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U.K saying "NO" to East Asians


Jun 28, 2010
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Immigrants must know good English: Cameron
Immigrants must know good English: Cameron

Britain is planning to introduce tougher rules to ensure that immigrants specially from the Indian sub-continent have a “reasonable standard” of English, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

“Migrant families have an obligation to teach their children English before they start school. We will bring forward tougher rules to ensure those arriving in the UK have a reasonable standard of English,” Cameron told the House of Commons.

According to a report, one in six children do not speak English as their first language. Ministers believe that children brought up here stand a better chance of succeeding if their parents have a good grasp of the language.

Cameron spoke out after a Commons exchange with Yorkshire Tory MP Kris Hopkins, who said: “Sadly in Keighley, too many children start school and don’t speak English.” He then asked Cameron: “Do you agree with me that there is a responsibility and an obligation upon parents to make sure their children speak English?” Cameron replied: “I completely agree with you. The fact is, in too many cases this isn’t happening.

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“The last government did make some progress on making sure people learned English when they came to our country. I think we need to go further. If you look at the figures for the number of people who are brought over as husbands and wives, particularly from the Indian sub-continent, we should be putting in place -- and we will be putting in place -- tougher rules to make sure they do learn English so when they come, if they come, they can be more integrated into our country.”

A recent study by MigrationWatch found that children who speak English as their first language are in a minority in some inner-city London schools.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, Birmingham, Bradford and Leicester all have more than 40 per cent of pupils in primary schools who do not have English as a first language.

To date, the government’s policies have focused upon marriage visas. Since September, those coming to Britain to marry UK citizens have been forced to sit pre-entry tests proving a basic level of English.

Lawyers argue that the tests, which apply only to those from non-English-speaking countries, are discriminatory, and breach human rights law. But Immigration Minister Damian Green argued that the English language requirement would allow for a “more cohesive society”.

Cameron, why don't you just be straightforward and say you "don't want Chinese, Korean and Japanese immigrants" ?
UK was never on the list for most Chinese immigrants.

Chinese now only want one place for immigration------ The United States.

But event that is changing, most Chinese only go to US for study now, like getting PhD then return.
its a bit late now, this place is flooded with all sorts of people.

look at london now, its just made up of ghetto's where different communities live - indian, pakistani, turkish, black, african etc
I don't see anything about East Asians in the article. It did mention the Indian sub-continent though.

And just imagine the moralistic uproar the West is going to make if some Chinese leader declare preschool children in China should be able to speak Chinese.
“The last government did make some progress on making sure people learned English when they came to our country. I think we need to go further. If you look at the figures for the number of people who are brought over as husbands and wives, particularly from the Indian sub-continent, we should be putting in place -- and we will be putting in place -- tougher rules to make sure they do learn English so when they come, if they come, they can be more integrated into our country.”
I don't see anything about East Asians in the article. It did mention the Indian sub-continent though.

And just imagine the moralistic uproar the West is going to make if some Chinese leader declare preschool children in China should be able to speak Chinese.

When we do it, it is cultural genocide.
When they do it, it is nothing.
I don't see anything about East Asians in the article. It did mention the Indian sub-continent though.

And just imagine the moralistic uproar the West is going to make if some Chinese leader declare preschool children in China should be able to speak Chinese.

Why would it be an uproar, i would have thought being able to speak Mandarin if you want to go to school in China would be a good idea?
Why would it be an uproar, i would have thought being able to speak Mandarin if you want to go to school in China would be a good idea?

Reason and common sense always get thrown out of window when it comes to China.

See, if some Chinese schools have more than one language of instruction thus separate classes for Han and some ethnic minority, it's called racial segregation in school. And if those schools have only Mandarin as the language of instruction it is called forced cultural assimilation.
Reason and common sense always get thrown out of window when it comes to China.

See, if some Chinese schools have more than one language of instruction thus separate classes for Han and some ethnic minority, it's called racial segregation in school. And if those schools have only Mandarin as the language of instruction it is called forced cultural assimilation.

Of course the solution is to wipe out Mandarin. This is why the white man is our permanent enemy, their shamelessness knows no bounds.
the new policy is aimed at south aisans who bring over wives and husbands, it has little to do with east asians.
hafizz, there are people without English knowledge in the sub-continent too. Just for your info.
I agree with them. If you don't speak a country's language - PROPERLY -, why do you go there?
I don't see anything about East Asians in the article. It did mention the Indian sub-continent though.

And just imagine the moralistic uproar the West is going to make if some Chinese leader declare preschool children in China should be able to speak Chinese.

Don't be silly. India claim that she has the world's largest English speaking population so what makes you think England is barring Indians
immigrants when Cameron said that he wants --> "Immigrants must know good English: Cameron" ????

Cameron is just using Indian as cover up to target East Asian immigrants.
the new policy is aimed at south aisans who bring over wives and husbands, it has little to do with east asians.

You are just too naive to think that England is targeting Indian immigrants.

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