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Three militants were today killed in an encounter with security forces in south Kashmir's Pulwama.

I call it 'Disillusioned moron with a gun' Bingo.

I hope, no, I pray that someday a foreign army occupies your home, your neighbourhood and promises that it's only temporary and that they'll soon arrange for a plebiscite and allow you to decide your political future, only to later reveal it was a series of gigantic lies and bluffs meant to gradually consolidate their hold over your home. Then, not only do they never allow you your birth right right of plebiscite but insult you with countless sham, rigged elections over the course of several decades. And when you or your son, daughter, wife, or parents grow so frustrated that they find themselves compelled to take to streets, that army showers them with pallets, blinding, maiming, and killing your family member. I hope the same army uses rape as a tool of repression against your wife and daughters, abducts your son on trumped up charges and later kills and buries him off in some unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. I hope the same army routinely tortures your brothe, harasses him, and makes free use of their government bestowed license to kill (AFSPA) and suppress any and all forms of dissent and freedoms.

I hope some day your own family member, your son, daughter, wife, mother, or father goes through this treatment and then someday decides to take up arms and fight the invaders. I hope he or she meet the same fate as these 'militants'.

When all this has happened (I hope it soon does), I will then ask how you feel as you see and hear people who're living far away in their well-provided cocoons cheer for and celebrate your family's agony.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll have learned to see things without the lens of rabid nationalism then and will be able to see invaders for what they really are. Maybe, when your own family suffers before your eyes, you'll finally develop some empathy for those you're aren't even to recognize as humans right now.
Looks like Zakir Musa is the only prominent faggot left who will be eliminated soon. IA is doing a great job
I hope, no, I pray that someday a foreign army occupies your home, your neighbourhood and promises that it's only temporary and that they'll soon arrange for a plebiscite and allow you to decide your political future, only to later reveal it was a series of gigantic lies and bluffs meant to gradually consolidate their hold over your home. Then, not only do they never allow you your birth right right of plebiscite but insult you with countless sham, rigged elections over the course of several decades. And when you or your son, daughter, wife, or parents grow so frustrated that they find themselves compelled to take to streets, that army showers them with pallets, blinding, maiming, and killing your family member. I hope the same army uses rape as a tool of repression against your wife and daughters, abducts your son on trumped up charges and later kills and buries him off in some unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. I hope the same army routinely tortures your brothe, harasses him, and makes free use of their government bestowed license to kill (AFSPA) and suppress any and all forms of dissent and freedoms.

I hope some day your own family member, your son, daughter, wife, mother, or father goes through this treatment and then someday decides to take up arms and fight the invaders. I hope he or she meet the same fate as these 'militants'.

When all this has happened (I hope it soon does), I will then ask how you feel as you see and hear people who're living far away in their well-provided cocoons cheer for and celebrate your family's agony.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll have learned to see things without the lens of rabid nationalism then and will be able to see invaders for what they really are. Maybe, when your own family suffers before your eyes, you'll finally develop some empathy for those you're aren't even to recognize as humans right now.
It will never happen. You wanna know why?
Cause I will never move to a foreign state that belongs to some other nation and then go on demanding azadi.
I'm not a zealot, so I wont take up arms against the nation to whom the state belongs to on some stupid religious notions.
I will never actively work against the interests of my fellow people by igniting violence for the sole purpose of creating disturbances.
I will not tempt the wrath of such a nation by pledging allegiance to an enemy nation and tempt fate by provocation.
But most importantly, I will not pick up a pea shooter and a pair of camo pajamas and go to war with the 4th most powerful military in the world.
I mean, I would have to be some kinda 'disillusioned moron' to think that would work right?
I hope, no, I pray that someday a foreign army occupies your home, your neighbourhood and promises that it's only temporary and that they'll soon arrange for a plebiscite and allow you to decide your political future, only to later reveal it was a series of gigantic lies and bluffs meant to gradually consolidate their hold over your home. Then, not only do they never allow you your birth right right of plebiscite but insult you with countless sham, rigged elections over the course of several decades. And when you or your son, daughter, wife, or parents grow so frustrated that they find themselves compelled to take to streets, that army showers them with pallets, blinding, maiming, and killing your family member. I hope the same army uses rape as a tool of repression against your wife and daughters, abducts your son on trumped up charges and later kills and buries him off in some unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. I hope the same army routinely tortures your brothe, harasses him, and makes free use of their government bestowed license to kill (AFSPA) and suppress any and all forms of dissent and freedoms.

I hope some day your own family member, your son, daughter, wife, mother, or father goes through this treatment and then someday decides to take up arms and fight the invaders. I hope he or she meet the same fate as these 'militants'.

When all this has happened (I hope it soon does), I will then ask how you feel as you see and hear people who're living far away in their well-provided cocoons cheer for and celebrate your family's agony.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll have learned to see things without the lens of rabid nationalism then and will be able to see invaders for what they really are. Maybe, when your own family suffers before your eyes, you'll finally develop some empathy for those you're aren't even to recognize as humans right now.

Foreign Army already occupied our home. Multiple times.

