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U.S. Embassy in Turkey

Gayreeks are fearfulll of the one of the greatest quote of the century " We may come in one night "
Greeks responded like this.....


fanatics like you, live in their fantasy hatred online world.
I saw Fenerbahce and Besiktas fans shouting slogans against the government,at the stadium. Thousands and thousands of people. It was interesting.
I saw Fenerbahce and Besiktas fans shouting slogans against the government,at the stadium. Thousands and thousands of people. It was interesting.
We should open special thread about upcoming Turkish elections.. So many thing is happening and its not good for Erdogan.
Football fans, even well-known pro-AKP journalists are now starting to be anti-Erdogan
and many lawyers sued Erdogan in court.
This things are normal in western countries but not normal in Turkey
We should open special thread about upcoming Turkish elections.. So many thing is happening and its not good for Erdogan.
Football fans, even well-known pro-AKP journalists are now starting to be anti-Erdogan
and many lawyers sued Erdogan in court.
This things are normal in western countries but not normal in Turkey
His empire of fear is crumbling.

Even if he wins the elections, he lost.
Where did I push that idea? You're obsessed with "West vs Islam" and petrodollar conspiracy theories.
Petrodollar is America's biggest weakness. It's the way we (Muslims) will bring the U.S. down Insha Allah. I'm not afraid to plainly say this because the U.S. is already fighting us worldwide. These puppets you are trying to protect will collapse one after the other until the petrodollar is ended. Your military and economy will come to a screeching hault as dollar becomes toilet paper and defense budget plumets and your sanctions power evaporates.
Sure buddy,sure. Just like your research on the Greek-Turkish relations? Where everything according to you comes down to "USA use puppets to save the petrodollar"? Get out of here. Back to Salafistan.
Over time, many on this forum will know you are a liar, misinformer, propagandist, and deceiver. I'll intensify my efforts to educate Muslims on the REAL state of affairs around the Muslim world. I'll simply ignore your silly repetitions and continue to present logical arguments to open people's eyes. So, quit your psychological tactics cos it won't work on me InshaAllah.
Oh because he kicked your favorite jihadi nutcases,the Muslim Brotherhood out of power? Lol
No, because they killed thousands of people to achieve that. The worse is that he does this on the behest of his Western masters. But hey, it's not over yet. So, don't be too joyful of your temporary victory. Erdogan is sitting in Libya and building bases around Egypt in case Sisi gets the wrong idea and tries to militarily stop the establishment of an ISLAMIST democracy in Libya.
If there were no Saudis and Emiratis to uphold your Salafi movements financially,you'd have little to zero influence. You don't want democracy either. You only want democracy as long as it's a hardcore islamist leader in power. Everything else,you will call not tolerate.
Time to differentiate between Salafists and hypocrites. Saudis and Emiratis bankroll brainwashed scholars who try to spread political quietism to pave the way for separating Mosque from State. This didn't and will never work. This is why they've all but stopped doing that. The real Salafis are the Qataris, Pakistanis, Libyans, Nigerians, Somalis, Turks, etc. We don't agree with quietism. We speak up and strive to maintain Islam's superiority over the state. Salafists aren't all the same.
We should open special thread about upcoming Turkish elections.. So many thing is happening and its not good for Erdogan.
Football fans, even well-known pro-AKP journalists are now starting to be anti-Erdogan
and many lawyers sued Erdogan in court.
This things are normal in western countries but not normal in Turkey
Don't worry. Insha Allah, Muslims have reconqured Turkey from the West without firing a single shot. These are all desperate attempts by their Western handlers to bring Erdogan down. But they are late about this Insha Allah. Their last chance was the 2016 coup, which led to their total destruction. These noise come from the remnants in politics. They too have been sugjugated Insha Allah. This election will come and pass with Erdogan's victory, Insha Allah. And after Erdogan, another Islamist will take over God willing.

Pakistan is another area where a fierce ideological war is raging. We'll see who wins.
Over time, many on this forum will know you are a liar, misinformer, propagandist, and deceiver. I'll intensify my efforts to educate Muslims on the REAL state of affairs around the Muslim world. I'll simply ignore your silly repetitions and continue to present logical arguments to open people's eyes. So, quit your psychological tactics cos it won't work on me InshaAllah.
I'm a "liar" and "propagandist" and you will educate Muslims on the "real" state of affairs of the Muslim world?

Screenshot_2020-05-27 Simon Cowell Best Insults PART 2 SAVAGE - YouTube.png

No, because they killed thousands of people to achieve that. The worse is that he does this on the behest of his Western masters. But hey, it's not over yet. So, don't be too joyful of your temporary victory. Erdogan is sitting in Libya and building bases around Egypt in case Sisi gets the wrong idea and tries to militarily stop the establishment of an ISLAMIST democracy in Libya.

Egyptians here already refuted your claims,if I'm not mistaken. This bullshit about "Western masters" is annoyingly boring. Every dumbass islamist here repeats it. You probably want someone like that crazy Sheikh who said they should demolish the Pyramids because it's "shirk".

