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“This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

There are two types of nations in the world :

1)Those that want to spread influence and protect their interests and have the capability
2) Those that want to but do not have the capability

You are apparently geopolitically illiterate and do not realise this basic nature of nations in wanting to propagate their interests.

It's called being in the middle of something called war. You may have heard of it.

The real issue in the world, and for example Iraq is not even Iran. It's a lack of education, most people in this world have the intelligence of a monkey. The only reason for influence is because people allow it.

That said, the akhoonds of Iran should support Armenia against Tayyip.
thats what i try to explain to people all the time. the azeris who identify themselfs as turkish (which is wrong cause they are Iranians) seem to forget that even 60-70 years the shia opressed in turkey and i don't want to talk about the ottoman empire hundret of thousands of shias got killed.

It's a delusional mindset that we shouldn't care too much about really. If they want to view themselves as being "Turkish" lmao. Then let them, just know Iran can and does hold the figurate sword of Damocles over their heads if push ever came to shove.
thats what i try to explain to people all the time. the azeris who identify themselfs as turkish (which is wrong cause they are Iranians) seem to forget that even 60-70 years the shia opressed in turkey and i don't want to talk about the ottoman empire hundret of thousands of shias got killed.

Sure, but I am sure you know the famous Persian saying: " You cannot awake people pretending to sleeping". Many of these people are infatuated by an idea, the actual facts do not mean anything to them. What matters for us Iranians is protecting our interests, our goals are long term, these fanatical barking along the way won't stop Iran.
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Sure, but I am sure you know the famous Persian saying: " You cannot awake people pretending to sleeping". Many of these people are infatuated by an idea, the actual facts do not mean anything to them. What matters for us Iranians is protecting our interests, our goals are long terms, these fanatical barking along the way won't stop Iran.

Agreed, let them believe in their baseless delusions whilst Iran continues doing what it needs to do.
Its funny how people of Iran forget how IRan proudly took weapons from ISrael in Iran_isarel contra affair to attack fellow brethren of Iraq, The country where Shiaism originated

first of all we got attackt from iraq and we didn't start the war.
second we don't deny this fact that things like that happen thats a historical fact.
you people in this forum talking about muslim unity all the time an pointing finger on others. i never said Iran didn't make any mistakes you act like you are the peferct muslim country and so on.
you close your eyes on your own history. claiming Iran is fighting against muslim countries while you closed your eyes when you master saudi arabia and usa along side with israel destroyed syria iraq and yemen. there aren't muslims in syria yemen or iraq or is it just the fact that "the right countries" attacking them.

didn't the taliban fought against the northern alliance? weren't they sunni muslims? didn't the pakistani intelligence agencies helped the taliban or at least let them do so and also hide in pakastin. taliban had more pakistani members then afghans.

didn't you helped the jundullah terrorist hiding in pakistan after they made terrorit attacks in Iran. killing Iranian children and women.

there is a long list that can go on and on

so before you point your finger on others look in the mirror.
The real issue in the world, and for example Iraq is not even Iran. It's a lack of education, most people in this world have the intelligence of a monkey. The only reason for influence is because people allow it.

That said, the akhoonds of Iran should support Armenia against Tayyip.

nice said bro
First of all, there is no such thing as "Turkish Azeris". Azeris themselves are a distinct Iranic group that have lived on the Iranian plateau for millenias before the arrival of the Turko-Mongol tribes. Genetics do not lie:

View attachment 676187

"The origin of the Turkic-speaking population of the north-western provinces of Iran, the so-called Azaris, is the subject of long-year debate. Here, we present preliminary results on testing of several hypotheses concerning their origin: 1) the Azaris are the descendants of the Turkic ethnic groups migrated from Central Asia; 2) they have an autochthonous origins; 3) they are of Iranian origin; and 4) they have mixed ethnic origin with unknown proportions of source populations' contribution. The results show that Azaris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language replacement (change) with regard to Azaris occurred through "elite dominance" mechanism rather than "demic diffusion" model"

In other words, any connection between Azeris and Turks are relatively superficial i.e linguistic based and recent. Culturally speaking, Azeris today are in reality connected to other Iranic groups. So please, do not muddy the discussion with mis/disinformation. Yes you find some confused individuals in Iran, but do not forget the Iranian leader himself is part Azeri and Azeris have historically fought and killed countless Turks/Ottomons. Pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail.

Now, regarding your comment of "cutting Iran from Armenia". Who has the capability to bring this fantasy to reality? if you mean Turkey, then you are too weak and vulnerable to try something like this. Do not forget your own substantial rising Kurdish population that are essentially a ticking bomb for Turkey if you're not careful. On top of that, in political times, it was nearly only yesterday where there was a coupe d'etat attempt in your country. You're in a glass tower and are starting to throw pebbles. How do you think this could end? I am frankly surprised at the ineptitude of the Turkish leadership in following these fanatical policies without seeing what's right in front of them. If Turkey is not careful, it will become another chaos state. You have put all your neighbours on bad terms with you. Instead of being worried, you've decided to become intoxicated by this same Erdogan fantasy.

