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Trump team takes issue with Pakistani version of phone talk

The Americans GIVE PAKISTAN no respect or dignity . Then are so quick to redicule critcise and accuse you people.

You people keep running for more OF THIS treatment And literally putting your foot into things.

Your leaders lack vision, diplomatic protocol , and know how of how to behave AND engage. ,

You best stick to China AFTER this laest Fiasco.

WORSE is the PDF members atitide of WE dont give a dam .

Fear of the poor? Then perhaps what's called for is some new arrangement so that Pakistani elites feel it's safe to stop wielding blind hatreds and extrajudicial violence as a tool of rule? Not a "lipstick on pig" PR issue, more like replacing the pig with mouthwatering beef brisket - no lipstick needed, the gravy comes with the dish!

Why don't you instead worry about the illegal settlement building on Palestinian land? We will worry and take care of our leaders.

The Americans GIVE PAKISTAN no respect or dignity . Then are so quick to redicule critcise and accuse you people.

You people keep running for more OF THIS treatment And literally putting your foot into things.

Your leaders lack vision, diplomatic protocol , and know how of how to behave AND engage. ,

You best stick to China AFTER this laest Fiasco.

WORSE is the PDF members atitide of WE dont give a dam .


LOL Fool, Pakistanis don't give a crap about Trump or the US. The Americans chose their leader who likes to talk indecently and colorfully. We didn't tell Trump to grab a pu$$y. We are too busy developing our Pakistan whilst your country is busy killing people in Kashmir. If anything, your dear American friends cannot let go of Pakistan despite so much hate and accusations. They keep reiterating how important it is bla bla bla... Instead of lecturing us tell your American friends to stop calling as an "ally". Tell them to mind their own business because Pakistan has much better allies.
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Why don't you instead worry about the illegal settlement building on Palestinian land? We will worry and take care of our leaders.
Perhaps the first lesson Pakistanis need to learn about PR in America is that deflecting substantial questions with lies (more politely, questionable claims) doesn't earn you many votes and drives even more to the side of your opponent.

(On the other hand, Americans need to learn that maximuswarrior's approach is totally effective in Pakistan, right?)
LOL Fool, Pakistanis don't give a crap about Trump or the US. We are too busy developing our Pakistan whilst your country is busy killing people in Kashmir. If anything, your dear American friends cannot let go of Pakistan despite so much hate and accusations. They keep reiterating how important it is bla bla bla... Instead of lecturing us tell your American friends to stop calling as an "ally".


then why you Pakistanis dancing about a phone call / MAKING UP THINGS trump NEVER SAID anyway.

THEN some red neck USA politician rips into your amateur behaviour.

ARE you not ashamed and embaressed

You should be
Perhaps the first lesson Pakistanis need to learn about PR in America is that deflecting substantial questions with lies (more politely, questionable claims) doesn't earn you many votes and drives even more to the side of your opponent.

(On the other hand, Americans need to learn that maximuswarrior's approach is totally effective in Pakistan, right?)

LOL Sure thing. The whole darn world has just witnessed how a "truth teller" like Trump won the elections. Don't talk about truth, politeness and such things. Coming from you it sounds like Mussolini reading the holy Bible.

Like I said, worry about your own shortcomings and human rights violations. The whole world knows how Israel behaves like an apartheid state. The words of Nelson Mandela himself.


then why you Pakistanis dancing about a phone call / MAKING UP THINGS trump NEVER SAID anyway.

THEN some red neck USA politician rips into your amateur behaviour.

ARE you not ashamed and embaressed

You should be

Fool, the media in both the US and Pakistan have given coverage to the phone conversation. That does not in any way mean that the entire populations of Pakistan and the US are dancing around or are preoccupied with the conversation having taken place. Also, Trump, his team or anyone else haven't distanced themselves from the conversation released. I think you are smoking some real good stuff to imagine that we made all of this up. When Trump denies the phone conversation you can come back and we can hold this debate. Until then, just stop embarrassing yourself.
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YOUR MEDIA MAXIMUS discussing the embaressment TODAY

Your have been embaressed mate

BURY your head in sand.

It was a phone call

OR did you win the LOTTERY :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Your acting small time JESUS
PLEASE READ Satow's guide to Diplomatic, DIPLOMACY was started by thr FRENCH AND THE UNITED KINGDOM, and is more or less accepted as the ABC s regarding the fine art of diplomacy, ALL CAREER Foreign Service Officers are well conversant with this book. USA, claims to be the masters, which is purely a myth only.

YOUR MEDIA MAXIMUS discussing the embaressment TODAY

Your have been embaressed mate

BURY your head in sand.

It was a phone call

OR did you win the LOTTERY :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Your acting small time JESUS

You fool. Am I talking to a brick wall here? I already said that the media is making too much of it. That is not the people or PDF as you proclaim. Look at your own obsession over this phone conversation. If anything, it seems the Indians are the most obsessed. Now stop making an a$$ out of yourself.
Nawaz Sharif had to make this call as an accomplishment of his career as PM. This is why he went ahead to release the transcript. Stupid and idiotic move, just like his foreign relationships department. If Pakistan is getting any bit of isolated is because of PM Nawaz failure.
Stop acting like Shakespeare. Give me an answer to my questions or don't bother at all.
C'mon, Pakistanis and all! Go ahead and thank "maximuswarrior" if you find his "defense" of Pakistan and its image by telling you to look at "apartheid" Israel instead convincing and successful! Let's ring up the numbers!
Now "public service" folks will understand what it likes to be working under American CEOs being on H1B visas. Let them survive the opening salvos in the first boardroom meeting's first couple of minutes. It's called Ilahi Adalet...
It was a stupid and idiotic move by PM and his media team they're trying to improve his image which has been badly damaged after panama leaks but i don't understand the obsession of our neighbors with this? i mean this issue is between Pak-US who the hell are you people? why don't you just learn to mind your own business?
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