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Turkey to develop air defence laser system

There's only 1 optic in the full system, and that's being said in the articles I posted.
Atleast read before posting the same no sense in loops.
It feels like you're stuck in recursion
Things you are talking about is this one which Turkey also developed and tested.
Things i am talking about is this one, with singel 5kw laser gun
Turkey is the second country after the USA that could develop single born 5kw laser weapon.. neighter China, nor Germany could develop it yet..

lol welcome to 9 years ago .... Germany already has active 10 kW laser defence system.... officel presented in 2012 and 2013...

lol welcome to 9 years ago .... Germany already has active 10 kW laser defence system.... officel presented in 2012 and 2013...

same thing i was talking about above.. show me a single German news that Germany developed single mode 5kw laser? you cannot, because you couldnt yet..
same thing i was talking about above.. show me a single German news that Germany developed single mode 5kw laser? you cannot, because you couldnt yet..
same thing i was talking about above.. show me a single German news that Germany developed single mode 5kw laser? you cannot, because you couldnt yet..



Rheinmetal can already build mobile 5 and 10kW laser into a Boxer APC in 2013
in a M113 chassie a 1kW laser
and on a 4x4 truck a 20kW laser..
the Skyshield laser is a 30kW laser (single laser proved to be able to kill 5 x 82mm incomeing motar rounds in 4 seconds during life fire trails)
in 2013 they arleady had working 50kW laser


you are just a ignorant Turk unable to face the truth that your nation is largely 10 years or more behind

Rheinmetal delevopt 10kW YEARS ago...
OFFICLE tested in 2012... successfull



Rheinmetal is currently working on 100kW laser...







Rheinmetal can already build mobile 5 and 10kW laser into a Boxer APC in 2013
in a M113 chassie a 1kW laser
and on a 4x4 truck a 20kW laser..
the Skyshield laser is a 30kW laser (single laser proved to be able to kill 5 x 82mm incomeing motar rounds in 4 seconds during life fire trails)
in 2013 they arleady had working 50kW laser


you are just a ignorant Turk unable to face the truth that your nation is largely 10 years or more behind

Rheinmetal delevopt 10kW YEARS ago...
OFFICLE tested in 2012... successfull



Rheinmetal is currently working on 100kW laser...





Dude i have nothing against Germany, and you better watch your language too.
As you posted pictures, it will talk louder than you.. keep your aggression to your home, to your wife, not here

u are a typical turk...offending everyone and the moment u get backfiire u start a mimimi retreat...

the first one insulting others is the ignorant idiot ignoring facts lifing in his Sultanat dream of grand Turkey...

The moment his fiction meats hard reality he starts insulting others blaming them that their facts in words videos and pictures are not ture...

Go back to your goat...
Looolll typical racist, Nazi, genocidal German with arrogant act apon Turks.

Looser living been. Lol

u are a typical turk...offending everyone and the moment u get backfiire u start a mimimi retreat...

the first one insulting others is the ignorant idiot ignoring facts lifing in his Sultanat dream of grand Turkey...

The moment his fiction meats hard reality he starts insulting others blaming them that their facts in words videos and pictures are not ture...

Go back to your goat...

Well, then you go back to banging your hogs then.....

Hog humper

u are a typical turk...offending everyone and the moment u get backfiire u start a mimimi retreat...

the first one insulting others is the ignorant idiot ignoring facts lifing in his Sultanat dream of grand Turkey...

The moment his fiction meats hard reality he starts insulting others blaming them that their facts in words videos and pictures are not ture...

Go back to your goat...

German 20kw or 30kw or 50kw or 100kw laser projects are multimode laser power

Many countries have developed multi mode LASER
but only the US and Turkey have developed single mode LASER in the world .... ( China is working on singel mode laser )

multimode laser power is large, but the beam quality is poor

so difficult to single mode fiber lasers to 20kw
the technical community generally agreed that the upper limit of single mode fiber laser is 10kw

The US has developed 10kw single mode fiber laser
and Turkey has developed 5kw single mode fiber laser

TUBITAK BILGEM 4x5kw single mode LASER Weapon


Turkish 20kw LASER weapon destroyed 3mm carbon steel target from 1,5km away in 3 seconds

22mm steel


20 kW air defense laser system developed by TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM

and Turkish 60 kw Air Defense LASER System is coming to engage on incoming threats including missiles from a range of 3 km

60 kw Air Defense LASER System will be fitted to TF-2000 class AAW Destroyers

60kw high power laser resistor
target tracking system
command and control system
and various other subsystems

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