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Time to Hang Sarbajit Singh ?

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ah, so you are a political advisor to the Indian congress? - MMS needed to look "tough" on Pakistan, so he had to pull Kasab off many thousands of dead row list awaiting hanging -- fast trekking his hanging in secret. Sounds nothing more than an election stunt. Indians will rally behind the new "tough" MMS until new elections.

:no: Why would MMS want to look tough?? no body and no political party has opposed better ties with Pakistan - the execution was done right after the UN resolution on moratorium on death sentences went through with higher votes. We can expect a few more hangings in a short while to beat the UN resolution.
:no: Why would MMS want to look tough?? no body and no political party has opposed better ties with Pakistan - the execution was done right after the UN resolution on moratorium on death sentences went through with higher votes. We can expect a few more hangings in a short while to beat the UN resolution.

He needs to look tough on Pakistan, to attract the extremist right wings vote which otherwise will go to Modi.
There are many countries in the world which carry out executions, on quite a large scale(US, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran) all close allies and friends of Pakistan. Why take "inspiration" from the enemy India?

And its not like Pakistan doesn't execute people, Pakistan has executed about a dozen blasphemers, but it fails to execute any terrorists, be it from TTP or LeJ or any other Sunni extremist groups. Its the weakness of your system and fruits of decades of flawed policies. But I still don't see how Kasab getting executed has anything to do with Pakistan's internal issues.

If Kasab was a Pakistani, but a "non state" actor, why are Pakistanis so mad? How come we don't see the same outrage when Pakistanis are beheaded in Saudi Arabia for small crimes?

Who is mad, we take you as an example because executions were banned for human rights reasons. Your democracy is largest in the world is trying to emulate it wrong?? The US does not do executions any longer only some far right states like Texas still have execution laws. China is not a democracy and neither are Iran or Saudi. Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy so of course we should be watching the biggest democracy in the immediate neighborhood.

Why some Indians are being terrorists sympathizers is the lol part in all this. Don't you people accuse and chastise Pakistanis for the same exact thing?? :rolleyes:
ah, so you are a political advisor to the Indian congress? - MMS needed to look "tough" on Pakistan, so he had to pull Kasab off many thousands of dead row list awaiting hanging -- fast trekking his hanging in secret. Sounds nothing more than an election stunt. Indians will rally behind the new "tough" MMS until new elections.

MMS has nothing to do with next general elections, first he is too old to be considered for the post of PM even by the congress, second Indian people have found "THE ONE" who can lead India better & he has nothing to do with congress :D
He should be sentenced to death or exchanged with Pakistani prisoners in kashmir or indian jails
So the hanging was an electoral cause.

I like the new twist/drift on the topic.
He needs to look tough on Pakistan, to attract the extremist right wings vote which otherwise will go to Modi.

The right wingers have problems with India's minorities they don't get swayed by international politics..and none have opposed trading and better relations with Pakistan. This is purely to avoid the UN resolutions and Kasab was the one who deserved the most. There are a few more death sentence candidates and we won't be surprised if they get hanged too. Our last hanging was in 2004, and there are around 400 prisoners on death row. It generally comes to priority. Everybody has faith on India's foreign policy makers and even if what u r saying is true a hanging is not required to get tough or be unresponsive towards Pakistan = there are many other ways.
Who is mad, we take you as an example because executions were banned for human rights reasons. Your democracy is largest in the world is trying to emulate it wrong?? The US does not do executions any longer only some far right states like Texas still have execution laws. China is not a democracy and neither are Iran or Saudi. Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy so of course we should be watching the biggest democracy in the immediate neighborhood.

Please explain the point of this 30 page long thread then:cheesy:

And you are joking about America right? More than 50 people have been executed so far this year.

Execution List 2012 | Death Penalty Information Center

And why is not being democracy an excuse? Are people living in non democratic countries not human?, so they don't have/need human rights?

Why some Indians are being terrorists sympathizers is the lol part in all this. Don't you people accuse and chastise Pakistanis for the same exact thing?? :rolleyes:

Had Sarabjeet been a terrorist your country would have executed him long ago. He was a spy, and thats the reason why your country hasn't executed him, both countries have each others spies locked up in prisons, you ll never hear any news about any of them being executed.
a thread on the bases of emotions and by moderator?

and when did hanging of sarbjeet become an strategic issue?

Wrong.. I will give a quick recap.

Indian terrorist has been munching on parathas for around 23 years now. India has set a precedent that Pakistan should follow. They have been accusing Pakistan, left right and center, without cooperating with Pakistan to finish investigation of the Mumbai attacks - we will never have a conclusion now, nor a prisoner swap.

This is time when we do to this terrorist behind the murder of innocent Pakistanis in Lahore and Multan[Based on our investigation], what Indians did to the terrorist behind the murder of innocent Indians in Mumbai [Based on their investigation]. Why treat them both differently? -Its time to send him to see God.

Whats your opinion ?

He got what he deserved, its time to give Sarbajit what he deserves.

Indeed, we demand justice for the victims of his terrorist acts.

* We already released one Surjeet Singh, last year who confessed of spying on Pakistan in front of the media and had this to say about Sarbajit Singh.

He Is a RAW operative. Check my previous post that i updated.

Na, no plans to send him to Iran.

Its about justice.

14 souls dead, why speak while being gravely ignorant about the subject ?

It, already has been overdue for 23 years, they said that they didn't have an executioner which they have found now. Plus "world's largest democracy" has set a precedent in "swift justice" which Pakistan needs to learn to adapt to. So this IS the right time IMHO.

