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Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam


Apr 30, 2012
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Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam
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Istanbul, Turkey (CNN) -- An Istanbul court slapped a world-renowned musician Monday with a 10-month suspended sentence for posting a series of tweets that poked fun at Islamic descriptions of heaven.

Classical concert pianist Fazil Say, 43, was found guilty of "openly insulting the religious values held by a portion of the public" for the tweets, which were posted last year.

"Although I am innocent and have not committed any crime, this decision I received is more worrisome for the freedom of expression and belief in Turkey than it is to me as a person," Say wrote in a statement posted on his Facebook page. The sentence marks a "very sad day for freedom of expression in Turkey," Say's lawyer Meltem Akyol told CNN. "We were expecting an acquittal."

"Freedom of expression does not entitle you to condescend or offend or insult people," countered plaintiff Ali Emre Bukagili. "That's a crime."

Say's tweets included: "You say the rivers will flow with wine, is heaven a tavern? You say each believer will receive two women, is heaven a brothel?" according to the indictment.

In another, Say joked about the short duration of a cleric's traditional Islamic call to prayer. The tweet asked a rhetorical question to the chanting cleric: "What's the hurry? Lover waiting?" the indictment said.

Say also was convicted of retweeting allegedly offensive posts, such as, "I am not sure if you have realized it, but where there is scum, a lowlife, a thief or a fool, s/he is always an Allahist. Is this a paradox?"

Faruk Logoglu, deputy international affairs chairman of the nation's main opposition party, CHP, called the sentence a "new link in the long chain of assaults on the freedom of expression and freedom of conscience in Turkey."

"This is shameful for Turkish democracy," he said.

Say won't have to serve his sentence as long as he doesn't commit a similar crime within the next five years. "The decision is a correct one," said Bukagili. "In our laws, it is against the law to publicly insult a belief, and he did that."

The case was filed last June after three plaintiffs lodged formal complaints.

Say has been a vocal critic of the Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party, which has governed Turkey since it first won parliamentary elections more than a decade ago. Critics linked the case to a recent string of freedom of expression prosecutions in Turkey.

Last year, Say commented on the case for CNN Turk. "... if I thought I was guilty, I would feel uncomfortable with myself and would enter the jail on my own," he said. "It is difficult for them to send me to jail. It is that simple."

Court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam - CNN.com
Read more at ********.com - Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam (comments)
@PakistaniandProud Welcome Turkey then! Who can put the world's best awarded pianist to jail? Who can put the half the Generals/Admirals to the jail? Who can put the half of journalists to jail? Who takes the terrorists outta the jail and put a highly decorated retired General into the jail accusing him with being a terrorist, whom was known with it's succes against the war on terror and also the ex-commander of the armed forces? Shameful huh? You know what brother? I'm sayin nothing. Yes NOTHING. Cauz we people got used to it. :hitwall:
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Twitter üzerinden dile getirilen ifadelerin hukuki sonuçları, birçok ülkede tartışılıyor.

İngiliz bar işletmecisi Leigh Van Bryan, Ocak 2012'de Twitter'da bir arkadaşına hitaben, "Amerika'yı imha etmeye gidiyorum" yazınca ABD'ye girişten men edilmişti.

İngiltere'nin Doncaster kentinde yaşayan Paul Chambers da, kız arkadaşına ulaşma özlemini ifade ettiği Twitter mesajında, kar yağışından etkilenen Robin Hood Havaalanı trafiğe açılmazsa orayı "havaya uçuracağını" yazınca, 385 sterlin para cezasına çarptırılmış, ayrıca 2600 sterlin tutan masrafları da üstlenmek zorunda kalmıştı.

Not only Turkey. UK and US too.
Twitter üzerinden dile getirilen ifadelerin hukuki sonuçları, birçok ülkede tartışılıyor.

İngiliz bar işletmecisi Leigh Van Bryan, Ocak 2012'de Twitter'da bir arkadaşına hitaben, "Amerika'yı imha etmeye gidiyorum" yazınca ABD'ye girişten men edilmişti.

İngiltere'nin Doncaster kentinde yaşayan Paul Chambers da, kız arkadaşına ulaşma özlemini ifade ettiği Twitter mesajında, kar yağışından etkilenen Robin Hood Havaalanı trafiğe açılmazsa orayı "havaya uçuracağını" yazınca, 385 sterlin para cezasına çarptırılmış, ayrıca 2600 sterlin tutan masrafları da üstlenmek zorunda kalmıştı.

Not only Turkey. UK and US too.

Yuuki i noticed that you often write in Turkish. Be careful about it some mods around here, are very strict about this issue.