This army of Islamists in Kashmir is just the latest instance.
I hope, no, I pray that someday a foreign army occupies your home, your neighbourhood and promises that it's only temporary and that they'll soon arrange for a plebiscite and allow you to decide your political future, only to later reveal it was a series of gigantic lies and bluffs meant to gradually consolidate their hold over your home. Then, not only do they never allow you your birth right right of plebiscite but insult you with countless sham, rigged elections over the course of several decades. And when you or your son, daughter, wife, or parents grow so frustrated that they find themselves compelled to take to streets, that army showers them with pallets, blinding, maiming, and killing your family member. I hope the same army uses rape as a tool of repression against your wife and daughters, abducts your son on trumped up charges and later kills and buries him off in some unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. I hope the same army routinely tortures your brothe, harasses him, and makes free use of their government bestowed license to kill (AFSPA) and suppress any and all forms of dissent and freedoms.

I hope some day your own family member, your son, daughter, wife, mother, or father goes through this treatment and then someday decides to take up arms and fight the invaders. I hope he or she meet the same fate as these 'militants'.

When all this has happened (I hope it soon does), I will then ask how you feel as you see and hear people who're living far away in their well-provided cocoons cheer for and celebrate your family's agony.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll have learned to see things without the lens of rabid nationalism then and will be able to see invaders for what they really are. Maybe, when your own family suffers before your eyes, you'll finally develop some empathy for those you're aren't even to recognize as humans right now.
There is no foreign army bu some mis guided people.

There same army guard borders of Punjab, Rajasthan other states, there is no complaints form the locals there, so army is not a fault but some one else who is doing politics on innocent Kashmiri blood
It will never happen. You wanna know why?
Cause I will never move to a foreign state that belongs to some other nation and then go on demanding azadi.
I'm not a zealot, so I wont take up arms against the nation to whom the state belongs to on some stupid religious notions.
I will never actively work against the interests of my fellow people by igniting violence for the sole purpose of creating disturbances.
I will not tempt the wrath of such a nation by pledging allegiance to an enemy nation and tempt fate by provocation.
But most importantly, I will not pick up a pea shooter and a pair of camo pajamas and go to war with the 4th most powerful military in the world.
I mean, I would have to be some kinda 'disillusioned moron' to think that would work right?

Whatever you have tried to pass on as argument here is so utterly devoid of all sense that it feels like a waste of bandwidth replying to it.

Does being 4th or whatever largest military or economy mean Indian state is also in the right in this conflict? If anything, it affirms the ground reality that its the aggressor, the oppressor.

But again your misguided nationalism has robbed you of the ability to set aside your prejudice for a moment and think impartially, humanely. And probably the only way you're going to wake up and smell the coffee is if your family goes through what Kashmiris go through at the hands of Indian Army.
Whatever you have tried to pass on as argument here is so utterly devoid of all sense that it feels like a waste of bandwidth replying to it.

Does being 4th or whatever largest military or economy mean Indian state is also in the right in this conflict? If anything, it affirms the ground reality that its the aggressor, the oppressor.

But again your misguided nationalism has robbed you of the ability to set aside your prejudice for a moment and think impartially, humanely. And probably the only way you're going to wake up and smell the coffee is if your family goes through what Kashmiris go through at the hands of Indian Army.

I was merely pointing out to the futility of an armed revolt against the Indian government. In fact, when was the last time an armed secession movement achieved anything against any country that wasn't already a failed state?
If they want change, making enemies out of the rest of the country won't help them.
As far as the world is concerned, they are terrorists, fighting against the government. If they want to change that perception, drop the armed struggle.

This is some serious targeting.
Hurriyat in Jail, Terrorists getting massacred, only thing left is abolition of article 370.

You stole the words from my mouth, let them enjoy thier 72 in hell!

Before winter. :tup:
Winter has come a little early for the valley, in a hail of bullets for these terrorists.

I hope, no, I pray that someday a foreign army occupies your home, your neighbourhood and promises that it's only temporary and that they'll soon arrange for a plebiscite and allow you to decide your political future, only to later reveal it was a series of gigantic lies and bluffs meant to gradually consolidate their hold over your home. Then, not only do they never allow you your birth right right of plebiscite but insult you with countless sham, rigged elections over the course of several decades. And when you or your son, daughter, wife, or parents grow so frustrated that they find themselves compelled to take to streets, that army showers them with pallets, blinding, maiming, and killing your family member. I hope the same army uses rape as a tool of repression against your wife and daughters, abducts your son on trumped up charges and later kills and buries him off in some unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. I hope the same army routinely tortures your brothe, harasses him, and makes free use of their government bestowed license to kill (AFSPA) and suppress any and all forms of dissent and freedoms.

I hope some day your own family member, your son, daughter, wife, mother, or father goes through this treatment and then someday decides to take up arms and fight the invaders. I hope he or she meet the same fate as these 'militants'.

When all this has happened (I hope it soon does), I will then ask how you feel as you see and hear people who're living far away in their well-provided cocoons cheer for and celebrate your family's agony.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll have learned to see things without the lens of rabid nationalism then and will be able to see invaders for what they really are. Maybe, when your own family suffers before your eyes, you'll finally develop some empathy for those you're aren't even to recognize as humans right now.

Ok... man these were not promotors of peace and extending an olive branch here. Seriously defending terrorists it's sickening.
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