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Trump's claim that China-U.S. business ties are 'totally one-sided' is nonsense


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Op-Ed: Trump's claim that China-U.S. business ties are 'totally one-sided' is nonsense

By Curtis Stone (People's Daily Online) January 04, 2017

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump started off the New Year with some more fearmongering in his latest round of threat inflation about China. He wrote on Twitter, “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice!” Trump’s words are alarming, but his claim is groundless.


The Boeing Company sees China as a $1 trillion market. Chinese President Xi Jinping toured the company’s commercial airplane factory in Everett, Washington, in September 2016. At the welcome ceremony, President Xi noted Boeing’s cooperation with China and praised the win-win results. The results are backed by solid data. According to a report by Bloomberg, the company has delivered 967 aircraft to China since 2000, worth about $60.2 billion at 2016 prices. The vice chairman of the company said deliveries to China by Boeing support approximately 150,000 American jobs every year.

Chinese companies create jobs and fight unemployment in America. Golden Dragon, a Chinese company based in Xinxiang, China, invested nearly $100 million to build a large copper-tube plant in Thomasville City, Alabama, employing about 150 people in one of the poorest regions in America. At the grand opening in May 2014, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley called Golden Dragon a “significant opportunity for the people of Wilcox County.” It was the first manufacturing project in the county in over half a century. If Trump wants to rebuild America, he will be happy to know that Chinese investors are making trade and investment between the two countries a two-way street.

According to a report by the Rhodium Group, the U.S. became the largest recipient of China’s outbound foreign direct investment in 2016, with $45.6 billion worth of acquisitions and investments, and direct investment by Chinese in the U.S. economy since 2000 exceeds $100 billion. China is the top market for Apple and GM, and Telsa and other companies are building their brands in China. Companies both big and small understand the importance of China’s huge market, including The Trump Organization. Trump Hotels plans to open 20-30 luxury hotels in China, according to a report by The Washington Post.

However, misunderstandings about the China-U.S. relationship persist, even within the President-elect’s small inner circle. Michael Flynn, who will advise Trump on important national security issues, believes China is allied with “radical Islamists.” In his book, The Field of Fight, Flynn makes the argument that China is a member of an “enemy alliance” in a global war against the West. His claim is not based on solid facts, and this type of thinking is dangerous if he advices the next President in this way.

Fortunately, most Americans do not share the incoming administration’s fondness for fake news and conspiracy theories about China. In June 2016, Flynn tweeted that he was “now following” China, and asked users to “please send me anything you get on China activities.” The humorous responses show the deep interconnectedness between China and the U.S. Below are some of them:


@stanleyfosha tweeted: “Sir, report from the field. Discovered a coded [message] on the label indicating China manufactured this keyboard.” @liguy743 tweeted: “They have a huge population. People in orbit. Lander on Moon. Nukes. Bigly army. Lots of US T-bills,” then added, “Chk CIA factbook for details.” @marvelle tweeted: “We’ve got 4 suspicious Chinese nationals under surveillance in DC,” and included a link to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Panda Cams. @BruceNV tweeted: “They just started non-stop flights to Vegas. Might be the start of the invasion,” then added, “[Can’t] tell if they are staying [at The Trump Organization].” @dtom_dangerzone tweeted: “There is an unusual amount of activity near the Shenzhen area. Lots of technology being made... investigating.”


Trump and his inner circle at the White House need to develop a realistic understanding of the China-U.S. relationship. The amusing comments under Flynn’s tweet show that China and the U.S. are in a deep, interconnected relationship; not just economically, but also on cultural and people-to-people exchange fronts. If random Internet users know the reality, Trump and his inner circle should too.


Seriously, can't believe Flynn wrote that message.

If his account has not been hijacked or something, I will come to conclusion that he is definitely mentally retarded. Following China-activity via Twitter gossip? How weak can one get?!

@long_ , @AndrewJin , @terranMarine , @Jlaw , @oprih et al.
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Op-Ed: Trump's claim that China-U.S. business ties are 'totally one-sided' is nonsense

By Curtis Stone (People's Daily Online) January 04, 2017

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump started off the New Year with some more fearmongering in his latest round of threat inflation about China. He wrote on Twitter, “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice!” Trump’s words are alarming, but his claim is groundless.


The Boeing Company sees China as a $1 trillion market. Chinese President Xi Jinping toured the company’s commercial airplane factory in Everett, Washington, in September 2016. At the welcome ceremony, President Xi noted Boeing’s cooperation with China and praised the win-win results. The results are backed by solid data. According to a report by Bloomberg, the company has delivered 967 aircraft to China since 2000, worth about $60.2 billion at 2016 prices. The vice chairman of the company said deliveries to China by Boeing support approximately 150,000 American jobs every year.