Time to differentiate between Salafists and hypocrites. Saudis and Emiratis bankroll brainwashed scholars who try to spread political quietism to pave the way for separating Mosque from State. This didn't and will never work. This is why they've all but stopped doing that. The real Salafis are the Qataris, Pakistanis, Libyans, Nigerians, Somalis, Turks, etc. We don't agree with quietism. We speak up and strive to maintain Islam's superiority over the state. Salafists aren't all the same.
Your Islamist leader Erdogan is friends with Israel. How's that?

Don't worry. Insha Allah, Muslims have reconqured Turkey from the West without firing a single shot. These are all desperate attempts by their Western handlers to bring Erdogan down. But they are late about this Insha Allah. Their last chance was the 2016 coup, which led to their total destruction. These noise come from the remnants in politics. They too have been sugjugated Insha Allah. This election will come and pass with Erdogan's victory, Insha Allah. And after Erdogan, another Islamist will take over God willing.
Erdogan is a failure. Turks themselves shout against him. Most Turks here don't like him either. And you're a Nigerian and you have no idea what is going on in the region. All you do is theorize about the Islamic World and dream of Caliphates and supposed "islamist democracies".
Don't worry. Insha Allah, Muslims have reconqured Turkey from the West without firing a single shot. These are all desperate attempts by their Western handlers to bring Erdogan down. But they are late about this Insha Allah. Their last chance was the 2016 coup, which led to their total destruction. These noise come from the remnants in politics. They too have been sugjugated Insha Allah. This election will come and pass with Erdogan's victory, Insha Allah. And after Erdogan, another Islamist will take over God willing.

Pakistan is another area where a fierce ideological war is raging. We'll see who wins.
İslam exist in this country before Erdogan and it will exist after him too.. Nobody is against Erdogan because he is islamist but because he is corrupted sc.. who destroyed every good thing in Turkey.. Even most hardcore islamist party in Turkey aka Saadet, join to oppusution against Erdogan
Nobody is against Erdogan because he is islamist...
No! I do not like Erdogan because he is an Islamist, not because he is corrupt. I don't like Islamists, you know why? Because all Islamists give the wrong answer to the philosophical question I will write below.

Question: Suppose a claim in the Qur'an is disproved by falsifiable experiments. In other words, let the claim in the Qur'an be refuted by the scientific method. In that hypothetical case, would you still continue to believe in the Qur'an? Or do you say, "The Qur'an cannot be a holy book that contains such erroneous information"?

Even then, Islamists reject the scientific method!

For the Islamist, the scientific method is necessary only when manufacturing weapons. It is not necessary for living.

No good will come to humanity from people with this mentality. It's not happening anyway, for example, the situation in Afghanistan and Iran is obvious.
No! I do not like Erdogan because he is an Islamist, not because he is corrupt. I don't like Islamists, you know why? Because all Islamists give the wrong answer to the philosophical question I will write below.

Question: Suppose a claim in the Qur'an is disproved by falsifiable experiments. In other words, let the claim in the Qur'an be refuted by the scientific method. In that hypothetical case, would you still continue to believe in the Qur'an? Or do you say, "The Qur'an cannot be a holy book that contains such erroneous information"?

Even then, Islamists reject the scientific method!

For the Islamist, the scientific method is necessary only when manufacturing weapons. It is not necessary for living.

No good will come to humanity from people with this mentality. It's not happening anyway, for example, the situation in Afghanistan and Iran is obvious.
Have you read True Believer by Eric Hoffer?

We should open special thread about upcoming Turkish elections.. So many thing is happening and its not good for Erdogan.
Football fans, even well-known pro-AKP journalists are now starting to be anti-Erdogan
and many lawyers sued Erdogan in court.
This things are normal in western countries but not normal in Turkey
Well, it seems that Soeharto effect starts to kick Erdogan around.

For your insight, Soeharto was the 2nd Indonesian President. He ruled Indonesia for 32 years. And guess what. When he fell, it's hurt as hell. It is the same to Soekarno, our first president, who ruled from 1945 to 1966. When he step down, it was also hurt as hell.

Now, it seems people start to hate Erdogan. It doesn't matter if he's a good leader or not. But because he rules too long, the opposition in his country become bigger and bigger. And that situation can be used by his political enemy, like US to make the situation worse. Specially, when he refuse to step down, and use anything necessary to protect his throne.

It also happen to Assad Syria, Gadaffi. And It seems that Putin is also overshadowed by the same fate as them. If Xi follow their step, he also can destroy China like them. Not because he wants to, but because his oppositions will become increase in number with the longer he sit in his throne.

If Erdogan and Putin managed to protect their seat to their death, The succession will goes like Venezuela or North Korea. Either it's their son or daughter will replace them, like Kim Il Sung, or one of their close follower succeed them, like in Venezuela.

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