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Two killed, several injured in knife attack in Nice France

Unfortunately every religious text can be interpreted the way one wants....terrorists pick verses which suit their narrative...you are picking the ones that suit your narrative....that's it.
Not correct! If you study Islam enough it becomes very clear that you cannot cherry pick to your liking. And it also becomes very clear that ISIS is wrong. Study it enough and you will know.
paul Pogba . Ousmanne dembelle . N’golo kante , Adil rami, dijbril sidibe,Benjamin Mendy,Nabil fekir just a few examples many many more to show your talking out of your backside .

In your dreams muslims are disillusioned and can’t speak out lol you wish pagan boy fastest growing religion , most conversions in every country in the world shows you no not about what you lie .

you are more interested in conversions than you are interested in cleaning up existing crap you have
Macron is responsible for this crap

you are right -- a Macron of the future will ban all immigration from Muslim states
France playing games with peoples emotions causes these such acts
not every human is mentally sane to rise above slurs and mockery of their loved ones

Sexually groomed macron have no sense

if you cannot control your emotions are people adult's ?
These particular type of Muslims are an embarrassment. If he was so outraged by injustice to Muslims why didn't he for example go to Syria to fight alongside the Syrian military and against the Western-government-supported terrorists ?

or fix the numerous injustices in Muslim majority lands
The killer has been killed, justice has been prevail. No need further flame.

the dead are dead. there are not coming back alive @Indos
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Not correct! If you study Islam enough it becomes very clear that you cannot cherry pick to your liking. And it also becomes very clear that ISIS is wrong. Study it enough and you will know.
I have studied it enough....It's clear from your statement that you have not read islam thoroughly or you read it with a pre-conceived notion. Not only you, I have noticed majority of the pakistanis too ,although muslims, don't have an in-depth knowledge of islam...their knowledge of Islam comes from random internet and urdu news paper articles and friday Qutbas. I am pretty sure just like 99 percent of muslims ,even pdf pakistanis have never read a tafseer of quran , Hadees or islamic history.
All this Islam is a religion of peace is only a thing started after 2001. Go back in history and read the atrocities committed by muslims kings and how they used to boast about them citing religious verses. Indian history is replete with such incidents. Even to this day Pakistanis consider ghaznavi a hero and boast how he demolished somnath and plundered the wealth there...
The war on kafirs has always been looked in high regard in Islam. It's just in the past two decades you people came up with a different narrative.
Now ,please don't come up with that stupid example joker naik...we cant judge a car by its driver...got fed up with it..and i am not naive to fall into such arguments as I have read islam deeply.
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I have studied it enough....It's clear from your statement that you have not read islam thoroughly or you read it with a pre-conceived notion. Not only you, I have noticed majority of the pakistanis too ,although muslims, don't have an in-depth knowledge of islam...their knowledge of Islam comes from random internet and urdu news paper articles and friday Qutbas. I am pretty sure just like 99 percent of muslims ,even pdf pakistanis have never read a tafseer of quran , Hadees or islamic history.
All this Islam is a religion of peace is only a thing started after 2001. Go back in history and read the atrocities committed by muslims kings and how they used to boast about them citing religious verses. Indian history is replete with such incidents. Even to this day Pakistanis consider ghaznavi a hero and boast how he demolished somnath and plundered the wealth there...
The war on kafirs has always been looked in high regard in Islam. It's just in the past two decades you people came up with a different narrative.
Now ,please don't come up with that stupid example joker naik...we cant judge a car by its driver...got fed up with it..and i am not naive to fall into such arguments as I have read islam deeply.
Typical hindu Bullshit post from someone claiming to have studied Islam.
All PDF hindus claim they have studied Islam and they know Islam more than us just because their 10th door neighbor was a Muslim and had few conversations with him over tea.. Wannabe Aholes..

The Arabic word salaam (سلام) ("peace") originates from the same root as the word Islam.[1] The word silm (سِلم) also means the religion of Islam in Arabic, and the phrase "he entered as-silm (peace)" means "he entered Islam."
The war on kafirs has always been looked in high regard in Islam.
Yeah.. In Christianity it was called "Crusade"
In Hindusim its called "Dharam Yudh"

Seems like you know less about your religion.

From someone who really has studied Islam
SwamiLakshami Shankaracharya.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) fought terrorism his entire life. The order of Allah came to confront the terrorism, it never was to oppose any person or religion. This was only to fight the terrorism; the intention was to fight the terrorists. No one fought terrorism as strongly as Islam fought it.

Wannabe Swami aryadravida have some shame and stop lying from you teeth and bottom.
Go back in history and read the atrocities committed by muslims kings and how they used to boast about them citing religious verses.
Few examples
Pushyamitra Shunga
Your logic is fraud like your presence here.

