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Turkish Directed Energy Weapons

A bit confusing it has been claimed that Nazar is a Directional Infrared Countermeasure blinding IR and IIR seekers of missiles, a system like AN / AAQ-24 (V) which is generaly used for air platforms but strange enough it seems our navy is asking for it! Do you have any info about it? yet a great achivment just in 3 years!! as the next step if we can manage to miniaturize the system we can easly apply it to our air platforms including TFX in the future since the testbed seems huge but yeee it is just a testbed!


what type of anti ship you have in current battleground? Hellfire,kornet, javelin top down attack ???
It is funny. It is not for navy sure.
The first fire tests of the Şahi 209 Block II (naval) Electromagnetic gun were successfully carried out. The Şahi 209 team targets a range of 50 km with 35 mm ammunition.

Sadece 8 ay sonra yenisi geldi. ŞAHİ-209 Blok2 Ozellikleri (azami): Namlu uzunlugu: 7 metre DGK: 10 Megajoule Mermi: 35 mm, ~1000gr Menzil: 50 km Namlu grubu: ~8 ton Hipersonik mermi hizi Dusuk gucte ilk atislar yapildi. Teknolojiyi ozumsedigimiz icin COK HIZLI ILERLIYORUZ.


6:03 AM - 30 Mar 2019
Only 8 months later, the new one came. ŞAHİ-209 Blok2 Features: Barrel length: 7 meters DGK: 10 Megajoule Bullet: 35 mm, ~ 1000gr Range: 50 km Barrel group: ~ 8 tons Hypersonic bullet speed The first attacks were made in low temperature. We're refreshing the technology for the COK.
The first fire tests of the Şahi 209 Block II (naval) Electromagnetic gun were successfully carried out. The Şahi 209 team targets a range of 50 km with 35 mm ammunition.

Sadece 8 ay sonra yenisi geldi. ŞAHİ-209 Blok2 Ozellikleri (azami): Namlu uzunlugu: 7 metre DGK: 10 Megajoule Mermi: 35 mm, ~1000gr Menzil: 50 km Namlu grubu: ~8 ton Hipersonik mermi hizi Dusuk gucte ilk atislar yapildi. Teknolojiyi ozumsedigimiz icin COK HIZLI ILERLIYORUZ.


6:03 AM - 30 Mar 2019
Only 8 months later, the new one came. ŞAHİ-209 Blok2 Features: Barrel length: 7 meters DGK: 10 Megajoule Bullet: 35 mm, ~ 1000gr Range: 50 km Barrel group: ~ 8 tons Hypersonic bullet speed The first attacks were made in low temperature. We're refreshing the technology for the COK.

Well. Now it started to look like something.
Damn its hugee. Reminds me fictional soviet beast weapons
I have a question. What about the power supply for this weapon on a ship? I assume that 10MJ uses enormous amount of power. How they gonna provide the required power supply? Will there be a huge battery-pack for a maximum of 10 shots or something? Maybe from a big generator, but what about the loading times??
I have a question. What about the power supply for this weapon on a ship? I assume that 10MJ uses enormous amount of power. How they gonna provide the required power supply? Will there be a huge battery-pack for a maximum of 10 shots or something? Maybe from a big generator, but what about the loading times??
Reloading is not a problem for these type of weapons. They are very simple mechanically.

The real problem is storing energy but for a ship that wouldn't be a problem either because ships do not have so much problem about volume needed or mass. (this is a very big problem for aerial of land platforms)

I think they will store energy for more than one shots. That might change for needs of the gun or its purpose. But storing one shot energy for a high energy demand gun is absurd. For rapid shots you will need a huge generator, a much bigger engine. Storing more energy and keeping it ready is the only reliable option.
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