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Times Now calls Kerala, Pakistan for people’s ‘food habits’ then blames typo for error


Nov 1, 2010
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Times Now on 2 June flashed a news on the BJP president, Amit Shah’s visit to Kerala, where the saffron party is making desperate attempts to gain the much-needed foothold.

One of Times Now’s flashes said, “Heads Now To Thundery Pakistan, Beef Ban Now Gets Bigger.’

This left many Keralites cutting across religious beliefs utterly incensed.

Journalist Anupama Mohan, who has her roots in Kerala, wrote a passionate letter to the state chief minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, asking him to take strict action against the channel.

She wrote, “In the wake of BJP National President Amit Shah’s visit to Kerala, Times Now Channel today alluded to the Indian State – Kerala – as Pakistan. This is actually not an insult, but it is meant to be one by the channel. Not just that, this is clearly intented to promote enimity between different groups.

“The Channel has violated both broadcasting standards and the hate-speech laws. The Channel is waging war against the fundamental spirits of Federalism and Unity of our Indian Union. As an Indian and a Malayali, I feel that my inalienable rights as a citizen has been disregarded and disrespected. I request the Chief Minister of Kerala Shri. Pinarayi Vijayan to ask the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to take necessary action against the Channel.”

Her Facebook post went viral in no time evoking more scathing reactions from the social media users. Many felt that the channel had deliberately played a mischief given that Kerala has a sizeable Muslim population and the news in question about beef, often cosumed by Muslims.

However, faced with widespread condemnation, when Times Now issued a clarification, it blamed a typo for the error forcing many to wonder how a typo can make Kerala into Pakistan.

Before Times Now thought Kerala was Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had likened the state to Somalia. But that was to seek votes during the 2016 assembly elections.

Times Now faces backlash for erroneously calling Kerala 'Pakistan', channel issues apology :yahoo::cheesy::pakistan::china::welcome::lol::cheers:
Times Now faced a massive backlash for a headline that said Amit Shah "Heads to Thundery Pakistan".


If there is one thing the rest of India can learn about Kerala online, it is that you never mess with the state, even inadvertently. Times Now is the latest media house to get a taste of what it is to be on the wrong side of Kerala, after hordes of Malayalis and Keralites lashed out at the TV channel on social media for referring to the state as ‘Pakistan’, in what appears to be a genuine error.

On Friday, while Times Now was breaking the news that Amit Shah was arriving in Kerala amidst the heightened conflict between the centre and the state over the new cattle slaughter rules, one of the tickers on screen read – ‘Heads to thundery Pakistan’.

While most viewers in the country would have felt the thunder of the headline, Keralites was particularly outraged, assuming that Times Now is calling Kerala ‘Pakistan’ as an insult to their liberal (‘anti-Hindu’) politics over the beef issue. So, Kerala decided to give it back, in the same thunderous manner.

Some also pointed out that it wasn’t really an insult to call the state ‘Pakistan’.



And in a matter of a few hours, #ApologiseTimesCow shot up the charts of trending hashtags.


Clearly thunder-struck by the deluge of posts and tweets – some even abusive – directed at it online, Times Now has apologized for its mistake. The channel aired the apology on Saturday morning, calling it an “inadvertent error”.

Sources within Times Now told The News Minute that the newsroom was quite rattled by the verbal thrashing they received online for the 'genuine mistake', and that senior editors rushed to offer an apology before things got further out of hand.


It is not Kirla it is Kerala....... We have significant mallu population including 3 TTA's
i know it is kerala. i also have the honor to listen to pronunciation kirla from people belong to that area
The land of Malabar/Kerala is not subservient to RSS-Sanghi ideology of destroying secular nature of the country and enforce RSS terror ideology.
i know it is kerala. i also have the honor to listen to pronunciation kirla from people belong to that area

No way...... it must be someone from north....... Well To those who doesnt know kerala.... It is one of the best in several parameters, some equal to developed nations like Europe.... But it has its own draw backs......Not a heaven by any means.... But far better than most of the states in India....
They need to compete with their ex editor.......
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