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Turkish Directed Energy Weapons

What if the laser is tuned to such wavelengths the mirror cannot reflect? Also, the mirror does not "reflect", but absorbs and then re emits. It would heat up in between and deform.

How about a ceramic (excellent insulation capabilities) coating ?
How about a ceramic (excellent insulation capabilities) coating ?

Like space shuttle tiles? I suppose they could absorb lot more, but we're still talking about coating a missile here, that would have to remain aerodynamic and not too heavy.
Like space shuttle tiles? I suppose they could absorb lot more, but we're still talking about coating a missile here, that would have to remain aerodynamic and not too heavy.

Doable in my opinion, like lesser versions of space shuttle tiles. Could be thin and smooth. Ceramics as are not heavy as metal alloys or mirror. And the thermal conductivity of ceramics are ultra low. But a lot of R&D required and would be very expensive.

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more and more missiles are now made of carbon fiber.....reducing effectiveness of laser gun.
Turkey is doing some amazing work now, and I'm not a person who dishes out praises for free. Yes you lack on a few front's, however you'll pick up there as well. Now you have the necessary 'culture' for scientific progress and discoveries. My profs used to tell me stories that when ODTU was first built, it started work in two trailers. That was long time ago, they have indeed come a long way.

Is this not the same guy who said Turkey would have space ships if they weren't stopped by outside powers?Any way, looking forward to it.
What if the laser is tuned to such wavelengths the mirror cannot reflect? Also, the mirror does not "reflect", but absorbs and then re emits. It would heat up in between and deform.

Mirror does reflect. And mirrors reflecting at 1um would not survive high speeds.

Also, the laser used for such purpose cannot be tuned to wide range of frequencies.

How about a ceramic (excellent insulation capabilities) coating ?

This is what laser do to ceramics.

Laser Beam burns through Fire Brick in less than 5 seconds! - YouTube
So has trident...

Only Reentry vehicle has carbon fibre resin heatshield and nose.Not sure its for anti laser.Probabaly to withstand heat from rerentry.

Nothing is invulnerable to lasers, save mirrors.

From what i hear,high intensity lasers lose focus after distances ..so can only be used as point defence short range defense.Also travels in straight line beam.
Only Reentry vehicle has carbon fibre resin heatshield and nose.Not sure its for anti laser.Probabaly to withstand heat from rerentry.

As long as it absorbs most of the beam, laser will melt/vaporize it. Be it carbon fiber or ceramic.

From what i hear,high intensity lasers lose focus after distances ..so can only be used as point defence short range defense.Also travels in straight line beam.

Distance depends on various factors. This is a developing tech so it is useless to talk about what distance it would work on. And about the laser traveling in straight line, it is to be used through airborne target. So curvature of earth would have no affect on its range.

This is some very general overview of the US laser canon in development:
As long as it absorbs most of the beam, laser will melt/vaporize it. Be it carbon fiber or ceramic.

Distance depends on various factors. This is a developing tech so it is useless to talk about what distance it would work on. And about the laser traveling in straight line, it is to be used through airborne target. So curvature of earth would have no affect on its range.

This is some very general overview of the US laser canon in development:
How It Works: The Flying Laser Cannon | Popular Science

How would laser beams in straight line target high G manuevering missiles?
How would laser beams in straight line target high G manuevering missiles?

The question is, how would the optics inside the aircraft target maneuvering missiles.

This is from the link I posted earlier:
A kind of reverse telescope called the beam expander inside a retractable, swiveling pod called the turret widens the beam to 20 inches and aims it. The laser’s computer determines the distance to the target and adjusts the beam so it condenses into a focused point at just the right spot. Tracking computers help make microscopic adjustments to compensate for both the airplane’s and the target’s movement. A burst of a few seconds’ duration will burn a several-inch-wide hole in whatever it hits.

Once the focus is on the right spot and laser is fired, movement of missiles become irrelevant. For laser, missile would be almost stationary.
Mirror does reflect. And mirrors reflecting at 1um would not survive high speeds.

Also, the laser used for such purpose cannot be tuned to wide range of frequencies.

I was refering to the fact mirror reflects light of all frequencies on the basis of free electrons on it's surface that can absorb photons and then re-emits them. So, it stores energy, before it gives it away again, albeit for a very short time.
This is what laser do to ceramics.

You know there is different kinds of ceramics right, what you show is an average fire brick. Another point is distance between laser and missile will be not 1 meter thus greatly reducing lasers efficiency.
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