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Top 10 Reasons to Hate Capitalism

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Top 10 Reasons to Hate Capitalism

10. Capitalist corporations suffer from a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and are rewarded by shareholders for acting that way. If corporations could be sent to a criminal psychologist’s office they’d be diagnosed as psychopaths and locked away forever.

9. Capitalism encourages greed. But greed is only good for capitalists. For normal people it is anti-social and soul destroying, not to mention very bad for our communities, which rely on altruism, compassion and a generalized concern for others.

8. Capitalism is a system of minority privilege and class rule based on the private ownership of means of livelihood. This gives a few rich people the power to buy and sell jobs, which means they can build or destroy entire communities that depend on those jobs.

7. Capitalists praise freedom and individualism, but they destroy freedom and individualism for everyone but themselves. The vast majority of us who work for a living are daily asked to uncritically follow orders, to act as if we are machines, and limit our creativity to what profits our bosses.

6. Capitalists denigrate cooperation and collectivism, but create mass production processes that rely on both from workers. Their system requires us to be cogs in a giant profit-making machine, but because they fear the power this gives us we are told working together for our own interests is illegitimate and bad. Thus capitalists undermine unions and other organizations that encourage workers to cooperate with each other and act collectively.

5. Capitalism requires the largest propaganda system the world has ever known to convince us it is the only system possible. It turns people into consumers through advertising, marketing, entertainment and even so-called news. Millions around the world are employed to use their creativity to twist our feelings of love, desire, human solidarity and fairness into tools of manipulation, so that ever more profits can flow into the hands of a tiny minority.

4. Capitalism is a system in which the principle of one dollar, one vote, dominates that of one person, one vote. Those who own the most shares (bought with their dollars) control giant corporations, many of which are more powerful than all but a few governments. Rich people also use their money to dominate the elections that are supposed to give us all one, equal vote. Under capitalism those with the most money are entitled to the most goods and services as well as the most say in directing our governments and our economy.

3. Capitalism proclaims the virtue of naked self-interest, but self-interest without regard for morality, ecology or common sense leads to environmental degradation, destruction of indigenous communities, colonialism, war and other forms of mass destruction. Self-interest leads capitalists to seek profit absolutely everywhere, regardless of the damage done to other people and the health of the planet’s ecosystem. Self-interest leads capitalists to destroy any rival economic system or way of thinking (such as indigenous communal land use and respect for nature) that can be a barrier to their endless quest for profit.

2. Capitalism is not a friend to democracy but ultimately its enemy. When pushed, capitalists choose capitalism over democracy. If people use democracy to weaken the power of capitalists the rich and powerful turn to various forms of fascism in order to keep their privileges.

1. Capitalism is a cancer taking over our planet. Capitalists make profits from global warming, from destroying our oceans, from pumping ever more chemicals into the atmosphere and from patenting everything they can, including life itself. Only by getting rid of capitalism can we rescue our environment.

Top 10 Reasons to Hate Capitalism » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

1. Capitalism is a cancer taking over our planet. Capitalists make profits from global warming, from destroying our oceans, from pumping ever more chemicals into the atmosphere and from patenting everything they can, including life itself. Only by getting rid of capitalism can we rescue our environment.

Is that why there is so much pollution in China? Oh wait, China is a communist country. Hmmm.
I'm not a big fan of capitalism myself, but what are the alternatives? It sure has its negative points but they are less than those of Communism/Socialism. Until we get a better alternative, we're stuck with it.

However, I believe that some departments, such as Healthcare, should not be dominated by Capitalists.
Top 10 Reasons to Hate Capitalism

10. Capitalist corporations suffer from a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and are rewarded by shareholders for acting that way. If corporations could be sent to a criminal psychologist’s office they’d be diagnosed as psychopaths and locked away forever.

9. Capitalism encourages greed. But greed is only good for capitalists. For normal people it is anti-social and soul destroying, not to mention very bad for our communities, which rely on altruism, compassion and a generalized concern for others.

8. Capitalism is a system of minority privilege and class rule based on the private ownership of means of livelihood. This gives a few rich people the power to buy and sell jobs, which means they can build or destroy entire communities that depend on those jobs.

