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Turkey calls for no-fly zone in Syria


Jul 15, 2012
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Turkey's foreign minister has reiterated his demand that world powers impose a no-fly zone over some parts of Syria to prevent the 23-month crisis from taking a greater toll on the civilian population, harshly criticizing nations for staying silent in the face of the violence in Turkey's southern neighbor.
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Ahmet Davutoğlu told journalists on a plane en route to Rome to attend an informal meeting of NATO and EU foreign ministers that world powers must impose a no-fly zone in areas such as the Hama and Homs provinces, where most of the fighting has taken place in the almost two-year clashes between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and opposition fighters. Davutoğlu said the no-fly zone in these areas would be aimed at protecting the civilian population from being the target of air attacks by Syrian regime jets.

Davutoğlu's call for a no-fly zone in Syria is not new. In September of last year he called for the establishment of a safe zone in Syria despite the possibility that it could trigger an international war, saying failure to take decisive measures now will lead to more risks in the future.

In addition, he also suggested creating corridors in Syria for humanitarian aid to the needy inside the country.

Turkey and Syria have been at odds for nearly two years, and NATO member Turkey has repeatedly scrambled jets along the countries' joint frontier and responded in kind when shells from the Syrian conflict landed inside its borders, fuelling fears that the civil war could spread to destabilize the region.

Davutoğlu harshly criticized world powers for remaining silent and indifferent to the unceasing violence in Syria and for their lack of assistance to the restructured Syrian opposition and said he is expecting some degree of determination from world powers to honor their promises to the Syrian people and the opposition. He complained that Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon are taking most of the foreign brunt of the Syrian uprising.

About 5,000 refugees are fleeing Syria daily to neighboring countries -- a 36 percent increase compared to December 2012 figures.

The UN says more than 40,000 people a week are fleeing the war-torn nation and that the total number of refugees will likely pass the 1 million mark in less than a month. The UN Refugee Agency has registered 936,000 Syrians across the Middle East and North Africa, nearly 30 times as many people as in April of last year.

Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt have been flooded with the bulk of the refugees.

The UN says nearly 70,000 people have died during the revolt against Assad, which began two years ago with peaceful protests but turned violent when Assad's forces tried to crush the demonstrations.

Davutoğlu demanded that the Syrian regime be banned from firing Scud-type missiles into areas under the proposed no-fly zone protection including residential areas.

He added that either side -- the opposition or the regime forces -- that commits war crimes should be sanctioned to prevent such actions. He in addition talked about sanctions that also include military measures when necessary against those in both the opposition and the regime camps that prevent the humanitarian aid from being distributed inside Syria.

The Turkish foreign minister demanded that world powers urge Russia to support a resolution on Syria.

The Security Council has been deadlocked on Syria since 2011 over Russia and China's refusal to consider sanctions against Assad's government. They have vetoed three resolutions condemning Assad's attempts to crush the revolt.

Turkey is capable to establish a no fly zone over syria by itself, its just unwilling like the Arabs.
Turkey is capable to establish a no fly zone over syria by itself, its just unwilling like the Arabs.

The question is not whether it can or not but rather at what price? The Syrian regime will take desperate measures, I mean, as soon as Bashar feels he is about to get down, he will get his enemies down with him, and I am talking here about his chemical and Biological weapons. Not to mention that Turkey and Arabs don't live in the world alone.
The question is not whether it can or not but rather at what price? The Syrian regime will take desperate measures, I mean, as soon as Bashar feels he is about to get down, he will get his enemies down with him, and I am talking here about his chemical and Biological weapons. Not to mention that Turkey and Arabs don't live in the world alone.

Turkish, Saudi, UAE, Jordanian, Egyptian Air Forces team up and bomb the hell out of Asad, there will be nothing left but sticks and stones. Once his air cover is gone, his Army will be demoralized and FSA will kick them to the doors of hell.
Turkish, Saudi, UAE, Jordanian, Egyptian Air Forces team up and bomb the hell out of Asad, there will be nothing left but sticks and stones. Once his air cover is gone, his Army will be demoralized and FSA will kick them to the doors of hell.

Dude, The problem is that the Russian fleet is serious this time.
Turkish, Saudi, UAE, Jordanian, Egyptian Air Forces team up and bomb the hell out of Asad, there will be nothing left but sticks and stones. Once his air cover is gone, his Army will be demoralized and FSA will kick them to the doors of hell.

It was the plan a year and a half ago to get a UN resolution similar to the Libyan one, when Jordan conducted the largest military drill in it's history with the allied forces, and KSA mobilized it's forces to the Northern borders. But it was blocked by Russia and China. Russia won't allow an another humiliation by ignoring it's presence and interests after two decades of ignoring them, Russia was pissed off from the Libyan trick. Now they seem serious. However, no need for foreign intervention, Assad is about to collapse, it's more of street fighting.
Dude, The problem is that the Russian fleet is serious this time.

You think the russians would do something stupid?
Today the US officialy declared help to the FSA,what can Russia do now?
You think the russians would do something stupid?
Today the US officialy declared help to the FSA,what can Russia do now?
US is just providing non lethal help. Russia and US are working on the FSA/SAA talks. US is not on Turkey's side.

I am not a Debka fan at all but it is worth reading these articles:



How come Iran's nuclear program ended some where the same time Syrian talks are going on?
until now what i have seen that americans ENJOY to see two muslim countries fight,turky-syrian issue must be solved as soon as it can,or the consequences will be very bad,:angry:
Actually the FSA is doing its job very well, but at some point we will need to establish no fly zone, so FSA can give a final blow and kick out the puppet Assad.
You think the russians would do something stupid?
Today the US officialy declared help to the FSA,what can Russia do now?

Don't forget the vietnam war, where US lost. While the north was only provided with equipment and training by russia and no military assitance.

The issue in Syria is more serious than you think.
Don't forget the vietnam war, where US lost. While the north was only provided with equipment and training by russia and no military assitance.

The issue in Syria is more serious than you think.
A common misunderstanding in Turkey. US didn't lose the Vietnam War, South Vietnam did. US achieved some of their goals and pulled out at a time when the war seemed endless. They've killed over a million North Vietnamese miliatants which is a tactical win in itself.

One of the ultimate goals was to test NATO war machine against the Warsaw pact equipment which they achieved. Most weapons we use today are built according to the teachings of Vietnam War.
Actually the FSA is doing its job very well, but at some point we will need to establish no fly zone, so FSA can give a final blow and kick out the puppet Assad.

The FSA needs heavy Anti-aircraft missiles to bring Assad jets down after that will see who is who in the front line Assad and his mercenaries will hide like rats in the sewer pip camp of Hassan Nasrallat.

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