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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Actually, the confusion, perhaps intentional, is all yours. There is no "Dooley's war on Islam"! He had one course theorizing about hypthetical scenarios as part of developing a comprehensive strategy. That is all.

stop nit picking mate that's semantics on your part to ignore the substantive and an attempt to derail the thread

We called it x y or z but Devs title seems appropriate to me
Actually, the confusion, perhaps intentional, is all yours. There is no "Dooley's war on Islam"!

His words are there in black and white -- a total war, including nuclear strikes and starvation of Saudi Arabia.

He had one course theorizing about hypthetical scenarios as part of developing a comprehensive strategy. That is all.

And there are 'hypothetical scenarios' about putting American Muslims in internment camps -- not yet taught in US military colleges.

Not yet.
stop nit picking mate that's semantics on your part to ignore the substantive and an attempt to derail the thread

We called it x y or z but Devs title seems appropriate to me

BS! One course taught by one guy is NOT substantive enough to equate it to a "war on Islam" carried out as a US policy. To say so is plain BS.

His words are there in black and white -- a total war, including nuclear strikes and starvation of Saudi Arabia.

And there are 'hypothetical scenarios' about putting American Muslims in internment camps -- not yet taught in US military colleges.

Not yet.

Of course, it is very typical here to take all of that out of context and start scaremongering to pander to one's own biases.
Actually, the confusion, perhaps intentional, is all yours. There is no "Dooley's war on Islam"! He had one course theorizing about hypthetical scenarios as part of developing a comprehensive strategy. That is all.

“It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self-destruction.”

“Unfortunately, if we left it at that, you wouldn’t have the proper balance of points of view, nor would you have an accurate view of how Islam defines itself,” Dooley told his students. Over the next few weeks, he invited in a trio of guest lecturers famous for their incendiary views of Islam.

By then, Dooley had already presented his apocalyptic vision for a global religious war.

Sounds pretty much like a "War on Islam" to me.. off course.. one can deny a journalistic report at any time.
But if the report is taken verbatim.. It was plain and simple.. A bigots "war on Islam"...
But then again.. there have been many bigots who propagated "cleaning the muck up east of the suez" who have sat in the ranks of NATO forces from time to time.
This thread has made its point, such things will not be taught to junior officers, in the Pentagon, all plans will be on the shelf, same as always.
BS! One course taught by one guy is NOT substantive enough to equate it to a "war on Islam" carried out as a US policy. To say so is plain BS.

I never claimed it is official US policy. We are discussion Dooley's official course.

In fact, I specifically said that Dooley was going counter to official US policy.

What are you smoking?

Of course, it is very typical here to take all of that out of context and start scaremongering to pander to one's own biases.

What part is taken out of context? Did he promote these activities as a legitimate US response to terrorism?
.......... in the Pentagon, all plans will be on the shelf, same as always.

That is all that matters to ensure comprehensive strategies are ready beforehand to deal with all eventualities.
This thread has made its point, such things will not be taught to junior officers, in the Pentagon, all plans will be on the shelf, same as always.

True..but it occurs to such bigots and such things were taught to the future leaders of the US armed forces..unfortunately some have taken it as a holier than thou motive to prove that such thoughts are harmless and never occur to Americans..
They occur on a daily basis.. as similar thoughts occur to individuals in Islamic states.
The question is always of how much such misled and bigoted men are able to spread their influence in their respective target audience.
BS! One course taught by one guy is NOT substantive enough to equate it to a "war on Islam" carried out as a US policy. To say so is plain BS.

So now you are the arbiter of that too. btw why has it been withdrawn??
BS! One course taught by one guy is NOT substantive enough to equate it to a "war on Islam" carried out as a US policy. To say so is plain BS..

that I agree with.. but the officer himself wished for it.. and propagated it..and that ideology was transmitted to all his students ..some of whom may adapt it.
somewhat like a seminary where terrorism was being taught in the lieu of religious teachings with the authorities not having a clue about it till it till much later.

Ill state it as my belief that the US at its core is NOT, NEVER going to be at war with Islam since Islam is a part of the American foundation..
But there are Americans that have decided to take up a war on Islam.. just as Islamic extremists(much more in number) have done on the other side.
that I agree with.. but the officer himself wished for it.. and propagated it..and that ideology was transmitted to all his students ..some of whom may adapt it.
somewhat like a seminary where terrorism was being taught in the lieu of religious teachings with the authorities not having a clue about it till it till much later.

The US system of Checks and Balances is alive and well.

Ill state it as my belief that the US at its core is NOT, NEVER going to be at war with Islam since Islam is a part of the American foundation..
But there are Americans that have decided to take up a war on Islam.. just as Islamic extremists(much more in number) have done on the other side.

But there are no Americans with that ideology able to act out their self-adopted war as state or non-state actors, whereas the Islamic extremists are doing both!

.......... as similar thoughts occur to individuals in Islamic states.
The question is always of how much such misled and bigoted men are able to spread their influence in their respective target audience.

Look at the spread of bigotry and hatred in mostly Islamic countries against other sects and their own people as well as the West, and compare that the relatively minor incidence of such trends in USA.
ideology was transmitted to all his students ..some of whom may adapt it.

This wasn't some trivial course that freshman cadets snoozed through:

The commanders, lieutenant colonels, captains and colonels who sat in Dooley’s classroom, listening to the inflammatory material week after week, have now moved into higher-level assignments throughout the U.S. military.
This wasn't some trivial course that freshman cadets snoozed through:

So the course was so devastatingly effective that all these "commanders, lieutenant colonels, captains and colonels who sat in Dooley’s classroom" have fallen prey to believing in that hypothetical scenario as they "moved into higher-level assignments throughout the U.S. military"?

There is nothing to suggest that. Or could it be that all these high level officers are too dumb to think on their own and form an opinion against what the course theorized?
The fact that many here don't understand the concept of hypothetical planning helps explain how Isreal was able to smash them so often (they do understand, and "game" for many possibilities)
So the course was so devastatingly effective that all these "commanders, lieutenant colonels, captains and colonels who sat in Dooley’s classroom" have fallen prey to believing in that hypothetical scenario as they "moved into higher-level assignments throughout the U.S. military"?

There is nothing to suggest that. Or could it be that all these high level officers are too dumb to think on their own and form an opinion against what the course theorized?

The point is that they were presented with this material (and guest speakers with a known ideology of extreme venom against Islam) in the context of an official course at a US military college.

The official context lends legitimacy to these views that they would otherwise lack.
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