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Turkey, Pakistan: Inside the Ankara-Islamabad axis

Do not believe a wrongful messenger. Despire his flaws, do you know that Ataturk may have been Hafiz e Quran? He corrected Islamic scholars several times in his life. He prayed janazah over his soldiers, made dua, and consulted religious scholars as well.

His view was this that Islam had to be divorced from the corrupt mullahs of the Ottoman state and allowed to flourish again without state control. Ataturk's secularism was different from European secularism, and he felt that Islam needed to be saved from all the gathered evil forces which had destroyed his Ottoman state.

There is a reason that a pious and righteous man like Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah admired Ataturk and said he was the greatest of Musulmans (Muslims.) How he was so impressed by Ataturk's life and leadership, that he would always talk about him, to the point that his daughter started calling him 'Grey Wolf.'

Let us be clear. Allah swt saves you by his own methods and sends the heroes which he chooses, not the ones you choose.

Sometimes the clean-shaved, Western mannered Muslim leaders like Ataturk and Quaid e Azam can do more for Islam than a whole generation of scholars.

This guy is an atheist, so ofcourse we can't expect him to respect Islam.

There should be a rule on this forum that Non-Muslims are forbidden to comment on Islam or Muslim topics. 90% of the blasphemy on PDF will end.

Bhai, don't defend this guy who has been banned by Mods before for insulting Muslims and Islam.

I don't even know what is Pakistani left in this mindset, except the name.
Turkish nationalism was one of the main reasons of collapse of Ottomans. It allowed Brits and their Jewish allies in Ottoman capital to seperate people by fake nationalisms.

Without collapse of Ottomans there was no Israel /AlSaud in middle east.

Btw, its good to see Pakistan Turkey relations is improving day by day.
I agree there is nothing wrong. I l love the fact that I drove down a road in Islamabad called Ataturk Avenue. I salute and dip my head to Ataturk. He stood for -

  • blind nationalism
  • secular republic
  • pulling fingers nails out of mullahs
  • adopting the script you and I are using on PDF called ROMAN.
  • banning hijab
  • banning traditional Turkish clothing
  • adopting western clothing
I bet al this must burnish a extra hole in your backside.

View attachment 715722

No. But it really burns these Ummah loving types. Ataturk is garlic for these drakuls.

*Burqa IMHO is wrong.

I don't know about the ummah loving folk but the juice of ignorance is tipping right out of your head and rears and the dis logic it spews out while trying to coat it with sugar of misguidance ain't helping anyone.

Educate yourself if you refer to yourself as a Muslim, and save us from your ignorance in the mean time if you could.
Turkish nationalism was one of the main reasons of collapse of Ottomans. It allowed Brits and their Jewish allies in Ottoman capital to seperate people by fake nationalisms.

Without collapse of Ottomans there was no Israel /AlSaud in middle east.

Btw, its good to see Pakistan Turkey relations is improving day by day.

Power and authority belongs to the Creator most high.
He gives to whom He pleases and takes it from whom He pleases.
Turks were given power and authority when they were humble and true to their faith, and lost it when they deviated from it and then people like Attaturk were brought over them to humiliate them further.
Today, they are rising again only for getting back to their old ways step by step.

And yet we have dumb and ignorant folk in my country who know nothing of their faith and make fun of their own ignorant selves on the internet, thinking they are doing some thing great, while just being stuck with the "wannabe" juice of bullshit.
Pity, some of them are senior folk who have wasted their entire lives and learnt nothing of value for their hereafter.
It was more of Sultanate then a caliphate. When they decided to declare it caliphate they were pretty much done at that time as a dominant European power.

Ataturk military exploits are definitely legendary and in hindsight his political actions thwarted any further push from European alliances that ultimately turks would have failed to stop. We see the semblance of turks identity because of that.
People here who has a great fetish about fall of ottomans don't understand that ottomans were pretty much done being a power for a long time already with no sign of them gaining back their glory days.

When Ottomans declared caliphate was after Selim defeated Mamluks around 1530.....
Any substance the article had suddenly vanished with this lodestone.
How condescending to even suggest the madarsas in Bhawalpur are short of mard e mommins willing to fight the holy fight and liberate Kashmir from the meek gangus.
When Ottomans declared caliphate was after Selim defeated Mamluks around 1530.....
I stand corrected... However, I still believe it is more a Sultanate than a caliphate. The caliphate was never supposed to be about lineage. It was about wise men electing the best among them and then continue to call him to account if he does not consult, stay righteous and stay to true to the moral, and purvey justice. All under the light of Islamic traditions and philosophy.
Do not believe a wrongful messenger. Despire his flaws, do you know that Ataturk may have been Hafiz e Quran? He corrected Islamic scholars several times in his life. He prayed janazah over his soldiers, made dua, and consulted religious scholars as well.

His view was this that Islam had to be divorced from the corrupt mullahs of the Ottoman state and allowed to flourish again without state control. Ataturk's secularism was different from European secularism, and he felt that Islam needed to be saved from all the gathered evil forces which had destroyed his Ottoman state.

There is a reason that a pious and righteous man like Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah admired Ataturk and said he was the greatest of Musulmans (Muslims.) How he was so impressed by Ataturk's life and leadership, that he would always talk about him, to the point that his daughter started calling him 'Grey Wolf.'

Let us be clear. Allah swt saves you by his own methods and sends the heroes which he chooses, not the ones you choose.

Sometimes the clean-shaved, Western mannered Muslim leaders like Ataturk and Quaid e Azam can do more for Islam than a whole generation of scholars.

This guy is an atheist, so ofcourse we can't expect him to respect Islam.

There should be a rule on this forum that Non-Muslims are forbidden to comment on Islam or Muslim topics. 90% of the blasphemy on PDF will end.

Bhai, don't defend this guy who has been banned by Mods before for insulting Muslims and Islam.

I don't even know what is Pakistani left in this mindset, except the name.
Do you know that Stalin was studying to become priest😂
the Khawarij also had Hafiz in their ranks. they are jahannami. i am not going to praise Ataturk. he made a lot of anti-islamic statements. maybe Jinnah didnt know all about that, so i am not going to comment on it.
Expect everything from Erdogan worshipers even this so called pan Islamic who bark and accuse Iran of betraying Muslims he is cheering for turkey the first country to recognize the Zionist entity and member of the crusader NATO now he is defending the atheist ataturk 😂

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