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Turkey launches airstrikes against 20 PKK terrorist facilities following deadly Ankara blast

Afghans want more land so they can reach the ocean, just like Hitler had an idea for more living space territory known as "Lebensraum", the Afghans have a similar idea that will grant their land-locked nation access to the sea, which they call "Loy Afghanistan" aka Greater Afghanistan.

This has been their plan for nearly a century, their state was destroyed in the process so now they use terrorism as a method
They should have access to the sea, And Pakistan should try to allow it with some changes as a high priority.

Sea access is seen as an international right.

It would also settle some conflict.

Pakistanis want more Islam in Pakistan but neo pajeets in power are the biggest obstacle. Rest reassured, once the dirty neo pajeets are removed from power, nothing can stop us from levelling somnath again In Sha Allah.
By the way, it's very insidious how they go about securing that. I've already posted about international ngos and groups using backdoors to make "friendship" with elements of the regime. They do this on all fronts. ISI probably have them in there.

Military "meetups"
Worldwide Police union (christian) missions
Judicial collusion where they spread their illegal, discriminatory laws to co-opt other states.

fucking Non-Nato falls for it under leftist falsehoods.
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They should have access to the sea, And Pakistan should try to allow it with some changes as a high priority.

Sea access is seen as an international right.

It would also settle some conflict.
They do get access to the sea for commercial usage but they still want it. For security I guess and not having to ask.
IK was in power from august 2018 till March 2022 and terrorism has been going on since
2005. Napak Fouj is not interested in fighting, they just send low level soldiers to get blown
up by IEDS.
Terrorism had its back broken after Zarb e Azb under Raheel Sharif. Then Bajwa came and installed IK and the two of them wanted to resettle TTP. IK has always been a talib lover.
IK has always been a talib lover.

Whether he loves talibs or not does not matter he is not in power for the last 1 and half year.
What is Napak Fouj doing? During IK's 3 and half years terrorism went down and all of sudden
in the last year its picked up again.
Ridiculous and deplorable act by PKK.

Syrian SDF group should not accept PKK fighters - these people are nothing but trouble.

Biden is sleeping.
Sorry to say but our (Pakistani) military-civillian leadership is like giving nuclear weapons and a potent air force/army to some fucking cowards and soft women.

So much potential that other countries could only dream of but these mfs act like sissy transgenders

One small blast in Turkey had 20 different locations targeted across the border

Mfs in Pakistan don't care when we have casualties going into the 100s with constant blasts

It was IK who ordered the Air Force to go attack India back when they bombed a bunch of trees in Balakot.

Ayaz Sadiq confirmed that Bajwa was pussyfooting and didn't want to retaliate.

Pakistan Army isn't a professional army, no other armies are doing agriculture ads 😂

Biden is sleeping.

Democrats support Kurdish groups.

Maybe its time to form a militia

And have those same militias/lashkars against TTP backstabbed and betrayed just like last time?

Blaming this on IK is pure nonsense

Faujeets blame someone who hasn't been in power for year and a half 😂
over 150.000 PKK-YPG Terrorists are now in Iraq and Syria which were armed with 40.000 trucks of weapons by USA

Preventive military operations of Turkiye against terrorism

A --
Turkish Army ( over 15.000 troops ) with military bases blocked N.Iraq

B -- 3 Turkish military operations kicked PKK-YPG and ISIS terrorists out of Turkish-Syria border line

Turkish Army cleaned Syrian cities from PKK-YPG and ISIS terrorists ...and created safe zone

( Turkish Army control Jarablus , Rai , Dabiq , Azaz , Al Bab , Afrin , Rasulayn , Tel Abyad )
Also Turkish Army blocked Idlib

C-- since 2015 , hundreds of Turkish Airstrikes carried out to eliminate terrorist attacks from northern Iraq against Turkish people and security forces

D-- Turkish UCAVs control the region 24/7

38.528 terrorists have been neutralized in Turkiye , Iraq and Syria since 2015
Syria = Afghanistan of the Middle East.

PKK-YPG and ISIS are not allies but fight each other.

ISIS elements can be difficult to identify because they have infiltrated Syrian refugees in Turkey.

I am not sure how PKK infiltrate Turkey to carry out its deplorable acts.

Turkey should send Syrian refugees back.
During IK's 3 and half years terrorism went down
The seeds were set during IK's tenure. IK's spread of Pashtun nationalist Talibanism has not helped. Whatever TF the army is doing you can ask them because I dont know.
You guys are confusing me. One says no,the other says yes.Pakistani politics are so complicated and not just about this matter,I mean generally 😂
IK is a pu**sy when it comes to terrorists a hard fact
All his bravery is for Indians only.
For in-house politics,he is not perfect but good enough , brought very competent people into politics.
But He went for talks with the murderers of innocent flowers of APS.
They do get access to the sea for commercial usage but they still want it. For security I guess and not having to ask.
That's fake access. Pakistan can easily accomodate a change.
That's fake access. Pakistan can easily accomodate a change.
What "change"?

They simply want complete administration in their control and complete authority, aka, conquer the land itself so the route is secure.
IK is a pu**sy when it comes to terrorists a hard fact
Many terrorists are simply freedom fighters and don't want government murderers to get away with crimes. Many are just farmers or humble men who were drone striked by a 5th column of Pakistan leadership. You're soft on government criminals.

What "change"?

They simply want complete administration in their control and complete authority, aka, conquer the land itself so the route is secure.
Yes that change. Pakistan can be reasonable and deescalate that whole issue by allowing a border change, with some form of reciprocal manoeuvre on the Afghanistan side.
PKK-YPG and ISIS are not allies but fight each other. Your forces might have removed both separately.

Both PKK-YPG and ISIS are same puppets which rules by USA for its plan in Syria

USA send first ISIS to invade a Syrian city
then USA send PKK-YPG to re-take ( occupy ) Syrian city under the mask of fighting ISIS

Wth is ugly smelly ISIS ? nothing
Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS terrorists and cleaned Jarablus , Rai , Dabiq , Azaz , Al Bab from ISIS

Turkiye always said to USA that
stop working with PKK-YPG because Turkiye-USA easly can destroy trash ISIS

but USA preferred PKK-YPG terrorists to occupy 30% of Syria under the mask of fighting ISIS
both PKK-YPG and ISIS are same puppets which rules by USA for its plan in Syria
You forget how Turkey in effect bred the black caliphate through it's support to other groups?
Both PKK-YPG and ISIS are same puppets which rules by USA for its plan in Syria

USA send first ISIS to invade a Syrian city
then USA send PKK-YPG to re-take ( occupy ) Syrian city under the mask of fighting ISIS

Wth is ugly smelly ISIS ? nothing
Call them ISIL. Doing otherwise is an insult to Egypt.
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