Chinese companies create jobs and fight unemployment in America. Golden Dragon, a Chinese company based in Xinxiang, China, invested nearly $100 million to build a large copper-tube plant in Thomasville City, Alabama, employing about 150 people in one of the poorest regions in America. At the grand opening in May 2014, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley called Golden Dragon a “significant opportunity for the people of Wilcox County.” It was the first manufacturing project in the county in over half a century. If Trump wants to rebuild America, he will be happy to know that Chinese investors are making trade and investment between the two countries a two-way street.

According to a report by the Rhodium Group, the U.S. became the largest recipient of China’s outbound foreign direct investment in 2016, with $45.6 billion worth of acquisitions and investments, and direct investment by Chinese in the U.S. economy since 2000 exceeds $100 billion. China is the top market for Apple and GM, and Telsa and other companies are building their brands in China. Companies both big and small understand the importance of China’s huge market, including The Trump Organization. Trump Hotels plans to open 20-30 luxury hotels in China, according to a report by The Washington Post.

However, misunderstandings about the China-U.S. relationship persist, even within the President-elect’s small inner circle. Michael Flynn, who will advise Trump on important national security issues, believes China is allied with “radical Islamists.” In his book, The Field of Fight, Flynn makes the argument that China is a member of an “enemy alliance” in a global war against the West. His claim is not based on solid facts, and this type of thinking is dangerous if he advices the next President in this way.

Fortunately, most Americans do not share the incoming administration’s fondness for fake news and conspiracy theories about China. In June 2016, Flynn tweeted that he was “now following” China, and asked users to “please send me anything you get on China activities.” The humorous responses show the deep interconnectedness between China and the U.S. Below are some of them:


@stanleyfosha tweeted: “Sir, report from the field. Discovered a coded [message] on the label indicating China manufactured this keyboard.” @liguy743 tweeted: “They have a huge population. People in orbit. Lander on Moon. Nukes. Bigly army. Lots of US T-bills,” then added, “Chk CIA factbook for details.” @marvelle tweeted: “We’ve got 4 suspicious Chinese nationals under surveillance in DC,” and included a link to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Panda Cams. @BruceNV tweeted: “They just started non-stop flights to Vegas. Might be the start of the invasion,” then added, “[Can’t] tell if they are staying [at The Trump Organization].” @dtom_dangerzone tweeted: “There is an unusual amount of activity near the Shenzhen area. Lots of technology being made... investigating.”


Trump and his inner circle at the White House need to develop a realistic understanding of the China-U.S. relationship. The amusing comments under Flynn’s tweet show that China and the U.S. are in a deep, interconnected relationship; not just economically, but also on cultural and people-to-people exchange fronts. If random Internet users know the reality, Trump and his inner circle should too.


Seriously, can't believe Flynn wrote that message.

If his account has not been hijacked or something, I will come to conclusion that he is definitely mentally retarded. Following China-activity via Twitter gossip? How weak can one get?!

@long_ , @AndrewJin , @terranMarine , @Jlaw , @oprih et al.
I can't believe Flynn doesn't know how to search the net. better yet, hard to believe this 1 percent elite have not travelled to China and see for himself.
Trump Trump election is already over, have you already forgotten that you are taking the seat at the White House in a couple of weeks? Don't forget that the majority of the Chinese Americans voted for you and not only US but also your business have strong ties with China if you want to have more hotels inside CN. So stop the BS sensationalism for crying out loud, that's not how a president should talk. Now read the data how much CN-US economic ties are intertwined and start doing business (which is your specialty by the way).
ignorance is a curse, 'god bless America' :lol:
The new round of US lineup all are business OPPORTUNIST
Unfortunately, I don't see them getting one step further in 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN' except for those repeating yelling! Very unfortunate for AMERICANs

US is becoming a banana republic in terms of governance ability. Trump has already reduced US credibility to a certain degree via Twitter Jihad and putting some seriously mentally retarded people on key positions.

I understand Trump, he simply wants to enrich and empower his own clique and elite circle, but, the cost to the rest of the country is too great.

The starting irony lies in the very fact that a billionaire happens to be the champion of the people of the lower classes. That's contradiction in terms. Trump sees himself and his clique as "America," hence, Make America Great Again mostly applies to the America in his mind.

I thought Trump said that "China was raping America?"