7. Capitalists praise freedom and individualism, but they destroy freedom and individualism for everyone but themselves. The vast majority of us who work for a living are daily asked to uncritically follow orders, to act as if we are machines, and limit our creativity to what profits our bosses.

6. Capitalists denigrate cooperation and collectivism, but create mass production processes that rely on both from workers. Their system requires us to be cogs in a giant profit-making machine, but because they fear the power this gives us we are told working together for our own interests is illegitimate and bad. Thus capitalists undermine unions and other organizations that encourage workers to cooperate with each other and act collectively.

5. Capitalism requires the largest propaganda system the world has ever known to convince us it is the only system possible. It turns people into consumers through advertising, marketing, entertainment and even so-called news. Millions around the world are employed to use their creativity to twist our feelings of love, desire, human solidarity and fairness into tools of manipulation, so that ever more profits can flow into the hands of a tiny minority.

4. Capitalism is a system in which the principle of one dollar, one vote, dominates that of one person, one vote. Those who own the most shares (bought with their dollars) control giant corporations, many of which are more powerful than all but a few governments. Rich people also use their money to dominate the elections that are supposed to give us all one, equal vote. Under capitalism those with the most money are entitled to the most goods and services as well as the most say in directing our governments and our economy.

3. Capitalism proclaims the virtue of naked self-interest, but self-interest without regard for morality, ecology or common sense leads to environmental degradation, destruction of indigenous communities, colonialism, war and other forms of mass destruction. Self-interest leads capitalists to seek profit absolutely everywhere, regardless of the damage done to other people and the health of the planet’s ecosystem. Self-interest leads capitalists to destroy any rival economic system or way of thinking (such as indigenous communal land use and respect for nature) that can be a barrier to their endless quest for profit.

2. Capitalism is not a friend to democracy but ultimately its enemy. When pushed, capitalists choose capitalism over democracy. If people use democracy to weaken the power of capitalists the rich and powerful turn to various forms of fascism in order to keep their privileges.

1. Capitalism is a cancer taking over our planet. Capitalists make profits from global warming, from destroying our oceans, from pumping ever more chemicals into the atmosphere and from patenting everything they can, including life itself. Only by getting rid of capitalism can we rescue our environment.

Top 10 Reasons to Hate Capitalism » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The philosophy behind capitalism is that everything must be owned. Nothing can just lie there without an owner. Consider a meadow. It is likely to be over-grazed and stripped of its vegetation if it just lies there without an owner. Everyone will let their cattle lose on it but if it is owned the owner will allow limited grazing at the right price. And the meadow will stay healthy.
No one is equal, thats my real gripe. When I was in university most the people with me were from families who had always been educated, the parents having 6 figure incomes and it was always instilled in them to do well. I was born in a working class family and never really had any motivation towards education because no one in my family never went on past school/college into university. I wasnt "poor" compared to most in my area but it was a stark contrast between me and the people I would go to university with.

I ended up dropping out after passing the first year just because I was so unused to the environment of study really, I found pre university education very easy to just "drift" by getting average grades without putting any real effort in (I was doing Physics/chemistry etc) myself to work hard to get there but after that first year I just didnt have it in me, by the time I was there I was mixed amongst people who had always been forced to learn and had the ability to do so because of generations of being part of wealthy families instils that into you, to work hard, the more you learn the better your rewards. Sure most of us know thats true but the capitalist system favors the greedy and gives great benefits to the already wealthy as its an elite club, the children raised in these environments learn that from their parents.

Alot of working class people never get those chances because the people they grow up around are not treated as equals in society, where we dont grow up in an environment of wealth/greed and as such you are looked down unfavourably. When you grow up in areas that are not as well developed and where by the age of 18 most of your peers are having children/in prison/selling drugs it really reflects badly upon you and even if you wish for better you have lacked alot of the preperation to achieve well in life.

I will go back within a few years and finish off my degree but im at the stage in my life where money is what I want and not another £30,000 of student debt...which is another downside of capitalism, those rich kids I went to university with...you think any of them had student debt ha, they all had their parents paying the rent, paying the tuition and giving them a decent living allowance. And if your from the working class? well if not being in the right environment was hard enough you then have to be content with having to scrape by on hardly any money because your family isnt that well off and the only money you get is a small sum from the government to last the term which alot of people around you get off their parents every month.
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