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Turkey must be removed from NATO: US Army general


Sep 5, 2006
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United Kingdom
Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane over Syria has proven that the country is a liability to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and must be “ousted” from the Western military alliance, says a retired US Army General.

The shooting down of a Russian aircraft near the Syrian border was in line with Ankara’s struggle to establish itself as a “dominant” power, retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely said Thursday.

Vallely said Turkey must be removed from NATO because it poses a “big and important issue” in many ways for other members.

“I think NATO, if they have any resolve, they would oust Turkey out of NATO because they are not cooperating against ISIL, they are not cooperating at all with some of the forces inside of Syria, and they want to see [Syrian President Bashar] Assad removed or replaced by another government,” the retired General told Russia's RT.

Vallely, who served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1993 as Deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command, said Turkey’s “unilateral action” in downing the Russian jet was also a signal to NATO, meaning that despite being a member, they would not refrain from pursuing their own interests when necessary.

“They have been that way for a long time; they are a part of it [NATO], but yet they are not,” he said.

The former US Army commander further described Turkey as an internal threat to NATO, who “will only cooperate when they have to and they will get as much out of NATO as they can” in terms of weapons and tactics.

On Tuesday, Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer jet, claiming the aircraft had repeatedly violated its air space.

Vallely said Turkey is poised to take more provocative measures in near future.

The US and NATO have expressed solidarity with Turkey after the incident, citing the country’s right to defend its airspace.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that his country will not apologize to Russia about what happened.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has described Turkey’s hostile act, that killed two Russian military personnel, as a “stab in the back,” administered by "the accomplices of terrorists."

Vallely said that despite the downing of the jet, Putin still "controls the chessboard" because of his strong military presence in Syria.

Source PressTV-NATO should dump Turkey: US general
USA officials agreed our actions with us. This is bullshit
I watched live stream that high ranked U.S Army commander.
He definitely said Turkey was right.

Everyone know what Russian purpose in Syria don't worry.
Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane over Syria has proven that the country is a liability to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and must be “ousted” from the Western military alliance, says a retired US Army General.

The shooting down of a Russian aircraft near the Syrian border was in line with Ankara’s struggle to establish itself as a “dominant” power, retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely said Thursday.

Vallely said Turkey must be removed from NATO because it poses a “big and important issue” in many ways for other members.

“I think NATO, if they have any resolve, they would oust Turkey out of NATO because they are not cooperating against ISIL, they are not cooperating at all with some of the forces inside of Syria, and they want to see [Syrian President Bashar] Assad removed or replaced by another government,” the retired General told Russia's RT.

Vallely, who served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1993 as Deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command, said Turkey’s “unilateral action” in downing the Russian jet was also a signal to NATO, meaning that despite being a member, they would not refrain from pursuing their own interests when necessary.

“They have been that way for a long time; they are a part of it [NATO], but yet they are not,” he said.

The former US Army commander further described Turkey as an internal threat to NATO, who “will only cooperate when they have to and they will get as much out of NATO as they can” in terms of weapons and tactics.

On Tuesday, Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer jet, claiming the aircraft had repeatedly violated its air space.

Vallely said Turkey is poised to take more provocative measures in near future.

The US and NATO have expressed solidarity with Turkey after the incident, citing the country’s right to defend its airspace.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that his country will not apologize to Russia about what happened.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has described Turkey’s hostile act, that killed two Russian military personnel, as a “stab in the back,” administered by "the accomplices of terrorists."

Vallely said that despite the downing of the jet, Putin still "controls the chessboard" because of his strong military presence in Syria.

Source PressTV-NATO should dump Turkey: US general
Not sure if this is true but given the number of opnionated former Generals in the US I don't see it as implusible. However I agree with this sentiment, NATO is a voluntary group and it can oust members by majority vote.

Turkey has shown it can't be trusted to act like a mature country before this episode but now they have stepped over the line. No one in NATO is willing to shed blood for Turkey's stupidity.
Turkey has shown it can't be trusted to act like a mature country before this episode but now they have stepped over the line. No one in NATO is willing to shed blood for Turkey's stupidity.

And rest of NATO is shinning example of maturity and responsibility with its Iraq and Afghanistan invasion. History will learn from these examples as to how really invade a nation responsibly! Crying a river over a single Russian jet and nothing for millions killed, injured and displaced?
Not sure if this is true but given the number of opnionated former Generals in the US I don't see it as implusible. However I agree with this sentiment, NATO is a voluntary group and it can oust members by majority vote.

Turkey has shown it can't be trusted to act like a mature country before this episode but now they have stepped over the line. No one in NATO is willing to shed blood for Turkey's stupidity.
I agree that it is highly doubtful that European would spill their blood for Turks, but than again, aside from US and Turkey, all NATO members are bunch of vulnerable tiny pussies. NATO has more to lose without Turkey than to gain anything.
Russia and Syrian armed forces together with Iran are the only forces genuinely fighting Isis. Syria has lost about 80,000 of its forces fighting it.
There is something about Putin that makes me believe he is something special by challenging the Zionist and neoconservative. Make no mistake Turkey is on wrong side and shown immaturity.

These events go on longer and we will see this escalate to massive events that will lead to nuclear conflict. The world financial and monetary system is due for a change and to create this new world order and new currency ( electronic money) they need to create big mess - order out of chaos just like out of ww1 and ww2.
Sorry for pessimistic view but pls do your research. Events are leading us into this and they are by design.
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