Ironic coming from President Pu--y Grabber. :lol:

He definitely has a strange way of looking at the reality and making up certain theories from it. I think with Trump administration, the US executive will become like a mental asylum in which you would have strange things happening on daily basis.

For instance, he put a man in defence nicknamed as "Mad Dog." And he put another blatant racist as trade chief. And the person mentioned in the OP, spying on China via Twitter feeds.

That's Arkham Asylum.
They are imposing tariff of 45 % on any thing that is imported from China.

Seems manufacturing in China will take a big hit.

Europe is also increasing tariffs.
They are imposing tariff of 45 % on any thing that is imported from China.

Seems manufacturing in China will take a big hit.

Europe is also increasing tariffs.

Trump tariff will be not just on China. On any country that has a excess foreign reserves and also has a trade surplus with the US.

So far Trump listed China, Japan, Korea, and Germany. He will put 45% tariff on all these countries.

India will bask in glory when it eventually has a chance to do trade with the US on equal basis, selling them its excellent high-end products and services.
biggest threat for china from trump is not trade ,its one china policy,if he tampers with it others too will follow.
Trump tariff will be not just on China. On any country that has a excess foreign reserves and also has a trade surplus with the US.

So far Trump listed China, Japan, Korea, and Germany. He will put 45% tariff on all these countries.

India will bask in glory when it eventually has a chance to do trade with the US on equal basis, selling them its excellent high-end products and services.

India is not a manufacturing power house, our economy is a balanced one and GDP rate will only increase with reforms.

India has no worries in this regard.
biggest threat for china from trump is not trade ,its one china policy,if he tampers with it others too will follow.

Refer others?? U.S ally already make a statement that they will followed and respect one China policy.
EU leader such as Germany, France and even Australia has make their stand clear one day after trump questioned one China policy.
Do not take China economy lightly.
This is what we called WORLD POWER!
Not a shit hole 3rd world power.

Trump tariff will be not just on China. On any country that has a excess foreign reserves and also has a trade surplus with the US.

So far Trump listed China, Japan, Korea, and Germany. He will put 45% tariff on all these countries.

India will bask in glory when it eventually has a chance to do trade with the US on equal basis, selling them its excellent high-end products and services.

Do you think trump will impose tariffs on call center service?? :sarcastic:
biggest threat for china from trump is not trade ,its one china policy,if he tampers with it others too will follow.

Trump does not care about grievances. He wants money for his clique. If he thinks India is not helping to make America great again, he will support all the countless independence movements across India. He has no sacred.

Do you think trump will impose tariffs on call center service?? :sarcastic:

If he thinks call centers are gobbling up hard working US jobs, yes, why not? Trump seems to be ready to tax anybody and he thinks of the world as a giant Trump Organization with Donald Trump sitting in his cozy office on a high chair and determining on the destinies of you and me.

Sort of a Zeus but with blonde hair.
China prepares for trade spats with US under Trump

(Global Times) January 07, 2017

China is reportedly mulling strategies to deal with any potential trade disputes that may arise with the US after free trade-bashing President-elect Donald Trump takes over the White House on January 20.

In the event that Trump takes punitive measures against Chinese companies and goods, China is likely to respond with intensified scrutiny over US companies operating in the Chinese market, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing unnamed sources.

China might target well-known US firms for higher tax or antitrust investigations, launch anti-dumping probes into US products, and cut back government purchases of US goods, according to Bloomberg.

There has been no official confirmation of such claims from the Chinese government so far, and they are in contrast to the Chinese government's recent policies and statements on further opening up the domestic market to foreign capital.

Wang Shouwen, vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said on Friday that China will not allow institutions and local governments to increase restrictions on foreign investment.

China will better protect the intellectual property rights of foreign investors while ensuring their fair participation in bids for government procurements, Wang said, according to news portal fx168.com.

Huang Yiping, a renowned Chinese economist, also suggested on Friday that, given Trump's tough stance on China and his protectionist trade policy rhetoric, China should consider the potential fallout if Trump imposes higher tariffs on Chinese goods.

If Trump targets Chinese goods for higher tariffs, it would certainly have a negative impact on trade, but "it is still too early to tell if Trump will deliver on his campaign promises," Huang, a member of the monetary policy committee of China's central bank and a professor at Peking University, said during an event in New York, according to ifeng.com.

Huang further warned that Trump's statements and promises during the campaign trial might not become reality, and even if Trump designates China as a "currency manipulator," the effect would still depend on other "substantial" measures, because simply putting such a tag on China will not have direct consequences.
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