Sarabajit is not proven guilty according to your judicial system EXACTLY how Kasab wasn't proven guilty according to our judicial system.
The prisoner we recently released [Shouldn't have] has said this about Sarabajit.

Sarabjit Singh is a terrorist: Surjeet - thenews.com.pk

Indians already are begging for mercy for Sarabajit, an evidence that they pulled all chances of his survival off the table by hanging Kasab and not letting Pakistan finish its investigation hence pulling a political stunt for upcoming elections to score brownie points.

7-Hours ago

Show mercy to Sarabjit Singh: Markandey Katju - India - DNA

He must be hanged, before our govt fails again.

* If you mention me in your next post i do reserve the right to hand you an infraction for a personal attack, should i chose or not to exercise it.

He can tell this story to whatever God he has.

He wasn't hanged for political reasons and his plea for mercy has been denied 5 times which means his death is imminent, clock is ticking anti clockwise.

Imagine being one of the victims family, would you still say it?

Manmohan wants to look "tough" for the next elections, we should send him Sarbajit's bodybag on to nullify India's "innocence".

Inspired actually, by the conduct of "World's largest democracy" and its conduct of "swift justice". I, want this "inspiration" to translate into justice being served by hanging the Indian terrorist Sarbajit Singh.

Sarabajit should see God, perhaps Kasab is impatient to play with him in Jahanum open tennis tennis tournamentwith him in hell.

No no, we want to "learn" from India and "copy" its actions. India is already begging for mercy on Sarabajit, they have realized that they just pulled of the handle on sarabajit by hanging Kasab hence, killing any possibility of a prisoner swap after Pakistan had completed its investigation[It was a proposed plan]. But, no Congress had to "look tough" on Pakistan for next elections.

The moment i read Kasab has been hung, first thought that came to my mind was "Poor Sarabajit".

5th plea of mercy has been rejected - his neck can click any time now.

Its, all right dude i am used to with Indians making blanket statements. [i, have fun when my Indian friends get drunk and they show their real "not very nice face" to me which i choose to let go just because they are drunk-]

Nice and slow, - 5th mercy plea has been rejected. Your conspiracy theories will come down with a bang, the moment his neck clicks.

I, never said i "THINK" or "Want" - all said is that there was a "possibility" which doesn't exist anymore, means your own govt tied the death rope around Sarabajit's neck by two more clicks, all that is needed is someone to pull the handle which can happen any moment.

In, fact he means that he has been in prison for 23 years, his soul should be free of his unholy existence now.

No,its your Failure to admit that Sarabajit is also a mass murder. And Aeronaut is preaching, justice for the victims of his terrorism and to end his misery, faster. There is no legal ground for him breathing any more on our taxpayers money. Pull the damn handle.

Brilliant, post.

I, don't want tit for tat vis visa Manmohan's political stunt. But Pakistan's failure to execute him is a pain for his victims, 5 mercy pleas have been denied. He has spend 23 years in prison, we should learn from India's "swift justice model" and end his misery.

We released one in return. But it won't be happening for this dude i think.

All of Scandinavia has a population less than that of Karachi, and no one has been blowing them up. Its about humanity, and its even more about justice.

Pakistan's investigation now will never conclude based on independent evidence, in relation to Kasab. He got what he deserved, as every useful idiot does. Its time to end the misery of this Indian dude sitting in Kot Lakhpat Jail.

You will receive his bodybag or ashes - depending on what India wants.

Ah, didn't know so many Indians will come to defend a terrorist when they didn't like any Pakistani even asking question over Kasab. What a paradox aye ?

A fair trail, full access to state funded lawyers, access to human rights activists like Ansar Burni and a chance to plea for mercy 5 times. It can't get any more fair..He is guilty of a mass murder, he should now get the ultimate shaft.

The point is not tit for tat but "learning" from "Humanity's largest democracy's swift deal of justice". Its an epic role model India has set for others which has inspired me in many ways. It should be followed, this dude hasn't had sex for 23 years.. nor has seen, light of the day. Its time to end him and give peace to his victims.

We didn't have an executioner for many years too, one dude has turned up to work who killed that mad fauji last week. He might pull that damn lever on Sarabajit.--- His victims will finally have peace.

His day is coming, when he will pay for his crimes as Kasab.

They already can't Surbajit goes to the gallows :D

Manmohan or ANY Indian leader cant go HARD on Pakistan. Its a fact you must live with.

Aman ki asha has nothing to do with Terrorists be it Kasab or Sarbajit.

Sarabajit is a terrorist, and you are his sympathetizer. You are all in for a shock. This is Pakistani way, let him rot for 23 years and then pull the handle that he could totally could come to terms with his terrorism and how many people were killed as a result. Its time to give him the ultimate shaft.

I am happy to see him crawl to his dreadful end. He should pay for his crimes, that is the entire point, its all about justice after all.

Its almost 2013 already :)


Just read the words by mod before commenting.

PS; this post will be deleted ... so read it fast...
You are joking right? More than 50 so far this year.

Execution List 2012 | Death Penalty Information Center

And why is not being democracy an excuse? Are people living in non democratic countries not human?, so they don't have/need human rights?

Had Sarabjeet been a terrorist your country would have executed him long ago. He was a spy, and thats the reason why your country hasn't executed him, both countries have each others spies locked up in prisons, you ll never hear any news about any of them being executed.

What did I say that was wrong, I said some right leaning states like Texas. Go and read the name of the states. Most are Republican stronghold and a couple are tossup states.
Wrong.. I will give a quick recap.

PS; this post will be deleted ... so read it fast...

I am surprised that all need for the justice suddenly appeared after the hanging of kasab?
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