I have said before in this forum that a few sanctions on Turkey is all it will take to cause your economy to collapse. You are no Iran. You are too weak and vulnerable due to your dependancies. Bunch of out of touch fanboys on the internet "hurraying" you along will not change reality.

please post this genetic chart for any Azari who thinks they are TOORK, and not Aryan!!!
Post it a million times till they undrestand that DNA science has the last say on this issue.....
The real issue in the world, and for example Iraq is not even Iran. It's a lack of education, most people in this world have the intelligence of a monkey. The only reason for influence is because people allow it.

That said, the akhoonds of Iran should support Armenia against Tayyip.

Sure, ultimately there are reasons why some nations success at spreading their influence and others fails, many factors to discuss. In terms of Iran supporting Armenia, Iran has its own calculations at play here. Azerbaijan is a weak state that could be decapitated with ease if need be. Iran and Russia are certainly coordinating behind the scenes.
This is also another good DNA chart to show the gentic identity of Aryans and how closely all Iranian tribes are related:

the average person is geopolitically illiterate. This gets taken advantage of so easily by governments.

Iranian enemies are doing everything they can to try and blame Iran for this and turn Azeri Iranians against the government.

its almost about time for Iran to tear the disgraceful turkemenchai and golestan "treaties" and make territorial claims against azerbaijan and make it a long term policy to annex azerbaijan.

The azerbaijani regime thinks that because Iran is reluctant to take steps against it because of their azeri populace, this gives them a free hand to trade with Israel weapons for Zionist presence and spies on the Iranian border.

Azerbaijan has moved israeli spy equipment onto the Iranian border. Iran has every right in the world to take direct kinetic action against these zionist terrorist assets threatning Iran, and a direct strike on azerbaijan as a warning to never do this again

Iran cannot simply stand idle while enemies make moves against it right on her sensitive border areas.
And you know who are siding with the Israelis, the Arab muppets.
Agreed, let them believe in their baseless delusions whilst Iran continues doing what it needs to do.

Yes dadash, on a different note, I recall seeing a comment from you few days ago where you (understandably) were frustrated by Iran's lack of overt actions. When I use the word "long term" in my comments, I do not use that world lightly.
Iranians think in the context of their history, we've been around for 1000's of years . That's why its so important that we don't always expect some quick acts by Iran. This patience and long term thinking is something many people and nations lack. It's because of our history that we have this quality of "strategic patience". Iran is planting the seeds today, once they fully grow, Iran will once again become a great power, much more than it is now. We lost decades and centuries of development, but look how much we've developed in science, technology and military in the last decade alone. This needs to continue, just think long term. So whenever you feel disappointed that Iran is not slaughtering 100's of enemies in response to some moronic action by a clown like Trump, remember this.
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And you know who are siding with the Israelis, the Arab muppets.
On some issues yes the Gulf states are cooperating with Israel and the USA. UAE is surely supporting Armenia covertly, they fear a rising Turkey as more of an issue than Iran by far. In fact, relations with Iran have been improved a lot behind the scenes.

Turkey does the exact same thing on issues, it is in kahoots with USA, Europe and Israel in the situation of Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict, and against them on others like Kurdish issue.
Yes dadash, on a different note, I recall seeing a comment from you few days ago where you (understandably) were frustrated by Iran's lack of overt actions. When I use the word "long term" in my comments, I do not use that world lightly.
Iranians think in the context of their history, we've been around for 1000's of years . That's why its so important that we don't always expect some quick acts by Iran. This patience and long term thinking is something many people and nations lack. It's because of our history that we have this quality of "strategic patience". Iran is planting the seeds today, once they fully grow, Iran will once again become a great power, much more than it is now. We lost decades and centuries of development, but look how much we've developed in science, technology and military in the last decade alone. This needs to continue, just think long term. So whenever you feel disappointed that Iran is not slaughtering 100's of enemies in response to some moronic action by a clown like Trump, remember this.

Yes dadash, on a different note, I recall seeing a comment from you few days ago where you (understandably) were frustrated by Iran's lack of overt actions. When I use the word "long term" in my comments, I do not use that world lightly.
Iranians think in the context of their history, we've been around for 1000's of years . That's why its so important that we don't always expect some quick acts by Iran. This patience and long term thinking is something many people and nations lack. It's because of our history that we have this quality of "strategic patience". Iran is planting the seeds today, once they fully grow, Iran will once again become a great power, much more than it is now. We lost decades and centuries of development, but look how much we've developed in science, technology and military in the last decade alone. This needs to continue, just think long term. So whenever you feel disappointed that Iran is not slaughtering 100's of enemies in response to some moronic action by a clown like Trump, remember this.

Valla chi begim rafigh.... Ahdam belkhareh khasteh misheh.

Harfi digeh nadaram xD, hamoon ke gofti man ghabool daram.

Iran will become stronger as the years and decades roll on. Of this I have no doubt.
Valla chi begim rafigh.... Ahdam belkhareh khasteh misheh.

Harfi digeh nadaram xD, hamoon ke gofti man ghabool daram.

Iran will become stronger as the years and decades roll on. Of this I have no doubt.

Don't worry dadash, I completely understand your frustration. Good things are just a matter of time. We must admire Iran's restrain and wisdom given how it is clearly putting this "think long term" into practise. There is a reason why we have survived so long as a people and nation.

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