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U.S. missile defense could hurt S. Korea-China ties: scholar


May 29, 2014
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United States
The deployment of an advanced U.S. missile-defense system in South Korea could seriously undermine Sino-Korean ties, a Chinese scholar warned Monday, echoing a chorus of concerns from Beijing officials.
In an op-ed published by the state-run Global Times newspaper, Li Kaisheng, research fellow at the Institute of International Relations of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, also publicly admitted that China opposes deploying the U.S. missile-defense system in South Korea because it could hurt China's own security interests.

The U.S. has said it was considering deploying a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery in South Korea, home to about 28,500 American troops, to better cope with the growing threats of North Korea's nuclear and missile capabilities.

The THAAD battery is "nominally intended to counter North Korea, but insiders know, because its scope is about 2,000 kilometers, it far exceeds the defense needs of North Korean ballistic missiles," Li said.

If South Korea agrees to deploy the THAAD battery, Li said, "It will undermine the bottom line of the China-South Korea strategic partnership."

South Korea has officially disavowed its intention to join or host the THAAD battery, but South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo told a parliamentary audit in October that the possible deployment of the U.S. missile-defense system would help ensure the South's security posture.

China's concerns over a possible deployment of the THAAD battery in South Korea have illustrated how difficult it is for South Korea and China to develop common security interests in Northeast Asia.

South Korea and the U.S. urge China, the economic lifeline of North Korea, to do more in reining in North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, but China's stance over its ideological ally, Pyongyang, has often been self-contradictory.

Many analysts believe that China's Communist Party leadership won't put enough pressure on North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions because a sudden collapse of the North's regime could threaten China's own security interests.

U.S. missile defense could hurt S. Korea-China ties: scholar
If South Korea agrees to deploy the THAAD battery, Li said, "It will undermine the bottom line of the China-South Korea strategic partnership."

Li is wrong, if South Korea deploys the THAAD, it will be aimed against North Korea, not the Chinese. There is no need to over-complicate this dynamic. Beijing needs to understand this.
S. Korea playing balance between U.S and China, China is 1st biggest market for S.Korea export.
S. Korea playing balance between U.S and China, China is 1st biggest market for S.Korea export.

Ying Yang

Li is wrong, if South Korea deploys the THAAD, it will be aimed against North Korea, not the Chinese. There is no need to over-complicate this dynamic. Beijing needs to understand this.

The article already stated:

The THAAD battery is "nominally intended to counter North Korea, but insiders know, because its scope is about 2,000 kilometers, it far exceeds the defense needs of North Korean ballistic missiles," Li said.
The article already stated:

The THAAD battery is "nominally intended to counter North Korea, but insiders know, because its scope is about 2,000 kilometers, it far exceeds the defense needs of North Korean ballistic missiles," Li said.

The fact that it has great range means it will serve the South Koreans in their Ballistic Missile Defense capabilities. No one under-prepares for anything. It is better to score higher on a goal than to score below. Common sense.
Then china should deploy ballistic missiles in nk and hypersonic missiles in dmz. M20 especially. ASAP
South Korea is slowly unhinging from USA control. More freedom fighters like the one who tried to assassinate the American ambassador will rise up. As long as South Korea is willing to shed its colonial master, China will support it on nearly all international issues. We are natural allies.
Li is wrong, if South Korea deploys the THAAD, it will be aimed against North Korea, not the Chinese. There is no need to over-complicate this dynamic. Beijing needs to understand this.

@Nihonjin1051 , please don't take us for idiots, if American claim that THAAD placing in Korea is to counter Alien, there is big chance the we Chinese believe this verson than to claim as to counter North Korea. Russia once said to Poland and US that only retard can come up with such claim that THAAD placing in Poland is aiming at Iran...and these people don't even know how to act like retard...they are just make fun of themself.
Li is wrong, if South Korea deploys the THAAD, it will be aimed against North Korea, not the Chinese. There is no need to over-complicate this dynamic. Beijing needs to understand this.
i dont know its naivity or you are playing dumb.
@Nihonjin1051 , please don't take us for idiots, if American claim that THAAD placing in Korea is to counter Alien, there is big chance the we Chinese believe this verson than to claim as to counter North Korea. Russia once said to Poland and US that only retard can come up with such claim that THAAD placing in Poland is aiming at Iran...and these people don't even know how to act like retard...they are just make fun of themself.

agreed. THAAD has zero usefulness for south korea. DPRK don't even need launch missiles to attack south korea. if DPRK wnats to, its artillery is enough to turn Seoul into a sea of fire.
@Nihonjin1051 , please don't take us for idiots, if American claim that THAAD placing in Korea is to counter Alien, there is big chance the we Chinese believe this verson than to claim as to counter North Korea. Russia once said to Poland and US that only retard can come up with such claim that THAAD placing in Poland is aiming at Iran...and these people don't even know how to act like retard...they are just make fun of themself.

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon ,

I'm empathetic to the Chinese sensibilities, naturally there will be an aversion to the THAAD because of its capability to down Chinese missiles, but there is no need for such aversion since there is no way THAAD systems could predicate victory in the event of armed hostilities with Beijing (not that I'm saying there will be, because there wont). Do you honestly think that 1 or 2 THAAD batteries can be sufficient enough to withstand a barrage of the PLA's short, to medium range batteries? I think even the most liberal of strategic analysts would dare remain mum on that aspect.

I reiterate that the THAAD is solely placed and designed to counter the the threat of North Korea. Or have you not recognized the fact that they (North Koreans) may have up to 200 nuclear warheads , and they already have the vehicle to launch these to say South Korea, and Japan. I'm afraid you and some others are failing to recognize just how severe the threat of North Korea really is --- and the effect that pariah state has on the entire dynamic of Northeast Asia.

Sincere and austere regards,
I remain ever,

agreed. THAAD has zero usefulness for south korea. DPRK don't even need launch missiles to attack south korea. if DPRK wnats to, its artillery is enough to turn Seoul into a sea of fire.


So are you trying to tell me and others here, especially towards the South Koreans , that South Korea and the American Forward Deployed Forces to drop all defenses and renege on all defense articulations to appease the interests of China and North Korea? I see a significant lack in your comprehension of geostrategic reality in context to Northeast Asia.


So are you trying to tell me and others here, especially towards the South Koreans , that South Korea and the American Forward Deployed Forces to drop all defenses and renege on all defense articulations to appease the interests of China and North Korea? I see a significant lack in your comprehension of geostrategic reality in context to Northeast Asia.


no. i state facts. the fact is THAAD is for american defense interest only and it has zero practical use for south korea. other than worsening relationship between ROK and PRC, making ROK more vulnerable for attacks, it has zero benefit for ROK. ROK also likely have to pay for the deployment of THAAD itself. basically, the ROK is paying for the deployment of THAAD for US defense that have zero usefulness for ROK.
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