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Twitter Suspends Pakistan Defence Forum Without any Warning - Again


May 3, 2009
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Last year in November, Twitter suspended our verified twitter handle without any warning or moderation. Our repeated appeals were not entertained.

Today, twitter has suspended us again without any warning or moderation. The message we received was: Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. The permanent suspension was never explained, to begin with.

We believe that this is the work of twitter India at the behest of the Modi Govt which has been handing out lists of Pakistani twitter accounts for suspension and forcing twitter to comply. We believe that our original suspension and this one is pure and utterly motivated by politics because Pakistani twitter users are under the oversight of twitter India and they can shut down our accounts whenever they want without us getting a fair chance of appeal or reversal.

Many other Pakistani twitter users who criticize India have ended up on Indian Govt's lists which were given to twitter. They were given legal notices that 'your tweets are in violation of Indian Law' - whatever that means.

We believe in the fairness of debate and not at any point, we've intentionally violated twitter's stated rules and if it ever happened by mistake, it was corrected and self-moderated.

We strongly protest this decision and hope our forum members will raise this issue on twitter with @ jack and others who are at the helm of affairs by using the hashtag #RestoreDefencedotpk.

We also hope that the Govt of Pakistan will look into this issue and officially raises this with twitter. The twitter must be asked to prohibit twitter India from exercising all powers over Pakistani twitter users and a twitter office must be established in India OR the Pakistani users should be under the oversight by twitter's head office in the United States. Their Indian staff is abusing their powers to shut down Pakistani accounts to settle scores and to comply with the Modi govt.

If you have any ideas on how to go about this, please let us know.

To be fair you did Photoshop the poor Indian girl last time as a result of which you got banned. Probably something similar this time, need to check. Must say twitter moderation is greatly fairer than PDFs although difficult to be perfectly fair in any moderation.
Elhamdulillah!!! Instead of getting limited words message folks will now visit PDF web site itself and get tons of info and insights in full!!!!

Even if a mere twitter from Pak becomes too much for the Indian folks, just imagine if Pak weren't created!!! Every cent and second spent on the defense of Pak is Helal!!! May Allah-u Azimushshan accept the Pak defenders in both the real and cyber spaces as the Mujahits, and bestow Izzet and Bereket on them in this world and the next....

With Selam and Dua....
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This is getting ludicrous, so many Pakistani accounts are being taken down. The Govt is sleeping. They need to tell twitter in black in white terms to stop targeting Pakistani users or get out of the country.

Tell me something. When Pakistan banned youtube, who backed down?
Well, we should rally to govt of Pakistan and bring this issue of banning the twitter accounts of Pakistani users on the behest of Modi govt to the notice of GoP. So either twitter restores those accounts and changes its policies or gets banned in Pakistan.

PS: GoP should make a policy that the web servers of all social media websites should be located inside the borders of Pakistan if those use and store data of Pakistani citizens. Furthermore, they need to adhere to the data regulations of Pakistan.
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They created a dedicated version for Pakistan in which all the objectionable videos were blocked.

You call that backing down? You think its ok to do? The company keeps the Highly objectionable material online and provides you with a censored version?
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