As you can see.http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/246384-turkish-members-club.html
I think some sort of legal ramification is justified, but 10 months jail time seems to harsh for me. Maybe a fine or something would make do. A short jail time only if the person keeps repeating it multiple times or something.
If only he were to say "I am not a Turk but XXX" who knows what kind of reward Gulen Movement would given him...
Wikipedia: Freedom of speech by country

Wikipedia: Hate speech

United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, several statutes criminalize hate speech against several categories of persons. The statutes forbid communication which is hateful, threatening, abusive, or insulting and which targets a person on account of skin colour, race, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, or sexual orientation.

France prohibits by its penal code and by its press laws public and private communication which is defamatory or insulting, or which incites discrimination, hatred, or violence against a person or a group of persons on account of place of origin, ethnicity or lack thereof, nationality, race, specific religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap. The law prohibits declarations that justify or deny crimes against humanity, for example, the Holocaust.

Article 137c: He who publicly, orally, in writing or graphically, intentionally expresses himself insultingly regarding a group of people because of their race, their religion or their life philosophy, their heterosexual or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental disability, shall be punished by imprisonment of no more than a year or a monetary penalty of the third category.
Article 137d: He who publicly, orally, in writing or graphically, incites hatred against, discrimination of or violent action against person or belongings of people because of their race, their religion or their life philosophy, their gender, their heterosexual or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental disability, shall be punished by imprisonment of no more than a year or a monetary penalty of the third category.

The Serbian constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but restricts it in certain cases to protect human rights. The criminal charge of "Provoking ethnic, racial and religion based animosity and intolerance" carries a minimum six months prison term and a maximum of ten years.

In Canada, advocating genocide[15] or inciting hatred[16] against any 'identifiable group' is an indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada with maximum prison terms of two to fourteen years. An 'identifiable group' is defined as 'any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.' It makes exceptions for cases of statements of truth, and subjects of public debate and religious doctrine. The landmark judicial decision on the constitutionality of this law was R. v. Keegstra.

If "hate speech" is taken to mean ethnic agitation, it is prohibited in Finland and defined in the section 11 of the penal code, War crimes and crimes against humanity, as publishing data, an opinion or other statement that threatens or insults a group on basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or conviction, sexual orientation, disability, or any comparable basis. Ethnic agitation is punishable with a fine or up to 2 years in prison, or 4 months to 4 years if aggravated (such as incitement to genocide).

Wikipedia: Hate crime
In both crime and law, hate crimes (also known as bias-motivated crimes, or race hate) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group. Examples of such groups include but are not limited to: racial group, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or gender identity.

On 1 January 2013 new Penal code will be introduced with the recognition of a hate crime based on a "race, skin color, religion, national or ethnic background, sexual orientation or gender identity"

Section 233a of the Icelandic Penal Code states "Anyone who in a ridiculing, slanderous, insulting, threatening or any other manner publicly abuses a person or a group of people on the basis of their nationality, skin colour, race, religion or sexual orientation, shall be fined or jailed for up to two years."

Now Mr Say, who has an international career, has been given a ten-month suspended prison sentence under Article 216 of the penal code for hate speech.

Nefret yasalarının düşünce özgürlüğüne etkileri tartışmaları [değiştir]

Nefret yasalarının kapsamının ve içeriğinin genişletilmesi, düşünce ve ifade özgürlüğünün kısıtlanması tartışmalarını da beraberinde getirmiştir.
Amerika'da çeşitli dini kurum ve kuruluşlar, nefret yasalarının eşcinselleri de kapsayacak şekilde genişletilmesini kınamışlardır. Nefret yasaları nedeniyle, din adamlarının Kitab-ı Mukaddes'in eşcinselliğe bakışını rahatça dile getiremeyeceklerini öne sürmüşlerdir.[2]
Bugün birçok batılı ülkede ve ABD'de Yahudi Soykırımı'nı reddetmek veya bu konudaki verilerin sağlığı konusunda eleştiri yapmak suçtur. Ermeni diasporası benzer bir yasanın Ermeni soykırımı iddiaları konusunda da yaygın bir şekilde yasalaşması konusunda çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.

Erdoğan... Say... 2002-2013
Meanwhile: https://mobile.twitter.com/ZBilahiyat/status/324760865775710208

"Atheists are just like animals, they are shameless, they talk dirty anytime... Atheism is shamelessness..."

Advanced democracy, anyone? :)

I just hope that his highness Erdo the First of Sharia-Erdo Empire will be merciful enough to forgive me for expressing my thoughts.

forgive me my Turkish friends, but your country is not heading in the right direction. You should try to be the next Germany or Japan and not Pakistan.
"Freedom" and "Justice" party of Erdogan. I hear he wants to change the constitution to allow himself to be the President with actual power, is that still on course?
"Freedom" and "Justice" party of Erdogan. I hear he wants to change the constitution to allow himself to be the President with actual power, is that still on course?
Yes,this will be his last chance to do such a thing.

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