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Track Trump website focuses on president’s first 100 days


Dec 2, 2011
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If you want to follow what Donald Trump administration’s does in its first 100 days, there’s a website for that.

Track Trump, backed by Silicon Valley’s Sam Altman of Y Combinator, aims to track the promises that the new president has made and what happens to them. The promises are drawn from Trump’s “Contract with the American Voter,” the administration’s 100-day “action plan.”

Those promises include funding the building of the wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, “with the full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall.” Others: Repeal Obamacare; withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (Trump just signed an executive order about this Monday); renegotiate or withdraw from NAFTA; enact “new ethics reforms to drain the swamp.” At least one promise Silicon Valley tech companies are watching closely is “allow American corporations to repatriate money at a 10% rate.”

Right now, the update under the Obamacare-repeal promise says Trump has signed an executive order saying he will pursue the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and asking federal agencies to “minimize [its] economic burden.” But Track Trump says “it is unclear what this particular executive order will impact immediately, particularly before nominee Tom Price is confirmed as Health and Human Services Secretary.”

Altman talked with CNN about the new site, and said it’s an attempt to sift through all the noise.

“So much gets distracted by political theater and crazy tweets,” Altman told CNN.

The Y Combinator president — who during the presidential campaign compared Trump to Hitler but defended Y Combinator’s decision not to sever ties with Trump supporter Peter Thiel — and three others run the site. Two of them will run the site full time, including a former organizer for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, according to CNN.

Donald Trump

(President Donald Trump gestures as he speaks during a USA Thank You Tour event in Mobile, Alabama, U.S., December 17, 2016.REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)
President Trump's first couple days in office have already been fraught with misinformation, and Sam Altman wants to help Americans gain a bit more clarity.

"I've found dashboards are particularly effective to get a sense of how an organization does vs. stated goals," Altman told Business Insider via email.

According to the site, Altman and his team created Trump Track with three goals in mind.

The first is to separate hard policy choices from pure theatrics. Trump Track will steer clear of "tweets, public statements, and anything else that distracts from actual policy as much as we can." The site also hopes to use the digital dashboard to track and communicate those changes. Finally, it wants to supplement news outlets in holding the administration accountable.

As Trump addresses more of the issues in his contract, Track Trump will issue updates to elaborate on the specific action. (As of this writing, the site has three updates.) Each action will move from gray (no action), to yellow (steps taken), and finally to green (completed) or red (if no action is completed within the 100-day window).

As the team wrote on its site, it hopes to "build a resource that is useful to all people, regardless of political viewpoint, who are interested in monitoring the accomplishments of the incoming administration in an unfiltered manner."" class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" data-type="text" data-reactid="23" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">As the team wrote on its site, it hopes to "build a resource that is useful to all people, regardless of political viewpoint, who are interested in monitoring the accomplishments of the incoming administration in an unfiltered manner."
Love him or hate him, the "not my president" bandwagon is pathetically trying to make up for being too lazy to get off their couches to vote in the first place
Trump isn't war obsessed like Bush or meak like Obama..
Frankly we don't care as long as Trump minds his own business. I like his supposedly isolationist policy. Time will tell how much of an isolationist he really is. The moment he starts fvcking around with China or Pakistan we will care a lot and even do something about it.
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