Even to this day Pakistanis consider ghaznavi a hero
Ashoka the greatest of all kings.
Heard of Ashokavadana?
I have heard hindus admires him alot.

Keep on with your stupid logics, same will be used to prove "Hindusim is a Dharma of Violence".
The turks should be held to account for this. France should nuke turkey in response
These particular type of Muslims are an embarrassment. If he was so outraged by injustice to Muslims why didn't he for example go to Syria to fight alongside the Syrian military and against the Western-government-supported terrorists ?
And most importantly, when Hungry and Poland closed their doors for Syrian refugees, France accepted them with open arms. Now this is happening. Shamefull. Damaging name of Islam in the eyes of the whole non Muslim world. And people are supporting these attackers gathering in thousands. Very shamefull for humanity.
These particular type of Muslims are an embarrassment. If he was so outraged by injustice to Muslims why didn't he for example go to Syria to fight alongside the Syrian military and against the Western-government-supported terrorists ?
The worst part is, the boycott was working, and this dumb fucking moron just made the boycott look bad.

I swear, Muslims are Muslim's worst enemies.
I have studied it enough....It's clear from your statement that you have not read islam thoroughly or you read it with a pre-conceived notion. Not only you, I have noticed majority of the pakistanis too ,although muslims, don't have an in-depth knowledge of islam...their knowledge of Islam comes from random internet and urdu news paper articles and friday Qutbas. I am pretty sure just like 99 percent of muslims ,even pdf pakistanis have never read a tafseer of quran , Hadees or islamic history.
All this Islam is a religion of peace is only a thing started after 2001. Go back in history and read the atrocities committed by muslims kings and how they used to boast about them citing religious verses. Indian history is replete with such incidents. Even to this day Pakistanis consider ghaznavi a hero and boast how he demolished somnath and plundered the wealth there...
The war on kafirs has always been looked in high regard in Islam. It's just in the past two decades you people came up with a different narrative.
Now ,please don't come up with that stupid example joker naik...we cant judge a car by its driver...got fed up with it..and i am not naive to fall into such arguments as I have read islam deeply.

You seem to have a lot of hate built up inside you towards Muslims and Islam and it will not help you. You must have been very frustrated that you felt the need to bring your crusade here online.

I will shove aside my ego and pride. I did not like the way you talked about my religion. But I forgive you. Got nothing against you.

All I will do is give you one advice. Do not judge Islam by looking solely at Muslims, or those who call themselves Muslim. That’s all. :)

And leave the hate. There is always another side to the coin. Islam was here before you. And it will be here long after you are gone. Inshallah
And most importantly, when Hungry and Poland closed their doors for Syrian refugees, France accepted them with open arms. Now this is happening. Shamefull. Damaging name of Islam in the eyes of the whole non Muslim world. And people are supporting these attackers gathering in thousands. Very shamefull for humanity.

Firstly, I could not get any indication from the OP that this knife attacker was Syrian.`

Secondly, France was among the Western nations who invaded Syria in the first place in 2011 via support for terrorist proxies. So it was France's moral duty to provide for Syrian refugees.

Thirdly, some of the refugees who wouldn't have stayed behind in Syria and fought against the international terrorists, some of such refugees wouldn't have been the most ideal of people.
Firstly, I could not get any indication from the OP that this knife attacker was Syrian.`

Secondly, France was among the Western nations who invaded Syria in the first place in 2011 via support for terrorist proxies. So it was France's moral duty to provide for Syrian refugees.

Thirdly, some of the refugees who wouldn't have stayed behind in Syria and fought against the international terrorists, some of such refugees wouldn't have been the most ideal of people.
Today's world doesn't work on moral duty, it never worked like that.
Its like my country, my rules.
Even France invaded Syria bcz of war on terror, France has every right to decide whom to give shelter, and whom to not!
They came out through a hard time after first world war and world war, and made a successful nation with hard work. So they have every right to decide their own fate.
Like, Britain invaded India and made it poor like hell, but we can't expect Britain to give shelter to every poor Indian on the base of moral duty. Nations never worked like this.
Even France invaded Syria bcz of war on terror

The proxy invasion of Syria by France / NATO in 2011 and the full, direct invasion by France / NATO in 2011 was not because of any War on Terror. These invasions were because Libya and France are among the last old-style socialist / progressive countries. Especially Libya with Gaddafi had to go.

Look at Afghanistan. In the 1980s the West didn't like that country being ruled by socialists so the West brought in terrorists from all over the world to create havoc there. The current situation is that NATO, especially USA, will be pulling out and leaving the country more or less contently in the hands of the Taliban. For NATO / France / USA etc as long as a country is not governed by socialism it is alright. Otherwise NATO will bring "Democracy" there. This is also happening with Venezuela.
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