to convince Tayyip to except a deal. He will make sure Incirlik will remain open. For the sake of NATO he will ask us to increase defence spending. Then he would wanna talk about business.

Tayyip will demand FETÖ, ask support for Turkey's Syrian policy, will ask support agaisnt terrorists, will hardball him about NATO not given enough support to Turkey, he will beg money and investments in Turkey, try convince him to soften his Muslim ban policy. (He will actually ask support for his political campain to become a president in a presidental system Turkey with US power and influcience, in return he will sacrifice everything related to Turkey's foreign policy).
(German Chancellor Merkel phoned first time at 28.01.2017 with Trump)

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and U.S. President Donald Trump held a 45-minute long phone conversation late Tuesday, their first since the American leader took office.

Turkish sources said Tuesday that the conversation between the two leaders was "positive", further details about the call are yet to be released.

Turkey's relations with the United States under the Obama administration have been strained, with Ankara frequently expressing frustrations over U.S. reluctance to extradite the leader of the Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ), whom the government accuses of orchestrating the failed July 15 military coup, despite an extradition treaty signed between the two countries. Gülen has been residing in the U.S. since 1999.
Another major disagreement between Ankara and Washington is U.S.' support of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is predominantly led by the PKK terror organization's Syria offshoot, the Democratic Union Party (PYD).
While the former administration in Washington argued that the SDF is the most effective "partner" of the U.S.-led anti-Daesh coalition, Turkey identifies the PYD as a terrorist organization because of the organic links the group has with the PKK, and has declared numerous times that one terror group cannot be used to eliminate another terror group.

Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union recognize the PKK as a terrorist organization. The EU and the U.S., however, do not categorize the PYD and its armed wing the People's Protection Units (YPG) as such, even though Turkey strongly opposes any PKK-affiliated group south of its border, both in Iraq and Syria, saying it constitutes a national security threat to its borders.

Ankara has voiced a willingness to start with a blank slate with hopes that the Trump administration will not repeat the mistakes made by the Obama one in U.S.-Turkey relations, and expects Washington to extradite Gülen and stop cooperation with the PKK terrorist organization's Syrian offshoot the PYD/YPG.


Update tomorrow CIA Director Mike Pompeo will visit Turkey !

Economic and military relations should increase !

Raqqa operation will be made with Turkey !

CNN Türk
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bleh, in short they spoke gibberish and expressed positive intentions which won't lead anywhere.

I find it amusing that Daily Sabah only focuses on such a narrow issue regarding the cooperation with the Obama administration. Despite Obama being in the office for 2 terms... hillarious.
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